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Everything posted by Pearl71

  1. I like Pa's way of thinking, A Vehicle Classified as Fire App. is required to be equipped with flashing red lights and audible warning device. this excludes DCNR(Department of Conservation and Natural Resources) Vehicles ( pickup trucks, SUV's). also PA is made up of Volly Fire Crews in each fire department , and then by district. DCNR also allocates equipment for the fire departments to use, equip., paint, and outfit with such devices. Mostly made up of Military surplus vehicles. Operated by the Privet Volly company, but if that company looses intrest in wildland firefighting they return the equipment to DCNR to be re distributed to another company.
  2. i agree, none of woods maps have been able to load for me at all... doing it the correct way every time... only thing thats ever changed for me is the little overview map in the top right hand corner
  3. it will be in V 1.9 and yea sometimes it takes a bit, but its been going fast for me... started slow now its getting faster if that makes any sense
  4. its all good just wondering, looked like some good models. any chance we could see a fire captain in this version? red helmet, staffed on the engines Trucks, and rescues? maybe could have a command to call the battallion chief, and ems. is that a big change? changing the color of the helmet? and adding some commands? also have it so they can pack up? if not maybe someone could make a submod with this? would add to the realism(yea i know some are Lt. and Captains but just make it Captain to make it easy) , and if u sent a single engine to a unknown type fire and it was a good burner u could call in the chief and maybe a light force? just a question. not a suggestion.... even though it sounds like it thanks lol
  5. I always use a light force on structure fires and auto accidents, since most of the buildings arnt open, its a surround and dround anyways, so the tillers will be good for that. also Hoppah what happened to all the models from the Federal Mod. didnt u take over them? or is that gonna be a sub mod TBR?
  6. How can i get it so i can have the "ems captain" spawn at the firestation as a "fire captain" so i can staff units with an officer? Xplorer was helping me with this but he had EM4 Delux and i only have EM4 regular.... all i really need is the scripting for the "fire captain" and i can do the rest...... thanks!
  7. in the EM3 LAMod hoppah had it so u could take a firefighter and change them into a diver at the station, so i doubt he'd really have to make a whole new script... iam sure he could just ammend that one
  8. i have a few amr bus's patroling the city and if their close by and if i call for a bls unit... or pd requests ems, i sometimes get a AMR truck, depends on if their nearby
  9. hoppah if your gonna make a new ALF tractor, why not keep the older style as well (since its already done) and just have it a different unit number. not a suguestion, just a question.... kinda lol
  10. i agree to a point, but with the larger fires i think it would come in handy, like the gas explosions on the other side of town (that get 2 or 3 buildings involved) it would be nice to have the option to operate hand lines as well as the deck gun. all the big fires ive been 2 we've used multiple hand lines as well as deck guns. oh well i'll learn to cope, your the master of it all and iam sure i'll figure it out and be able to change it later anyways... thanks! keep up the great work hoppah cant wait to see the tiller video!
  11. iam still trying to get thye map to load.... i havent been able to get to play any of woods maps
  12. at the top of thepost, folow those instructions, change those files(unless u want to still be able to call the Hazmat unit from the BC, Then leaeve that script alone) just search for the Hazmat and change those files, be sure to keep the virtuial objects the same or you'll get an error, i also did this and it works fine, i donno if iam alloud to upload my scripts, if iam i could do that tonight for u , i have the additional vehicles submod and Xplorer's EMS SUV submod, also the Lifeguard, i donno if that would effect your gameplay or not.
  13. iam sure that if hoppah dosnt figure out a way ( or just dont wanna put it in) one of the stationsa it'll be a hot topic that'll be done within a week of releast *note, not saying its done, not asking when its done* i know already i wanna atleast run a tiller outta the main station if not both .... hopefully it'll fit in both.... great work hoppah makes me so happy i wanna
  14. gotta remember how to put the underware on somehow... nvm.....
  15. Holy tiller, time to change the pants again..... Hoppah is the master..
  16. i know this will seem pretty worthless, but i wouldnt mind seeing the fire helo again.... i know it was in EM3 but was it in em4? what has really changed? any chance we could get a list of vehicles? maybe vote on what we wanna see come back?
  17. Why not do an Engine 17, Ladder 46 reskin? little backdraft action! lol
  18. sorry dude didnt meen to disrespect.... calm down....
  19. thanks, just messin with paint donn how to really get rid of blurryness.... sry i missed the rain gutters, changed....
  20. Hey, i hope u dont mind but i was really bored and started messing with your skin for the RES1CUE, here it is, martjuh.denB if u like it u can have it just made some changes..... positive feedback would be nice.... this is my first time doing anything like this.... i did all these changes with Paint....
  21. Pearl71

    A sweet ladder

    its not the fire truck.... its the firefighters on that truck..... anyways just seen a news release.... a 5000 gal. tanker in a tri-axel Peterbuilt Chassi... its neat
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