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About JDY77

  • Birthday 05/07/1910

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    Salisbury, UK

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  1. Or incorporating lots of different areas into one big map
  2. I agree with this - Large scale, but realistic missions. I'd like to see the football riot mission from Em 1 return but on a larger scale. Also the multiple vehicle pileups, maybe including a lorry carrying hazardous materials where people need decontamination or something
  3. Missing people in freeplay would be cool with rescue dogs and helicopters
  4. Yeah, particularly the ability to create roads and maps without having to download photoshop
  5. I'd like to see a return to a generic European city, instead of specific places. Also I'd prefer all types of emergencies, instead of just natural disasters like in EM2012. A bigger freeplay map would be cool too, maybe incorporating a city, countryside and coastline with Motorways/Highways connecting them.
  6. Wow! This is looking good, glad everything is still go!
  7. JDY77


    Ahh! Looking everywhere for that little Hazmat guy!!!
  8. They're amazing! I like the Hampshire X5
  9. I ban you for being a drummer... Guitarists rule!
  10. Actually, that does make sense... Everyone could contribute their own missions and maps
  11. Will this mod contain HART units? Nice to see its back again
  12. Will construction of this mod continue after EM2012?
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