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Everything posted by 999madtom

  1. Hi this topic is where to share your YouTube video's of mods that are on the mods page. Rules: Must be your video's/channels Video's of Em4 only Channel's of anything No negative feedback Enjoy sharing! Here's my YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/999madtom
  2. You have the photo's mixed up the newest has nothing and your old post has a bat and a ghost
  3. I have a 509 error when I click on the link
  4. Updates? The creator said the mod is stopped 'for a few weeks'
  5. Can I be head of Emergency Services? ps I can't go there, I would have to do it by internet.
  6. Ok will post the link on here when I put the video on YouTube.
  7. Amazing, can't wait to play. I have asked this before but it did not get replyed to so: Can I make a video about this mod when it comes out?
  8. I'm not looking forward for the release, I'm looking forward to playing it!
  9. Too late EOC has asked you to attend both incidents 10 mins later. Your dispacher was on a break.
  10. When this comes out can I make a video and put it on my YouTube account?
  11. Your a HART (http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.php?/topic/17878-hart-ambulance/) team leader. You here radio chatter of a unoffical major incident (Incident commander has not demeed it YET), 20 miles away. Then you here there is a guy who has fainted and hit his head, 1 mile away. All the ambulances in your area are busy. Where do you send your team? I would sent 2 guys in the RRV to the guy and the Incident truck and me to the major incident.
  12. Your you (easy). And you see a male in a hoodie on a bike cycling through a City/Town centre and he grabs an old woman's handbag and is making slow progress cycling. The old woman is trying to chase. I would tell the old woman to stop chasing and pin him and phone the police. (My police station is just round the corner from the town centre.
  13. What is your Major Trauma centre? Because mine is Southampton General Hospital.
  14. Yep, on both versions some sirens don't work on the PD cars, some on the EMS don't work and all of the FD sirens don't work (I have both versions)
  15. Nope it was a small old ambulance. White, Ambulance written on the side, blue lights and a two tone horn (more than a few years ago, when my dad was an MOD driver). But because of cutbacks they completely took the military out of where I live and my dad does not have a job.
  16. I just wish I could upload pictures because I make these all the time.
  17. Still very stupid drivers- My Dad was driving a military ambulance transporting someone and some driver that has not been paying attention see's the ambulance sign and slams their brakes (No siren, no lights)
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