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About Tim

  • Birthday 07/24/1992

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    Krefeld, Germany

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  1. At the moment, no release date has been set. When this happens, there will be a note on the first page
  2. Exactly, but we have not started that phase yet. And if we do that, we'll have some criteria regarding the selection of our testers
  3. The models are done, why should we spend even more time with them?
  4. DING DING DING HIGHSCORE! Oh and concerning the equipment: We included many new tools, and "americanized" the ones that were available. They will all be "american style" so don't worry about that.
  5. Coming along slowly as I currently make a pause due to some private problems, but it's progressing well
  6. Well, if that guy pukes all the way through your ambulance, you really got the short straw I prefer putting a barf bag somewhere on the stretcher, so I always have one in range to react fast enough
  7. Quite some time ago we were working on a new multiplayer system, but stopped the development, to favour the singleplayer part. If the SP is released, we might think about a multiplayer part, too
  8. Should work. I'll test that and let you know. That will be included as well Absolutely impossible. You cannot analyse the radio sounds in realtime, create a logical context and combine that in a game. No way Jose
  9. Hey there guys, it's been quite sime time since I last replied in this topic, but today I've got some news for you 1. Graphical User Interface Today I started to replace the dummy graphics of our new interface with the ones that will be released. The mod will feature a brand new GUI, without any similarities to the standard EM4 one. So forget about the blue bars, and all those little command icons, you will not see them in our release version! Screenshots may follow in a couple of days 2. FDNY radio stream From now on, you will be able to turn on the radio in any FDNY vehicle. This will trigger the FDNY live stream from www.thebravest.com. So you will be able to listen to real and live radio sounds while you play, and even control the sounds within EM4. A quite fast internet connection, in combination with a flatrate is recommended
  10. No, but every time they do that I have to sacrifice a puppy, to calm FFW TUT down.
  11. That's correct. Why should it be forbidden to state some ideas and suggestions? That's bullshit. We need ideas from other people. 100 persons have more ideas than 4 or 5.
  12. Of course the gameplay is not that detailed, it wouldn't work. Imagine there are 4 patients, and 2 of them need CPR, that would be way to much work. We do not have much automatic stuff, but it is enough to make life simple, but still challenging The Icons will be designed to look like the default icons, regarding colour and design. You can call any vehicle you want to have at the scene, there are no limitations. It just may be that there are differences regarding the ETA of different units.
  13. Thank you guys, spent my Birthday at the Loveparade. Maybe you heard of the tragic incident.

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