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met police999

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Everything posted by met police999

  1. Cool pics the EDL and SDL are nutters but ive not heard of the UAF
  2. it looks great like a hazmat/airport fire unit
  3. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-22658979 this is it here
  4. ffs they were bassicly asking to be shot hope they die bring back hanging why should they live good on those SCO19 officers for shooting them
  5. Yea i think it would suit like what youve done but just make red blue it would cool i think
  6. Relight the police to all blues and whites or the TRT heavy rescue truck
  7. dissapointed at the Chicago Fire season finale

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. met police999

      met police999

      I liked the show its good but that last episode well im rethinking watching the second season and going with chicago PD the new show

    3. met police999
  8. ok thats fine i quite like them but keep up the good work PS:check your pms
  9. love it will they have the baseball cap version?
  10. Nobody would get involved the reason being there was two knife weilding men who just horrificly butcherd someone some would be in shock
  11. I havent seen the footage well enough but i think it was a random bystander but whos going to stop a cleaver weilding man who has blood over his hands but i agree on all your points made
  12. It's because the victim was in the army and the recent plots involved attacks the territorial army
  13. Wel done! You should release it its ok in the read me as long as you give credit I'm sure
  14. Did he just grab a cleaver and hack fowk to death or what?...
  15. Just another nutjob thinking hes fighting for the jihad or something
  16. You shouldnt really post here as its old but its 18 but they are less likly to take you on theyll go for 25 upwards and im not sure but its not that long for training
  17. cant wait shoot me a pm if your interested in me skinning for you?
  18. the Xbox One looks really cool!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Handsup!


      Looks cool, but i dont really like its design too much lol

    3. Xandarb


      OBJECTION! It looks stunning!

      But I agree with met police999, more info is required before I even think about buying it. They didn't talk about the games too much, we'll have to wait and see. E3 is coming up.

    4. met police999

      met police999

      I need to know that future games like GTA V will be 360 compatable

  19. if you need a skinner i have spare time and i can give you some of my work if want?
  20. Yes at last a UK mod that hopefully has a future well done!
  21. I only ever roll out the tiller in major fires like in the la mod when half of the map is burning
  22. trying to think of a place to put a bomb (not lliterally) and an scenario any help?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. met police999

      met police999

      and ive got it thanks

    3. Thomasvista207


      Bank, you could even make a scenario where you must save hostages by disarming the bomb and taking down the hostage taker.

    4. Fred03


      Just watch "Flash Point" I'm pretty sure they have though of every possible hostage/bomb scenario.

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