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met police999

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Everything posted by met police999

  1. Will there be a station for ESS truck one or that as they have a station in lower Manhattan
  2. ok im not sure were you will find a fix then
  3. yea there's a patch go back nearer to the start of the topic there will be a link i think its on the topic post
  4. are you kidding me do you have any grasp of sarcasm its a WIP-work in progress there has not been and wont be until goog or CFD say anything.
  5. Nice unit heard Turkey hasnt been the tourist destintation latley how bad was it
  6. I remember you making that glad to see it on model looks great!
  7. nice! but the palm tree forest in the back could be more together like theres loads of gaps and it looks man made at the moment if you get my point?
  8. those moments when your just like "you know what i need ham"

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. met police999

      met police999

      yes yes you are haha

    3. met police999

      met police999

      yes yes you are haha

    4. Handsup!


      Yea. I'm picky to the point of insanity lol

  9. not really related but this is a funny story. My Uncle was telling me today about this he was working in Belguim at an airport for his company (they work with Private aircraft). He said to one of the companys staff who work in belguim "tell evryone tonight the drinks are on me" turns out the guy told almost everyone. Fowk my Uncle had never met including the police chief inspector so they were at the bar and my Uncle realised he needed to get home and he had drank to much. So the inspector (who was off duty) said how are you going to get home my uncle said that he had to drive or something at the time officers didnt have to breathalyse you if you had an accident so there was a 50/50 chance of it so the Inspector made a phone call. My Uncle's then driving back to his Apartment....with a Police escort this was a good few years back about 1998-2000
  10. Nice im going to need to do somsthing on cops's topic like a shootin lol btw Dyson ive been having trouble joining MERU on the mods website my account is wanting to be approved and on MERU's site im wating for something back the application which i sent a while ago is there something ive missed i cant get onto the teamspeak server either it says theres an error
  11. not releasing any pictures of work is a bad idea and its happened before and that mod got shot down because of it its best to show people so they know what to expect
  12. argh cant find a good quality Suburban with a White base anyone know were i can get one?

    1. Rlast


      Why do you need a white base? Simply use the Manhattan Mod's model with appropriate credits.

    2. met police999

      met police999

      yea but its black and is all messed up with two skins ive tried already

    3. Zach1019


      yeah you can't put graphics on the Manhattan mod one. All you can do is make it different solid colors.

  13. need some help on a skin i use paint.net and im wanting to do the stripes on the Toronto police livery but cant seem to get them right anyone got ideas how i could do them?

    1. goog


      find a high resolution picture of the Toronto police car from the side,trace it and copy then paste it onto your skin and size as necessary.

    2. met police999

      met police999

      yea i manged to do something similar to that

  14. yea looked familiar its the EC 130 right?
  15. nice love the crew and nice livery on that too
  16. im wanting to join and im on the mods website but i dont know were and how to sign up
  17. oh right it just seems weird to me they look like USAR but still they look cool
  18. Why does the mountain rescuecrew have gallet helmets?
  19. the Australian police use Holden Commodores and ive only just now realizing that's the SAAS on the topic post i thought it was NSW
  20. i cant wait for Chicago PD to start! it'd be cool to see them in this mod too
  21. ive not been following this topic but just had a quick glance over it New South Wales right? well i think you should try and go with the comondores etc it makes more sense but if you have other ideas thats cool keep up the good work!
  22. realism really? the mod is based on entirely what Ghost comes up with just similarity's IE: RPS livery is based on HRPS
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