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About Paradise067

  • Birthday 04/20/1994

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    Krung Thep (Bangkok), Thailand
  • Interests
    Real Time Strategy/Simulation, Emergency Services, Tactical realism military games.
    Photography, Shooting, etc.

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  1. I had the same problem. I can load and play other mods fine.
  2. Cities: Skylines Update 1.1.0- ตึกสไตล์ยุโรป- ตึกอาคารอยู่ติดกันได้- อุโมงค์- แมพใหม่ 3 แมพNapawat Pruek Suwannatathttps://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads%2Fcontent-update-1-1-0-is-live-on-retail.856707%2F

  3. [ORIGIN] The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection ครบทุกภาค ฟรี!ใส่โค๊ด I-LOVE-THE-SIMS ลงไปใน Redeem Product Code ได้เลย!http://help.ea.com/en/article/how-to-get-the-sims-2-ultimate-collection/

  4. Wiggling vehicles and pushing PT forward like a shopping cart at 8:20 made me laugh... though I'm not sure as if it's funny or as a pathetic disgrace to the developer.
  5. ALWAYS missed the good things, ALWAYS, in split seconds, you missed it, you had chance, and you lost that chance, ALWAYS. EVERY. SINGLE. TIMES.I told you to believe me, do what I says, but you denied to, that's fine, I won't share anything good with you again then. I'll just tell other.. oh wait I HAVE NO ONE ELSE.

  6. There's a little gecko in my bathroom :o

  7. BB player, y u no die when I shot you?!

  8. Hahahaha..*attempted to go 7-11**locked door, walked out**at the condo's key card door**realized forgot key chains with key card**went back to room*"Where is my key?"*laugh at himself**called key technician**wait for 30 minutes**technician unlocks door in 2 attempts within 5 seconds**paid 200 Baht**No money for food*I never forgot key before T_TWaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  9. DAFUQ?! *Driving Scania truck in ETS2**Front truck turning right exit ramp* *front truck hit sign* *sign get knocked off to the left and hit my truck* *immediately honk and stop*Very good features, SCS Software!

  10. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ;(

    1. Paradise067


      Manhattan Mod won't start up, after intro, long black screen and not responding.

  11. Thank you bob100101 Now it's worked, both my friend and mine. I've tried downgrade to older driver and then update to lastest.
  12. WTF?!?! TIMELINE?!?!?!?!?!?!?! !)@*_@@_)@*_)!@*(!@

  13. I've the same problem of "Black screen then crash to desktop", also my friend, while we're trying to play last night after a long time that we haven't played it together. We basically did not touch any of the Emergency 4-related things at all. It worked fine perfectly like, 3 months ago, when we last time played it. I tried updated graphic driver, it is lastest. I tried start as Administrator, it didn't work. I tried start as Windows XP (Service Pack 2 and 3). I tried start with 800x600 resolution, on both SYSTEM RESOLUTION and GAME's em4.cfg file. I removed all K-lite codec packs. I reinstalled and run the game, no mod, and tried above solutions, none worked. These problems happened together with me and my friend. Thanks for your time, thank you! System information and other files attached: DxDiag.txt logfile.txt
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