it's very good but the supervisor would be better. Detective is very good too and I like the new sirens. Very good work but I don't know if can detective call SWAT...
have the police supervisor new skin or it's only prototype and look same as the normal officer? I like your good work! Looking forward for release . But the unmarked CV's will be deleted and overwrited with dodge chargers or not?
Škoda že to jsou jen reskiny. Teď už ti chybí jen povolení od Hoppaha. A hra začne! It's a pity that are only reskins. Now you only need the permission from Hoppah. And game will start!
I know only two types of stingers: -a rocketlauncher -killer grenade. I don't know no spikestrips with name "stingers" and the first picture what you post is from the website -that is czech website