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Everything posted by marcoclusius1

  1. thanks mate, apriciate that ( sorry if that is the wrong word)
  2. it looks greate mate, but is this mod also HQ just like the manhattan mod?, cause i can't play manhattan
  3. Friday finished my exams, now 3 weeks of nervous waiting for the results!!!

    1. EmC-Unit


      Don't read the books with answers, you will get more stress )

    2. marcoclusius1


      i did for 1 exam, past that one :)

    3. Hoppah


      Drink beer to reduce stress levels man.

  4. is it an WAV file or mp3 file, cause i had that problem to , the wrong file extension
  5. search on youtube for tuts, and you also have yo use soften or sometihing
  6. done 3 scripts, special lights 1,2 and 3 ( traffic light red, yellow and orange )

    1. cops


      haha it's easy right :P

    2. marcoclusius1


      yep realy easy, took the interior light script and chand all commands to the traffic lic=ghts red, gree and yellw, video of it will come soon ;)

    3. marcoclusius1
  7. that looks nice man, can't wait to play it
  8. no mate, technical services or highway services
  9. another vid of relight, forgoten to place it sorry These ar the special lights/ intrior lights ( special 2 ) and blue lights! london mod v 1.2
  10. need some help with the lights? some vids of my work
  11. than take a look here http://www.emergency-forum.de/index.php?page=Database scroll down until you see bodentexture or mision karte
  12. take a look here http://www.emergency-forum.de/index.php?page=Database&c=651a98b007 http://www.emergency-forum.de/index.php?page=Database&c=291a98b007
  13. thanks, already did that, just have to add some more traffic and buildings so it is a nice map, do you have any tips?? btw how do i add accidents?, cause i have a big road with a savety lane on it, and maybe it's possible to ad a car crash on there?
  14. hey guys, i have a question, i'm working on a privat mod. i have the question of how to spawn police, fire/ambulance cars, in the LA mod the cars are spawned an the station, how do i d that?, or how do i spawn the cars somewere else on the map?, with no station?!
  15. hey, i have a problem, http://www.emergency-forum.de/index.php?page=DatabaseItem&id=811 this map, is only a texture right?, how do i use this map in freeplay?, and how do i replace al traffic lights on the right location and how do i add the fire dep, police dep, hospital, car spawn location? please help me, also you can pm me
  16. You have to replace he normal piece of equipment with the new one
  17. tomorrow night; exame prank at our school, what to doo?

    1. cops


      do the original all cups of water filled through the whole school... like this


      or something similar

    2. Fred03


      Put a paper over a glass of water. Flip it over on your principal's desk and remove paper. Cruel but so funny. BTW I probably should not tell you this. :)

    3. marcoclusius1


      haha, did it XD and btw, we covered the school in a saran wrap ( or something XD )

  18. thanks for using it, really appreciate it, btw; nice looking car too, hope to see some nice light patterns with it! Greetz; marcoclusius1
  19. tahnks man, really appreciate ir that you made it ingame !!!! thanks Sorry accidental doublepost. Please delete
  20. that is because: emergency 3 can't run on windows 8, if you really want to play it, i would considder to buy a window 7 or xp laptop/ computer, wat you may try is to start the game as administrator, if that didn't work, ( i shoulnd't change to much to it, it may ruin the game )
  21. soon a new LED rear light bar, with redirect lights and blue lights!!!!

    1. cops


      can you add a photo of it so we all can see what it is ? :)

  22. hey guys, i found a script on the internet for a traffic light, with this script you can control a traffic light at a fire station. http://www.emergency...baseItem&id=333 i added the script to the la mod v3 beta but when the map is almost finished loading it CTD. i added a vo and a traffic light to the map but it still crashes.. is it a point to give the script to the control panel of the fire station?? !Fire stations activated! ?Tried to assign unknown command 'PcmdCallTowerLightForce' to object U ?Tried to assign unknown command 'PcmdCallRescue7' to object U ?Tried to assign unknown command 'FeuerwehrausfahrtAmpel2' to object U ?Tried to assign unknown command 'FeuerwehrausfahrtAmpel3' to object U ?Tried to assign unknown command 'FeuerwehrausfahrtAmpelSchranke' to object U |Loading Model mod:\Models\Objects\Equipment\emcase.v3o I can't upload the whole page, it's to big thanks already, i really hope it can be solved!
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