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Ghost Graphic Designs

European Modding
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Everything posted by Ghost Graphic Designs

  1. Hi again guys. I've been having some trouble with some basic modding stuff: I have a vehicle type set as TLF and I added some connectors to it(connector0, 1, etc.). When I go to the game, the connectors disappear and only the cannon works.After that, I tried to remove the cannon and set the vehicle as GTF. This time, the connectors appeared and the fire fighters were able to use them. Any clue on how I can get a working TLF with connectors? Thanks in advance and sorry for always asking questions like this.
  2. Today I went to RSB Lisboa's station in Alvalade [3rd Division]. Here are the pictures I took, if you're interested. Some vids:
  3. Well, I must agree with you. 2004 was a year of changes for INEM (Euro 2004 was taking place in Portugal) they incorporated the fluoruscent yellow it because of the human eye sensitivity to the color and because of most of the European countries were using it too. Before 2004, all of the vehicles were white with blue stripes. Like this one: You may notice the lack of the chevron-like striping. That was part of the livery update, too.
  4. Wait, I got it working!! Apparently, if you start the Editor without admin rights, it won't do anything to the files! Thanks for the help and sorry for the "unecessary topic".
  5. Hi guys. I recently got a new PC, and installed Emergency 4. I noticed one thing that happened (in my old PC I was able to fix it, but I don't remember how): When I add a prototype to a modification, the modification folder doesn't show the added model.When upacking model files, the model remains the same (packed), while the Editor keeps saying that the model is already unpacked.I already removed the "read-only" attributes to the EM4 folder (and all the subfolders/files) and it changes nothing.Any solutions?
  6. I just got Zmodeler3 and I gotta say... it's the most useful tool that I've been using in the past days! I've been trying some new stuff with the person modelling and came up with this: Will the bulletproof vest resist to Niko?
  7. Taken today. My camera isn't exactly "professional" but it gets the job done. Random planes above Lisbon. Volkswagen Passat - VMER INEM (Fly-car) :3
  8. It's a bug that I get when I'm playing the campaign mission, all of my added personnel walk instead of running. Thanks for the feedback.
  9. Here's another update. Ford Explorer - NOOSE Tactical Response Unit Dunno if I should add a lightbar to it, nothing seems to fit in the design of the Explorer . Basically it will carry the same personnel as the Enforcer. It will be able to patrol the freeplay map. I'm trying to stick with the ficticional manufacter ideas, but most of the downloadable GTA 4 models are locked, so I'm kind of mixing both real and fictional vehicle manufacters. Original paint-scheme inspired in a vehicle livery pack for LCPD:FR. Model by NNICO.
  10. I added a custom sound but, apparently, EM4 did something with the sounds and played the regular one instead of the shotgun sound. The music used: Shotgun script test - COD4 Main Theme VFCI 01 light-preview - COD:Ghosts - Santa Monica Beach Invasion.
  11. That horrible feeling when you don't want to work on a mod. I need more sleep. xD

  12. Nice... The portuguese emergency services love to make exercises like that one. The video that you're reffering is probably this one. In the end, a military truck arrives on-scene. LIGHT PREVIEW - VFCI 01 (Brush/Forest Fire Truck)
  13. +1 I wonder if Hoppah would use his magic to do such thing.... xD
  14. We also have big trucks. I'm thinking of making this one: Still gotta figure out how to edit the trailer script...
  15. Crap... Forgot to change that. I'm trying to put both real-life vehicles and GTA car models. So that you guys have more variety.
  16. Here's a WIP-shot of the progress on the FDLC ambulance so far... Models: Cabin by cops Rear-part by Manhattan Modification team Please leave your sugestions/feedback below!
  17. Exactly. It's a deployable tent that's used as a mobile hospital to treat seriously injured patients. Here are some pictures:
  18. Another update! Here's a Logistical Support Unit from the National EMS Institute (INEM). This unit will be able to transport 3 paramedics to the scene and to set-up a campaign-hospital. It will transport about 5 victims. Enjoy...
  19. ERS Berlin LHF on the right side? BTW, nice job on the mod, I kinda like your vehicles.
  20. Yeah! The only problem is that the amount of polys that some models have... Zmod2 screws up the polys and you end up with a slow gameplay because of the high-poly models. Atleast that's what happens to me.
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