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met police999

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About met police999

  • Birthday 12/26/1999

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  • Interests
    British police services,em 4,modding mainly skins

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  1. I'm loving the new units! Will we see this in the mod? Bra jobbat!
  2. Has anyone figured out how to evacuate the terminal? i've been having issues with it.
  3. This is looking really good. I'm actually trying to learn Swedish at the moment so i'm really interested in seeing how this turns out. Bra jobbat!
  4. Good job, we really need a good Swedish mod for Emergency 4.
  5. A rolling roadblock is when a vehicle is in front of traffic and contiues to move however it keeps to a low speed and traffic stays behind it they may eventually stop traffic depending on the situation. Not the best video but heres an example. https://youtu.be/bpLe5Sk5-qQ
  6. Yea, i just noticed that its just your version of the game haha
  7. As bad as it sounds I wouldn't be surprised if a police officer, soldier or member of the public in London (or any other city that's in a country playing a part in the strikes on ISIL) is kidnapped and beheaded etc. We've already seen plans like that foiled in London and Australia.
  8. The fact he was 58 too, just seems like a total bad ass. I saw the video of him getting applauded by all the MP's he deserves it.
  9. I saw images of parliament staff putting chairs etc against doors as government was in session at the time of the attacks.
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