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About Gutierrez1992

  • Birthday 08/27/1992

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    Jundiaí, SP - Brasil

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  1. I never noticed. Has been a long while since I lasted played E4. I remember a new model for the Pierce Auto-Pump, that had its pictures released a while ago. Back then, it wasn't in the mod, as I remember. Has there been any new update since then?
  2. Combat Engineering Battalion, interesting. Is there going to be a Fire Department version of that crane? Like this one:
  3. Almost 3 months without a single information. I'm starting to feel that this update is never coming out...
  4. What happened to the new Pierce Auto-Pump model? Is it finished? If so, why can't you guys release a small patch for us to play with it?
  5. How are things going? Any news? Updates? Dates?
  6. Awesome, can't wait for the next release. Do you have any idea of when it's coming out?
  7. What's the next vehicle you'll be working on?
  8. Do they still use the GMC as a Rescue Unit? (In PT: Eles ainda usam a UR cujo veículo é uma GMC?) Here's a picture: (In PT: Aqui vai uma foto:) http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_2VAIon70E8g/Sr0J0ma8S1I/AAAAAAAAAcw/n33COQlK4rg/s400/viatura_resgate_bombeiro.jpg Since I no longer live in the São Paulo State for 3 years and half, I have no idea of the actual situation of the Fire Department there. (In PT: Como eu não vivo mais no Estado de São Paulo há 3 anos e meio, eu estou bem por fora da situação atual do CBPMESP.) Thanks for your attention, Rafael. Diego Gutierrez.
  9. 1. What about the Ford Wheeled Coach the Fire Depatment used to have? Do you intend to include it on the next release too? In portuguese (Em português): Rafael, eu lembro que o Corpo de Bombeiros possuía uma Unidade de Resgate cujo veículo era a Ford Wheeled Coach. Em Jundiaí tinha uma dessas. Segundo meu pai, a melhor UR com a qual ele já trabalhou nos 20 anos de bombeiros dele. Vocês pretendem inclui-la no mod? Não sei se ainda usam dessas hoje em dia, mas achei interessante perguntar. E caso vocês não pensaram nela, aqui está uma sugestão de veículo a ser incluso. (Aproveitar o embalo e fazer outra pergunta, se não se importar:) 2. Eu lembro que o CBPMESP possui alguns Scania que possuem uma escada e uma plataforma Super Simon. Aqui vai uma foto: http://stf.terra.com.br/portal/imagens/resgate_incendio_sp_1-Oslaim_Brito-fut-407x305.jpg Como pode ver, ele está ao fundo, de frente para o ABE. Você pretende incluí-lo no mod? That's all for the moment! Thanks again for the attention. Diego Gutierrez.
  10. Rafael, do you have an idea of when the next update will be released? Another questions: 1. What about the Ford Wheeled Coach the Fire Depatment used to have? Do you intend to include it on the next release too? 2. How is the E-One model going? 3. Can you give us a full list of the names of all Fire Department vehicles that will be on the next release? Again, thanks for your attention. Diego Gutierrez.
  11. Rafael, in the image above, I can see two firefighters without the Gallet helmet. What's the in-game difference between them and the others?
  12. Awesome! Can't wait to see pictures of the model. What will the SICOE truck be able to do?
  13. Just a curiosity, do you plan to include the SICOE truck?
  14. Rafael, Are you guys going to create and add the Emergency One Auto-Ladder unit? Or just keep only the Simon-Duplex Auto-Ladder?
  15. That's awesome!! One question: are you going to create a Fire Station like L.A.Mod where we can park the vehicles, or just the normal HQ from the Emergency 4?
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