Hello all, I have some very bad news for you,Eyespys home got broken into and he's lost many items and one of them was his laptop which contained all the latests West Midlands Mod files I do have a back up but it's missing a lot of files.Me and the team have lost motivation and our morale is low,so now for the time being I'm calling the West Midlands Mod On HOLD.We all hope that Eyespy gets some or if not all of his items back and I hope the people who broke into his home get caught. The whole team is devastated by what's happened I'm not sure what's will happen with the team if people will stay or leave but I can say behind the scenes of the WM mod we was working on another project lucky nothing has been lost,So I may be announcing it very soon whether or not it will be under BlueLightModding is unknown. On behalf of my self and the mod team we apologize that we have failed the community and to release the mod Thank you Freelancer & BlueLightModding.