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Everything posted by Tim

  1. A map that is 5 times bigger than the maximum size of 8192²pixel is not possible. You can try as much as you want, EM4 does not support it. If you want to support a larger gamearea, you will have to find script related solutions, and combine multiple maps. You cannot have one map that is bigger than 8192² pixel.
  2. Scripts are usual text files. Use Notepad, Windows Editor, or any other text-editing software. I prefer "Notepad++". Press and hold the "alt" key, and then drag the object, with the left mouse button.
  3. Not the next weeks I guess. I'm working at a hospital at the moment. In 2 weeks I will have to go to school again and prepare for some exams. I do not have time to work on anything at the moment
  4. I'd like to go there and help, but as I'm not 18 yet, my department can't let me go there But I heard that we send numerous doctors, paramedics and equipment to Haiti.
  5. Of course, I'd be happy to see this
  6. If I remember correctly, Emergency4 does not support widescreen resolutions, so this could be the reason why windows7 does not stretch it on the whole screen
  7. I think that is a feature of Windows7, it does not scale the screen to widescreen, resulting in better compatibility for some games. I've seen that on my girlfriends notebook. But actually, I don't know how to disable that. Does every Application that does not run in a widescreen resolution look like that?
  8. And the particle uses textures Browse through your EM4 data folder, anywhere these files should exist.
  9. Sure, why not? Thanks Brendon, I'll try to figure that out. Err... What?
  10. Of course you can not dispatch or call real emergencie units with this software
  11. I do not have information on that. Could you explain it a little bit?
  12. I can not estimate how much is already done. I'll look out for help when it comes to audio and graphic content creation. But that will take some time.
  13. It's still at a very early state. I do not have enough time to work on my projects, as I'm really busy, and I don't see that the next days will be more relaxed
  14. In NY the first person you will hear when you call 911, is a NYPD Dispatcher. Now if you have a fire emergency, he will connect you with a FDNY Dispatcher. So if you choose to be a FDNY Dispatcher, you won't get any NYPD emergencies, but if you choose to be a NYPD Dispatcher, and the FDNY Emergencies are active, you get them, too, and you need to connect the caller to a FDNY Dispatcher.
  15. If the Wikipedia article (my only information resource on the NY Dispatch system at the moment ) is right, the Decision Dispatcher decides which units will be called, and the radio dispatcher calls these units.
  16. Just downloaded your program At first, this is a good start for your first steps, and you definitely should stick to programming, it can be real fun Some things that seem a little strange: -When answering a call, I get different answers, everytime I hit a button, even if it's the same call -The caption of the window should be adjusted "Form2" is not that meaningful -When I dispatch a unit, the program seems to stop working as long as the sound is played -When I close all visible windows, the program is not terminated, I can still see it in the task manager Try to fix those things, and keep improving your program, this is a base you can build on And sorry about your dog, I have a dog, too, and if someone would hit her and I'd get him, I'd rip his ass apart, that' for sure.
  17. Just a short impression on what you can expect in the final product. Of course, I can still not estimate any release date!
  18. No, the first team that delivers high quality will get all the fame. And its up to the players to decide which mod they prefer, releasing a mod early doesn't make it better
  19. That's right, I've got to prepare myself for 4 exams right now, and I also have some other things to do, such as preparing some training lessons for our "school paramedics", preparing a competition for paramedics and of course my girlfriend wants to spend some time with me So software development is quite hard at the moment, I'm doing my best That is already planned, there will be random events Yep
  20. It was about the scenario editor, and I checked my Message Inbox, you sent me a second message, and in this message, you even quoted my answer oO
  21. Did you not get a reply? I thought I wrote it
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