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met police999

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Everything posted by met police999

  1. sorry for double post but here you go i want purpose,location and if you want nickname
  2. Haha thanks i was just saying all those country's to put people off japan was my real answer lol I'll put a pic up soon then
  3. Japan Tokyo,Thailand,china,Russia, Singapore,Philippines
  4. Merry Christmas everyone and not forgetting the fire fighters killed last night by a selfish act

  5. Is this just like cops topi only with just European mods either way it's jut a copy no point in it I don't think people can just do it on his topic
  6. Argentina,buenos aires or Oslo,Norway or Paris France just some random guesses
  7. yea you might need a better pic of that its quite blurry too
  8. R.I.P to the two volunteer Firefighters killed as they responded to a fire,thinking if the two other firefighters family's that were injured In the attacks

    1. Semper Fidelis

      Semper Fidelis

      R.I.P To the brave. And and also merry christmas for all the firefighters

  9. St. John's Canada brush fire plane (dunno what they're called) or calafornia same purpose
  10. heres mine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdmJa1W0PzY also this is my favourite Christmas advert thought i should share it
  11. How do I save lights I have made in editor?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. met police999

      met police999

      Oh right thanks and how do make the model veiwable ingame and set lights like brake lights,headlights an indicators

    3. RedHawk504


      there's an box where is written blue light normal light or special ligt, change it to the one you want to been recognized.

    4. met police999
  12. Or just a form of patch the normal mod with the new skins and the pitch /file containing the old skins so people can just swap them at their own choice
  13. It's alright It would look good with lots of equipment on the roof etc
  14. what do i need to transfer to put a model ingame ive put the prototypes,models and units stuff into the correct places and all i have is the lights and childs on the missing file box

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. met police999

      met police999

      Thanks :) one more question do I need to re-light it or is there a way just to get the lights that have already been made for it and use them?

    3. Marshall8946


      To use the lights already made for the vehicle, you'll have to copy over the prototype for the vehicle. All lights are stored on the proto.

    4. met police999

      met police999

      Thanks I'm think I'll just make my own I need to learn how to light it would be a skill to have :)

  15. That's great news but I really think you should go back to the previous PD liverys
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