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Everything posted by Batt62

  1. I recently downloaded the winterberg mod, and its a cool mod, but I don't speak german, and ever time I click to dispatch a unit I get 5 units in one area, and then by the time I somehow manage to get one firefighter out and get a hose, the city is half on fire, please explain how you play this mod
  2. i noticed that in a la mod you can turn the emergency lights and sirens on and off. And I was wondering if you could do this in the regular em4
  3. Batt62

    em4 on mac

    Ok, thanks, how do I do that?
  4. ok cool thanks, is this the full winterberg mod in english or is this the english script?
  5. Batt62

    em4 on mac

    I have a MAC and I wanted to play em4 on it, how can I do that?
  6. Is it possible, to turn winterburg, which is a german(correct me if I'm wrong) mod, and translate it into english?
  7. yeah, sounds good, I don't have the submod yet so that works for me lol
  8. yeah, thats would make sense, and it would be really cool, so you made a AMR supervisor vehicle?
  9. is the AMR skin only for the vintage ambulance or is it also for the regular ambulance?
  10. are you going to make this for em4?
  11. depending on the map, On the normal map,(the default la mod freeplay map) its next to the police station, and on wood's map its next to the freeway
  12. I just wanted to see where people "park" or put there Swat or F.B.I units in the normal freeplay map for the la mod, I usually park them in the gas station.
  13. sorry, for asking a "release date" question, but I asked in () but my main question was which version will the federal mod come with, or will it be its own little submod?
  14. Also.. Would removing 3 units really make the load time faster? And don't get ride of the port police :23_31_4:
  15. ok cool, thanks for the information, but I have just one last question, I noticed that in the normal freeplay map, There is only one hazmat call, and i was wondering if you were going to put more hazmat calls in the new map (maybe one with the canister from the hazmat mission)
  16. Just a quick question, is hoppah, going to add more houses in which you can enter(because in the normal la mod map there are rarely any houses with a fire you can enter)
  17. I see, but what am I comparing?
  18. no, sorry, I don't get it, So what do I do with theses numbers?
  19. ahh, ok thanks, but what do I change it to?
  20. yeah, so I did convert it to .jpg and then back to .dds, but the problem is, when I load it into the game it still has the lapd logo on the door of the car
  21. sorry, I forgot to mention, I know how to upload it into microsoft paint, reskin it, and then get it back into the game, but the problem is when I upload it into the game, It still has the lapd logo(I reskinned the lapd patrol car)
  22. I need help reskinning, How do I change the Side logo of a vehicle?
  23. theses look really good! I about to work on a Washington D.C sub mod, if anyone has any picks of any Washington D.C vehicles please send me pics, also had a little problem, when I load a reskinned Model, the light bar was missing, has anyone fixed this?
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