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About marcoclusius1

  • Birthday 10/29/1995

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    Zaandam (The Netherlands)
  • Interests
    Emergency Photographer

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  1. So, sadly when i try and download it, it goed to network failure at 50%. tried to redownload it via different browsers, and different networks. Any idea on a fix? or alternative download link?
  2. so i am back guys, working on a privat english mod, this is the first car to the fleet of Police
  3. @CC_11_NUNOA , please, dont spam this XD

  4. Guyssssssss, i have started a FB group for EM4 modders, you can all join, we have a lot of members alreaddy!!

  5. hey guys, since i have a new pc (1 year already), i still have the problem that when i use the arrow keys in the em4 editor, it goes VERY fast, before, it was slow, and not that fast. anyone have a fix?
  6. 3 times Mercedes ambulances © 112Zaanstreek.
  7. so guys, maybe it is asked before. but, is there a way too use ALL units?, cause in editor you have lots of them, but in game.. no o and, how doo i add extra cars??
  8. resumed some work, started working on some german emergency services, here is some work! Chief and medical chief Fire truck Support van What you guys think of it?? Going to make a privat mod, anyone wiling too help, contact in privat!!
  9. Going too play GTA 5 Online tonight, roleplay who wants too join??, around 8 pm dutch time (7 pm british time), hope too see some guys joining grin-emoticon, c ontact me via skype for more info: Marco Kortekaas or marco_ko@live.nl on pc no mods no hacks just fairplay
  10. Going too play GTA 5 Online tonight, roleplay who wants too join?? grin-emoticon, around 8 pm dutch time (7 pm british time), hope too see some guys joining grin-emoticon, contact me via skype for more info: Marco Kortekaas or marco_ko@live.nl

  11. when it was an ambulance used for emergency calls, it was orange as collar. but it is a ''ritered'' ambo
  12. Some units near my place, (Amsterdam) #1, MICU, Mobile Intensive Care Unit. #2, RR 2, Rapid Responder 2. #3, SIGMA unit, used for big ramps, or disasters. mobile support unit. #4, training ambulance, used for learning to drive wile using blue lights and sirens. #5, Ladder and Engine, these are of the Ij tunnel house in amsterdam
  13. Thanks Mikey for the full explanation Thanks Mikey for the full explanation
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