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Squad55 Chief

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  1. go to WizardWorks\911 - First Responders\Mods\LA\Units\Vehicles\ then what ever department you like to edit then what unit you like to edit
  2. join ECS teamspeak and go ask the Squad55 guys below if your looking for a game
  3. you need to use hamachi and only ppl that be able to join your server will be the ppl you tell your ip to
  4. if your looking for ppl to play with come check out Squad55
  5. for mp? sorry for got to add that
  6. how do you add and remove units in the menu?
  7. has nothing to do with the host an theres no issue i am adding more units to the map and i would like them to go to there assigned station. Im trying to find out how i do that
  8. can some one help me or tell me what i need to do to get units to return to station? I have units that already do that thank to one of my ex members but i have a few more than need to do the same as well
  9. there no such thing is the servers are down, Almost every one there days use Hamachi the only way you can see or join a server is to know that persons IP witch can be found on there Hamachi i would recommend post a post up with your contact info long with your hamachi ip and maybe you will get ppl to join will take forever to get ppl or you could join a Community / Clan weres there ppl on just about 24/7 with great communications and realistic game play
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