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Everything posted by USMarshal

  1. Right, the download is not activated. Someone Webmaster will activate the download in the next hours or tomorrow. USMarshal
  2. So, I've updated the Version with a "new" Mod Logo and some fixes and changes. Have fun!
  3. Hi! I think, a thread for the Bordsund-Mod is nice... ENGLISH DESCRIPTION: Features: New and changing sounds Vehicles of Chidea (THANKS) General changes in Maps 1-7 (MORE COMING SOON) Light fixes (I've doctored the lights on some vehicles.) Construction Site Time (These maps are now 1-6 sites available) 13 New Vehicles (!) - Adapted original vehicles were (civil) were "converted" the dan in emergency vehicles and filled with the appropriate lights, as well as vehicles from other modders and users. New Skins! Altered Freeplaymap (Well recognizable!) New special signaling systems (see details below) New MCU-FW THW and DB vehicles Acknowledgements: [NOT ALL SPECIAL SIGNALLING DEVICES ARE INSTALLED ON VEHICLES, BUT UNDER CONSTRUCTION!] Chidea. - For the fire trucks and the blue light bar (!) Rihis - For the special signal bars and lights Surround basement or Jonny - For the special signal system Flo. Wesermarsch 12-22 - For its special signal system Black Hunter and Mark Florian - For the special signaling systems Florian Hagen 51/93/1 - For his special signal system TimmeyX, ERS, Mibblitz, Engine.Co.7 and Florian Hagen for the NRW-MTW David - For his Wuppertal patrol car and the VW Tiguan VPI and Silverhawk - for the Fiat Ducato skaihof - Master for his Movano Iglheaz - For his Crafter and the Audi Q7 godra - For his Citroen C5 ELW Magicman - For its MoveTo scripts TimmeyX - For his front flashers Heros - Script For his inside attack Niederwall shore - For his sign Armed party name - of Woltep FW-GUARD by: Guard by Abraxsas -Skin by Flea (Günzburg) GeRrItK. - For his rescue station Niederwall shore - For his sign skaihof - The Police Station Changes to the new Verision: Screenshots WATCHING! New and changing sounds Vehicles of Chidea (THANKS) General changes in Maps 1-6 (MORE COMING SOON) Light fixes (I've doctored the lights on some vehicles.) (Amendment) Construction Site Time (These maps are now 1-6 sites available) 13 New Vehicles (!) - Adapted original vehicles were (civil) were "converted" the dan in emergency vehicles and filled with the appropriate lights, as well as vehicles from other modders and users. New Skins! Altered Freeplaymap (Now already recognizable) New home bases Please leave comments, suggestions, praise and problems (bugs) in the support thread! See the download site for german description and updates! (Link updated)
  4. Version 1.0


    ENGLISH DESCRIPTION: Features: New sounds Vehicles of Chidea (THANKS) General changes in Maps 1-7 Light fixes (I've doctored the lights on some vehicles.) New Skins! Altered Freeplaymap New special signaling systems New Homebase THW and DB vehicles New Skins! Some other bases (of PD and RD) Acknowledgements: Danke an alle Modelle von/Special thanks to the models of: Chidea - For the fire trucks and the blue light bar Rihis - For the special signal bars and lights Surround basement or Jonny - For the special signal system Flo. Wesermarsch 12-22 - For its special signal system Black Hunter and Mark Florian - For the special signaling systems Florian Hagen 51/93/1 - For his special signal system TimmeyX, ERS, Mibblitz, Engine.Co.7 and Florian Hagen for the NRW-MTW David - For his Wuppertal patrol car and the VW Tiguan VPI and Silverhawk - for the Fiat Ducato skaihof - Master for his Movano Iglheaz - For his Crafter and the Audi Q7 godra - For his Citroen C5 ELW Magicman - For its MoveTo scripts TimmeyX - For his front flashers Heros - Script for his inside attack Niederwallufer - for his city-sign Hoppah - For his VWCrafter Armed party name - of Woltep FW-GUARD by: Guard by Abraxsas Skin by Flea (Günzburg) /> GeRrItK. / Abraxsas, Günzburger, Tobbi 95 - for their rescue station Sani_Atomical - for the Wache Niederwall shore - for his sign skaihof - for the Police Station skaihof - for the Baustellen-Set houses (with parts of cgtextures.com ) skaihof - for the ad-signs Einsatzleiter: Modell: Stormi & EM Freaky | Skin: Walter Geronimo EKIA - for his magnetic bluelight Freiburger, Sebi19222, Supercop Jonny, skaihof - Arbeiter-Skins Robert, David - for the VW Tiguan used as "Notfallrettung" SimPF - Ausfahrtsschild Florian Essen - for his CityLightSign Florian Boppard 2/44 - for the Spritzenhaus Sven0815 - for the ad-sign (Feuerwehr) Authors of the Gate "Falltor": Modell: BF Frankfurt am Main Textur: BF Frankfurt am Main Animation: BF Frankfurt am Main Skins: Emergency1234 Sven - for his Paramedic-Case (Notfallkoffer) Saugschlauch - Standard-Schranke E4Modder3D - Baustellenset Stadtaffe, Wittener, Walter - Police and SEK-Uniforms supercop Jonny - Police man uniform LittleAngel, Stormi, David - Volkswagen T5 (SEK) S Jonny, Hoppah - Einsatzkleidung Notarzt- und Ärztin dnm, ERS, Geronima EKIA, MadMonk, Kasseläner, BWRobert - Police Transporter HH GERMAN DESCRIPTION: Features: Neue und veränderte Sounds Fahrzeuge von Chidea (DANKE) Allgemeine Veränderung der Maps 1-7 Lightfixes (Ich habe die Lichter von einigen Fahrzeugen frisiert.) Viele Neue Skins und Fahrzeuge! Veränderte Freeplaymap (Änderungen) Neue SOSI (Keine Änderung) Neuer ELW-FW THW und DB Fahrzeuge Danksagungen: Danke an alle Modelle von/Special thanks to the models of: Chidea - For the fire trucks and the blue light bar Rihis - For the special signal bars and lights Surround basement or Jonny - For the special signal system Flo. Wesermarsch 12-22 - For its special signal system Black Hunter and Mark Florian - For the special signaling systems Florian Hagen 51/93/1 - For his special signal system TimmeyX, ERS, Mibblitz, Engine.Co.7 and Florian Hagen for the NRW-MTW David - For his Wuppertal patrol car and the VW Tiguan VPI and Silverhawk - for the Fiat Ducato skaihof - Master for his Movano Iglheaz - For his Crafter and the Audi Q7 godra - For his Citroen C5 ELW Magicman - For its MoveTo scripts TimmeyX - For his front flashers Heros - Script for his inside attack Niederwallufer - for his city-sign Hoppah - For his VWCrafter Armed party name - of Woltep FW-GUARD by: Guard by Abraxsas Skin by Flea (Günzburg) /> GeRrItK. / Abraxsas, Günzburger, Tobbi 95 - for their rescue station Sani_Atomical - for the Wache Niederwall shore - for his sign skaihof - for the Police Station skaihof - for the Baustellen-Set houses (with parts of cgtextures.com ) skaihof - for the ad-signs Einsatzleiter: Modell: Stormi & EM Freaky | Skin: Walter Geronimo EKIA - for his magnetic bluelight Freiburger, Sebi19222, Supercop Jonny, skaihof - Arbeiter-Skins Robert, David - for the VW Tiguan used as "Notfallrettung" SimPF - Ausfahrtsschild Florian Essen - for his CityLightSign Florian Boppard 2/44 - for the Spritzenhaus Sven0815 - for the ad-sign (Feuerwehr) Authors of the Gate "Falltor": Modell: BF Frankfurt am Main Textur: BF Frankfurt am Main Animation: BF Frankfurt am Main Skins: Emergency1234 Sven - for his Paramedic-Case (Notfallkoffer) Saugschlauch - Standard-Schranke E4Modder3D - Baustellenset Stadtaffe, Wittener, Walter - Police and SEK-Uniforms supercop Jonny - Police man uniform LittleAngel, Stormi, David - Volkswagen T5 (SEK) S Jonny, Hoppah - Einsatzkleidung Notarzt- und Ärztin dnm, ERS, Geronima EKIA, MadMonk, Kasseläner, BWRobert - Police Transporter HH
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