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met police999

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Everything posted by met police999

  1. cant wait for the next chicago fire

  2. They both look fab the skin needs touching up that's all
  3. anyone know a website were i can wacth chicago fire for free in the UK?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. sgtmatt325
    3. met police999

      met police999

      Can't its American wont allow me

    4. Semper Fidelis

      Semper Fidelis

      Try on this braiden, the site is turkish. I put the link of chicago fire. The site's turkish. But it's very easy to find the right episode.


  4. That' would be a great game sadly I soupy my computer would handle it
  5. They could just create a similarity like gas explosion at a tube station or something like that
  6. A bit too "plane" in my opinion but yea looks cool
  7. yea it was on my ipod i quickly done it and yea i meant colleagues lol
  8. Two quotes that relate to this "Guns don't necessarily solve the problem you only have to look at the American experience,many colleges are lost without even drawing their gun"~Sir Hugh Orde the president of the association of chief police officers "A car,bat,bottle,poison a gun are not the only weapon"~Anonymous
  9. Mabel a visor instead of googles? But love the life jacket/vest
  10. Yea it is fictional it's a mix between American and European units
  11. No its like an assistance police department they'll cover the places that dont have a department
  12. That's great what purpose will it have ingame?
  13. Hey that looks great good work (please check your pms i haven't had an answer yet from you thanks )
  14. would it be possible to have the bucket built in at the rear of the engine?
  15. OMG love it its amazing well done check you pms too
  16. Oh I didn't know that you should have a lot of pick pockets in that area well it would be obvious there would be ones in areas like that big crowds etc.
  17. why is part of Times Square got blue swirls in it?
  18. Awesome! btw do you still want the TRT units etc i made for te mod If so pm and Ivan get you them
  19. Awesome! I have to redo some of ambulance 61's skin as I've made a mistake ill get it to you before the end of next week before Christmas for sure.
  20. awesome ill get you that ambo skin soon
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