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Everything posted by CFDDIVE11

  1. Holy Jesus those are amazing! Are they going to be in the patch
  2. Around here there's tanker boxes where what you get is one engine and 5-7 tankers
  3. Cops patch works good. Can't wait for the release of the official patch
  4. Maybe instead of bashing him you guys support him? Last time I checked Mayberry is a knock off of LA mod and Mentor your mods are knock offs also with a couple of mashed models.
  5. There's a town south of Chicago they cover 105 square miles with one station.
  6. That would be sweet if you were allowed to cops!
  7. Dont know if this has been mentioned but the units at station one don't like to park in there bays. They like the park outside horizontally
  8. Whenever I shoot and take away he vehicles that stall on the map they somehow reappear. I know that theres vehicles that get stuck but is the reappearing normal?
  9. If you guys call in the vollys you get 10 more guys
  10. I believe there's going to be edits to it like a 3rd station.
  11. I noticed this a few days ago I had around 800 posts and then I come on the next day and it's back to 0. Did this happen to anybody else?
  12. The pictures of the new station aren't coming up for me
  13. Version 1.4 has been released. It's on there facebook page.
  14. Yes i've seen those but nothing for a few months
  15. I know Raf and some guys on his team are creating one based off of FDNY and NYPD. But I haven't heard much on it.
  16. If the rioting and burning stuff down is true im going to taze every civilian until it happens
  17. Yeah it's an integrated intel card. I can deal with it unless it effects the gameplay to much then i will stop
  18. I had a problem where the map would start to turn white in parts and it looked like snow and he said it was probably because of my GPU. I miss understood Ladders problem
  19. Yeah i had that problem to and i messaged bama and he said it could be because i have an integrated graphics card. Do you have an integrated card?
  20. Bama noticed that the mini map image is still the la mod one. Will there be a new image?
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