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Everything posted by CFDDIVE11

  1. So many fires! and is it just me or do the vehicles seem slower compared to other mods? It seems like they go the same speed as units that are set to patrol.
  2. So it's a mod of a apartment building?
  3. 2 days before EM5! Great news!
  4. Ahh ok. I assumed that it wasn't because they said Brooklyn was there last one. You guys have a talented group of modders over there.
  5. How do you add in your own personal music?
  6. tft you usually don't ask to test and they said they already have a selected group of testers.
  7. Very nice... Could you do a picture with all the fire and EMS units?
  8. XP system is excellent! And will you make a drug guide for people that don't know what each drug does
  9. It would be pretty cool if you could send those on patrol and actually clear snow...
  10. Dangggg those look excellent! if you had to put a progress bar on the mod what percentage would you be at?
  11. I save my game when there's no calls going on and then when I load it up it crashes? Any help?
  12. It would be cool if there was a call where you went to a house fire and did a standby or treated a burn patient because of a house fire...
  13. I wouldn't say not in inventory anymore... it's probably floating around in a warehouse waiting for the riot of the century
  14. Hmmm anyone got a word on this? Is it worth the buy?
  15. Wow! you guys are excellent at making your mods. Keep up the good work!
  16. Very nice.. is it going to be a regional airport or like a international airport? And will it have a FD on the airport grounds?
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