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Everything posted by BGM17

  1. Cheers mate! It’s not quite as blue shaded when the mouse isn’t hovering on it
  2. Cheers! Basically meant to read the same as a turnout slip. Some new screens showing off a few new units and a new station for A02 North West https://ibb.co/hZRQ1x9 https://ibb.co/hLFKsVH https://ibb.co/mbjHQBK https://ibb.co/tY9wvGF https://ibb.co/5TJm41c
  3. Some more screens; Make pumps 10 aerials 2 fire within a school https://ibb.co/SPXFKrv https://ibb.co/Rz072M0 https://ibb.co/CBtDWnh https://ibb.co/FVDJz9w https://ibb.co/XyynMQB
  4. Normal beiberfield. Converted back from a mission script to normal free play and will be even more heavily edited until bar the layout the map is unrecognisable. Well that’s the plan anyway. Working on adding a larger industrial area just now to provide more complex incidents for example messing around with the size of hazmat incidents to simulate “down wind” areas being contaminated etc. This is alongside editing the new fire objects to be much more realistic in spread and aesthetic.
  5. Some new screen shots of a side project to the main Welford city mod, This heads north to the outskirts of the city focusing on two main stations, A10 and E01. The area is a mostly Residential/industrial Area presenting a new range of hazards than city centre operations. A10 is home to one ARP one rescue pump and duel crews the services heavy rescue vehicle, the bulk foam unit and a scania prime mover which carries a range of pods including high volume pumps and welfare units E01 is a new build station and hosts two standard rescue pumps https://ibb.co/GJb4xH2 https://ibb.co/Jc8b6kG https://ibb.co/mXNnBhq https://ibb.co/3y5B7k3 https://ibb.co/HCjgM9Z https://ibb.co/K6xhbnC https://ibb.co/CtkgdL3 https://ibb.co/pXqwZVX https://ibb.co/jksBy2W https://ibb.co/KzCTHc0 https://ibb.co/nLN4RYZ
  6. thank you No worries, unfortunately due to this being an amalgamation of so many mods I am unable to release publicly this topic is just a show case for ideas and to show where I am at with it currently.
  7. Some new screens showcasing some additional city design. Incident is a make pumps 8 basement fire in the city centre. https://ibb.co/jgL7tqh https://ibb.co/z6hv973 https://ibb.co/SBX5f9p https://ibb.co/xhnjGvF https://ibb.co/pwTDTsQ https://ibb.co/0DfMMg6 https://ibb.co/ZKpM1nV https://ibb.co/nnrmwqx
  8. Rosenbaur Specialist Rescue Unit Alongside Man TL https://ibb.co/JpSxpmy https://ibb.co/XpCrT2t https://ibb.co/0cqtn5b
  9. Thanks for the positive feedback! As you can see police/Ambulance fleet aren't particularly well developed and are mostly just slight edits from the aforementioned mods, there is a wider fleet including agencies like btp/HART etc but their edits are so subtle that its not worth showing. https://ibb.co/kqnd7fK https://ibb.co/x6j9jHn https://ibb.co/gv0nj0Z Also see it in use here at a building fire north of the city https://ibb.co/JHLP8cC https://ibb.co/8Xdkx0h
  10. Yes mate; the ARP was works identically to how it does in the original welfordshire mod. I’m look at finding a way to make the Aerial Ladder Platform script to work with it.
  11. As requested here is the fire service fleet https://ibb.co/BtLHBx6 https://ibb.co/b7C0Sdp This is the services Environmental Protection Unit (A02Z1) and its support unit (A02Z2) https://ibb.co/JrNzqBw Water Rescue Unit and its Rescue Support Unit https://ibb.co/D9dYz1r https://ibb.co/KGsczZs This is a range of special appliances, ranging from the officers kia, Heavy Rescue Unit (05 plate) Scania Prime Mover equiped with High volume pump, Heavy Rescue unit (17 plate) Operational Support Unit, Breathing Apparatus Support Unit and Fire Investigation Team https://ibb.co/DMgjD8s https://ibb.co/7jWLnrj This is the Command Support Units the older white model and its newer counter part. https://ibb.co/Gks1nYS This is the two on map Aerial appliances, A01T1 & A03A1, there are additional Aerials beyond these a 05 plate scania, a 16 plate man and a 67 plate Merc there are also several remaining aerial rescue pumps that are now being withdrawn This is the range of Scania Pumping Appliances https://ibb.co/VgZ6r78 https://ibb.co/bQnNzP5 https://ibb.co/D9StjMF https://ibb.co/zN8VHpB https://ibb.co/3dR7yPC https://ibb.co/NKt9VDL This ranges from an 05 plate reserve pump to a brand new 70 plate Scania next generation appliance. as always feedback and suggestions are welcome along with anything else people would like to see.
  12. Hi all, This is a topic to created to show work I've done on my private modification over the past few years. It is set in a large uk city. (Think larger than Manchester smaller than London). It draws upon several modifications including Welfordshire, London, Kent and many others drawing them together into what I'd consider to be a definitive Uk Metropolitan City. With this in mind I have no plans ever to seek out permission to release as there are simply too many diffrent mods thrown together. In an attempt to strive for realism I have reworked most if not all fire objects in the game in attempts to create realistic fire spread, This includes reworking smoke plumes etc. I have also as a matter of personal preference made the buildings not have collision for personnel, this means you can deploy firefighters "inside" of structures to carry out firefighting. Any questions, comments or suggestions are more than welcome Attached are some images, primarily of the city to give you an idea of the "feel" i'm going for, if there is sufficent intrest I will upload full fleet photos etc. cheers https://ibb.co/NmN3NcP https://ibb.co/CmZ218Z https://ibb.co/RYqzM8B https://ibb.co/SKHkXtq https://ibb.co/thwXDLV https://ibb.co/8NsF6Z8 https://ibb.co/872jvRt https://ibb.co/Z2m5qb8 https://ibb.co/ZJhYZkK https://ibb.co/rd9wgVv https://ibb.co/7rVwYm1 https://ibb.co/RcxkWk6
  13. I think being overly critical when someone is doing this part time for free is not particularly helpful. Especially given the community at large is dying off a bit. Any effort made to release and add additional content into the game is to be appreciated regardless of whether you consider it to be “low effort” there are a several improvements on the fire service side of things and whilst the features like this may be more subtle than a new map they argueably add more in terms of actual game play features.
  14. Hi, have recently been adding multiple vehicles to my private mod via the "adding vehicles" tutorial, this worked fine and allowed me to add several new vehicles which worked fine in game however I just added a new set and the callout menu is greyed out and I cannot call any vehicles at all I added these using the exact same process as before.. any ideas? cheers.
  15. Ah shoot, the answer I expected, will have to look at alternative options in that case, cheers.
  16. Is anyone aware of a way to make childs show up on personnel models as default? I've attached some via the childs menu, however they only appear when enabled via the properties tab on the bottom left of the editor, is there anyway to have them enabled as default?
  17. Hi redone a few sirens in my private mod and now when I enable them they seem to only play where they are activated and don't follow the vehicle any ideas? Cheers.
  18. This is the last I'll say as per Dysons request. What you said underlines the point I was making, without you sharing your original content freely then ambitious projects like this could never have been started, credit where credit is due and people should always been thanked for there contributions but surley the community at large would be more healthy if everyone pooled there skills and talents? I'm not attempting to turn anyone against the mods, I get what you're saying and where you're coming from, i'm just simply stating a differing long standing opinion. That's all it is, an opinion.
  19. It seems like in my OPINION the modding community is somewhat held back by the requirements for permissions etc, there is hundreds of excellent mods out there that will remain private and away from public consumption due to individuals being uptight as hell about there work. They work hard and that's appreciated, but what do they really gain from keeping there stuff to themselves? Is it an ego thing or what? The Manhattan mod team have always been pretty cool about the free use of there scripts and models, i'm not a fan of american mods, but certainly in my experiance the resources they provided in terms of scripts have greatly advanced the quality of work produced by the community, imagine if every mod team was like that? What standard of mod would we be getting? I'd bet it'd be significantly higher. Just an opinion, seeings as the topic has been openly discussed.
  20. They are both the chidea scania extras so that would make sense!Also I am using there ladder gantry!
  21. Cheers! They are just reskinned chidea ladders mate, should be able to find them without too much trouble.
  22. Fair enough mate, these are the ones i'm using on my personal mod http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198047674410/screenshots/
  23. looks excellent, any tutorials for getting this to work in game? looking to test out my new pc
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