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Everything posted by jsutton

  1. I modified the Fire Station Scripts where the USAR replaces the Hazmat and HES replaces USAR (just the way I prefer) and I was wanting to make a additional VO in the editor to add another HES to station 1 and that's when I noticed usar02 virtual object. So, I modified the scripts to allow for that to happen but I can't seem to get it to work the way I want to. I had several errors in FireStation and FireStationStart which I fixed it I think but I can't seem to figure out the ToFireStation script. Would anyone be willing to modify it so when I want to send another HES to the fire station, I can have 2 of them in there? If not, would anyone tell me how to do it and I already tried basing it off the Engine 2 code and no luck but numerous errors. Ok, small update. Tried to call HES out of Fire Station 1 and it wouldn't move so I sent some officers over there to blow it up and sent tow truck out to haul it away and what do ya know, a new one was already there and it is functional. So I am having some scripting problems all the way around I guess. Will it be hard to fix this mess? I tried uploading the script for ya all to check out but it says I don't have permission to upload the file? Never had that problem.
  2. Found the download links in previous post. Thanks. Another thing, I don't see the download links in the post, I seen them when I replied to topic. Does this mean something is screwed up with my internet?
  3. I got a bad news i going to PLKN(National Service) on 19-JUN-2010.I have to stop this mod until september or october 2010. Program Latihan Khidmat Negara Malaysia(Malayu) / Malaysian National Service Training Program(English) Did the download link get deleted due to his absence?
  4. Just out of curiosity, are you sure it's still on the forums? I have been searching for it in the search box and looking through the LA Mod 2.0 news and have not seen it. I remember seeing it when the mod was in progress but not anymore. Thanks.
  5. I'm not going for realism. I just want it to be a little more easier for me to determine where traffic is coming and then redirect traffic in the right place where it won't cause a big cluster. If there is a big fire that breaks out and I don't want to watch my police cars as well as civilian cars go up in flames, I would like to set my units up and then avoid calling in several tow trucks. Like I said, its for my own use, I just wanted to know if someone might have gotten a map or if one was released. Btw, by map, I'm meaning like a GTA San Andreas map that is released with games, is that map considered a "map texture"? Btw, Thanks Francis, I will search for that map Hoppah had of the location of the stations or I will just do what you said in your first post.
  6. Thanks for your input. I'm hoping within the next few days Hoppah might reply telling me the real answer to the question because it is for my own personal use. I haven't tried the editor but I have'nt messed with maps in editor, just unlocking the vehicles. I'll have to look into that.
  7. Hey there NHFD, I think the extension you are using is wrong, its suppose to be .v3o not .v30. In other words, the zero is suppose to be a o as in the word oh. If you don't understand what I mean, just copy and paste this.. ambulance01.v3o .. when you rename the file.
  8. Does anyone have a picture of the LA Mod 2.0 map that I could use to better place my units in a emergency? I want to print map off and then mark direction of travel and stoplights etc. so in case I need to redirect traffic etc. I don't have a huge mess on my hands. Thanks
  9. The LAPD Chevy Impala included in the Additonal Units Submod by Hoppah has no markings on its texture but the black and white. If I make my changes, will it still show up still?
  10. I am running on-board video and this was my first time actually running the game for several hours so guess that could be the problem. I do not play on the regular map since the deluxe version of the map came about but it has never did it. I think you guys are right about the video drivers. *Note: I did update my drivers before this happened then I did a rollback because it screwed up my video and Nvidia didn't have settings so I could change the resolution.
  11. Some kind of issue with vehicles on the freeplay map of the Deluxe version. I have LA mod v2.0 with Hoppah's Additional Units Submod and I have only modified fire station 2. The issue is most vehicles some how disappeared after receiving a physical rescue assignment (car hit the bridge). While I was working on that call, broken hydrant call came in (just around the corner) and I sent technician there and that's when I could not see the tech or tech vehicle. I'll get pictures of some examples when I can get them to upload.
  12. Great Job Hoppah. The map is so much fun and I have been getting calls in right after another so keepin pretty busy. Get to work with traffic jams also which I think is kinda fun unless other calls are going on that need attention to. The new fire station looks awesome too. I'm making some minor changes to the map (traffic lights mainly). Commands are great as well especially the follow command in the patrol cars. What I like the best about commands is being able to pull over a vehicle and give'em a ticket for speeding for some credits and chasing a subject and taking him down at gunpoint. Awesome job. Voice calls are so much realer. I love all the new ones such as the foot pursuit, 10-4 in custody etc. You guys did a heck of a job. The tiller I have not been able to mess with yet but I'm sure its great. Hope I can use it soon.
  13. Possible bug: I tried sending my towtruck to HQ from the accident behind the police station and it was heading off the map toward the bridge and it jackknifed once it got to the beginning of the bridge. none of my vehicles can drive onto the bridge because I tried sending other units onto it and no luck. I have no issues with traffic jams or traffic crossing it, just the emergency / tec units. EDIT: Ok, not sure why, but towtruck seems to be goin to HQ perfectly fine now going over the bridge. Maybe its just a hit and miss deal.
  14. The yellow truck that gets stuck turning only needs to be redirected and then the rest of the vehicles will turn no problem. Maybe need to delete the yellow truck completely before it reaches intersection?
  15. I can't wait for this now!!! I love it.
  16. Just wait it out like the rest of us. There is already a possible release date so just be happy with that. IMO: I don't think you can really base percentage on a project but I guess some people can.
  17. Read TOS before posting please. You are not allowed to ask for released dates. To answer your question: Hoppah and the crew are working really hard to get it out Sept/Oct but they can't promise anything.
  18. O'Hare Towing is BA. Watch all the episodes of Wrecked so far.
  19. May I asked why you posted this? It has nothing to do with this topic.
  20. Haha, I like your reply at the beginning but hate the ending result.
  21. Umm, Hoppah is not wrong. There is a bug where they do not stop at stoplights. I have to free up traffic jams caused by the police cars / vehicles at the hospital/railroad intersection (on deluxe) and over by the police station (on the deluxe). Also, if you watch the vehicles on patrol and follow them, they do not stop for it. When you choose patrol at the police station they just ghost ride over to the nearest path which it finds the path by the fire station.
  22. It means it will get done sometime in those months. It gets done when it gets done so quit asking when exactly it will be released.
  23. The Seagrave looks more like Engine 1 / ALS engine. I don't think it would be that hard to switch it between engine 1 or engine 2 though.
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