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Everything posted by Freelancer

  1. Real Nice photo's Neil.Got to admit I really like the Hyundai i30.
  2. I've taken a look and I believe where you may of gone wrong is in the units folder. It looks like this Units>Vehicles>AFB FIRE>001Rescue Where as it should look like this Units>Vehicles>Fire Department>001Rescue I may be wrong but it's worth a try,when doing this don't forget to edit each and every path that looks like this <prototype name="mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/AFB FIRE/Rescue1.e4p" /> Hopefully this helps Let me knows how things go Regards Freelancer
  3. Anyone have any use for a Volvo FL7 cab? if so I might release it...

  4. Nice model,when ever I make a model for Em4 I always keep the poly count between 9K to 12K and I don't get any problems May I recommend you use a tool like 3ds max it's much better for modelling than Zmodeler and saves a lot of time. Regards Freelancer
  5. Very nice one of my favorite mods can't wait for the new version!
  6. May I make a suggestion? The two police cars that you posted a few days ago,the side doors seem to bright compared to the real pictures maybe turn the brightness down on the blue.Other than that everything is good
  7. Sign up here and download it http://students.autodesk.com/ there's 1000's of tutorials online on how to use it and 10x better than sketch up
  8. Guys grow up, how can he improve if your making comments such as things like "awful" and being sarcastic where is the constructive criticism? It's not the best model there is but at least he's attempt to make one.As far as I know it's not stolen?? @warhunterwolf1-1 here's a few improves that can be made to your model. The texture seems way to bright-play aground with the brightness and contrast settings (I highly recommend Photoshop for 2D art) The lightbar is way to fake,make make some lights inside the bar and put a transparent texture on it. Maybe add a pattern or something similar along the engine. Finally I don't know what 3D software you are using but I highly recommend 3ds max it's top class software. Regards Freelancer
  9. Paths for the map has not been done yet as the map won't be making an appearance until 1.2/1.3 and the police accident sign will be movable it will just act like lets say for example the traffic cone in the LA mod just place and leave it.
  10. Hello all, Today I've been working on new map objects for our new map that will be making an appearance in 1.2/1.3 Also Randomperson139 has been working on adding all our units in the game and it's about 60% done. Here's a picture of a new house I've been working on.
  11. The West Midlands Mod Is Back! Hello Community for those of you that follow us on Facebook http://www.facebook....WestMidlandsMod you will know that we managed to recover our files. 99.9% of the files are now recovered and the mod is in full swing again I'm currently adding the units into game and then that's 1.0 sorted We are also expanding the mod and changing the name,the original concept is still there but we felt there is a lack of fire units in the West midlands so now we're focusing on the whole midlands. Units from around the midlands area will be added 1.2/1.3 I do not have any pictures just yet to share with you guys but be sure to keep an eye on the topic for the release because it's not that far away Regards Freelancer
  12. Nice start will be following this
  13. Managed to recover most of the West midlands files...West Midlands 1.0 here we come

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Freelancer


      Send me a PM Randomperson

    3. Semper Fidelis

      Semper Fidelis

      you're awsome man! I'll pray for your efforts :P

  14. Bought myself a Yamaha A-S500 with Monitor audio Bx2 and a BXW 10 subwoofer...ahh heaven...

    1. Semper Fidelis

      Semper Fidelis

      Playin MoH Warfighter with it would be pretty cool:)

  15. I agree with metpolice, making a shield for the van is quite simple just make a simple square and apply the texture it will look a lot better.
  16. Gta V has been delayed by 4 months but theres a release date announced I'm sure it's worth the wait http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/01/31/grand-theft-auto-v-gets-a-september-release-date
  17. One of my favorite mods such high qulaity,will be downloading the new version as soon as it's released
    1. EmC-Unit


      realy great job, as world of tanks player i aprove this baby!

      Btw small tip german tanks always got a spare piece of traks on tanks body

    2. Freelancer


      I was not the modeler who made this tank,I will pass the message on to the modeler who made it..But thanks for the feedback

  18. Nice model,but the texture seems to clean....add some dirt to Photoshop would be your best bet it's what I use when it comes to 2D art you can simply download some Photoshop brushes and add the dirt from there...apart from that nice job.
  19. Nice work once's again mate
  20. Incorrect,this is a T-60 Light tank the barrel size is fine and so it the tank length
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