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  1. Great work, love your new models. Maybe you could base your map of this relatively new freeplay map! http://www.emergency-forum.de/filebase/index.php?entry/2271-freeplay-map-v1-5/
  2. Sorry, haven't been online that much lately. Did you figure it out?
  3. what type of objects are you talking about exactly? First solution that comes to mind is choosing your object, edit the prototype and set the collision to 'none' (I believe it's one of the options you can pick in the upper left section of the prototype-panel)
  4. Really nice to see you still working on the project! Can't wait to see the result!
  5. Your models look really amazing! I will probably find a nice place for them in my private airport mod And the airport map that I'm currently developping for release. Since you seem to be into airport mods/models, Any chance you would be interested in making the new Rosenbauer Panther http://www.rosenbauer.com/en/int/rosenbauer-world/vehicles/arff-vehicles/the-new-panther.html and/othe new striker? http://www.oshkoshairport.com/ARFFTrucks/NewStriker/Striker3000 those would be a great addition to the em4 (airport) modscene!
  6. Wow, that some impressive work, Both from you MR.MATT and Itchboy! I've looked up the script that makes it possible to use multiple cannon's I've played around with it for a bit during the build of my own private airport mod. you can find it here: http://www.emergency-forum.de/filebase/index.php?entry/1611-vier-löschkanonen-auf-einem-flf-scripts-fahrzeug/ It's not that hard to understand. It comes with a testmod and if you have a close look at the way that is assembled in combination with the scriptfile itself it's actually not that hard to implement in your own mods. If you want to play around with the script and bump into any questions or errors do not hesitate to ask for help! I'm realy looking forward to seeing what you've got in store for us next! And Itchboy, amazing work on the snozzle! Hope we can use it one day! Sincerely, DMC
  7. looking good man! I've found a freelander model, might bring some change between all your discovery's! http://www.emergency-forum.de/filebase/index.php?entry/1744-land-rover-freelander-2/
  8. How do you mean? You actually installed the script and the icons, changed the path to the icons added the Parking-aid and such?
  9. http://www.emergency-forum.de/filebase/index.php?entry/2166-ausrichtungsscript/ you're welcome
  10. They are spawned in the game by the LaFirestation and LAFirestationstart script. You'll have to change the scripts to alter anything. Have you actually searched on the forums before asking this question? There are loads of topics about swapping vehicles in LA-Mod. There is even an entire Alterations sector in the Los Angeles Mod topic... Go and try to find your answer there first. If you aren't able to find your answer then you can start a topic with more specific questions. http://www.emergency-planet.com/forum/82-alteration-help/
  11. you shouldn't restart after you load a mod! that could be the error. just press singleplayer Freeplay!
  12. Hey Loot! I used your tut before and it was of great help! But after having to completely reset my pc I lost the file, and now your link seems down! Any chance you could upload it again? it would be of great help!
  13. Good work guys! The new forums look realy sleek! Only one thing I noticed.. I've changed the colors to Blue and black. But when i visited the new forums later this day the colors had changed back to Blue and red? Is there some sort of remember my prefences option?
  14. These two quotes are from the previous page, you certainly should have been able to find your answer in them yourself.. In short: Modder stated it's a possible function for V2.1 and 2.1 isn't out yet
  15. looks really good! does the dog in the screen have any working functions?
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