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About jsutton

  • Birthday 04/04/1992

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    Waco, TX
  • Interests
    Tractor Pulling, Emergency Vehicles, Gaming

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  1. Does anyone have the original files for all 3 of the packs that they could upload somewhere for download please?
  2. I agree that a investigator would not be needed unless the town has a crime rate is high then it may make sense for the town to have one. As far as the unmarked units go, I think having at least one would be nice. I like having at least one unmarked unit when I play. My hometown where I worked as a police dispatcher, it has a population of around 11,500 - 12,000 and there is a Chief, Deputy Chief, 1 normal investigator, 1 drug task force investigator but would be called out for normal investigations as needed and 18 officers (including 3 sergeants & K9 Unit). Chief drove a marked unit, deputy chief & investigators drove unmarked units. Day Shift & Evening Shift each had 1 unmarked unit with the other 3 marked units. Overnight shift had the slicktop marked K9 unit with marked units. We didn't have a traffic unit because they would do traffic enforcement while on patrol not handling calls. When we start to get multiple complaints regarding traffic, they would assign a officer for traffic enforcement only unless a more urgent call came in. The smaller departments in our area would call county for a investigator. Shots fired - Outcome could be an actual shooting with person shot, false alarm (fireworks), someone just randomly shooting (no injuries), officer down (suspect at large), active shooter (kind of like in deluxe freeplay). Suspicious Person - Person takes off running when officer gets in area, peeping tom, lookout for burglary (more subjects appear if possible), subject lost and you provide directions (kind of like the script for traffic stops).
  3. It's understandable.... It's just sad how obviously it is no released by being in the not released submods & also no where is there a download link yet people still ask. I'm actually interested to see where this leads whether it gets released or not. I think it would be just awesome seeing in game pictures & maybe some short videos of gameplay.
  4. Read the first 2 pages and you will find your answer, the only unfortunate part is: you won't find your download link.
  5. GIF works good for me & they look great! Awesome job on them.
  6. All I can say is wow, this topic is my new eye candy! Everything looks amazing & can't wait to see the lights or in game!
  7. I'm kind of interested in having the script too. Lost the files we were working on which had spawning police officers too. Will be following this topic when you get everything finalized.
  8. I'll check and see to make sure I haven't made any changes to mine, if not, I can reupload it if nobody else has the files. I think I may have deleted the zip file to it when I was cleaning hard drive files.
  9. Learn a little bit about scripting EM4 & how the files work and then follow Hoppah's guide: http://forum.emergency-planet.com/tutorials/article/1-emergency-4-adding-vehicles/ I've managed to get one engine with some trial and error but it's still not fully converted. Good Luck!
  10. 1) Wood's Map has always had traffic problems if I remember correctly. Just when you think you are getting traffic cleared up, they get backed up somewhere else. I think there are even some stoplights that are malfunctioned that causes traffic to jam also. 1b) See below. 2) I haven't played any of Woods maps in at least a couple years and don't plan on installing it now after the nightmare it was in the past. Does it CTD with any errors, or after you do a certain thing (like getting a hose)? Can you post the log file so we can take a look at it? That will give us a general idea of what is causing the crash if not the full answer. Found this on LA Mod FAQ website, is this what the camera hack is suppose to be or is it a actual program? Very rarely do I get someone on edge of map but I never had a issue not being able to get to or see the person. How can I get the camera hack? To zoom in or out further and get different angles you only have to edit some settings in the configuration file. To do that, open em4.cfg (or em4deluxe.cfg) with WordPad located in your Emergency 4 directory. You can change the following values: mincamz, maxcamz, mincampitch and/or maxcampitch. The screenshots on the LA mod website have been taken using the following values: "e4_maxcampitch" value="80." "e4_maxcamz" value="3500" "e4_mincampitch" value="15" "e4_mincamz" value="100."
  11. Salary -- Tempting sir. But really, we all know where your coming from. Oh and I forgot.... I love your signature. I'll still be checking in once a month for updates.
  12. I don't think anyone has made a actual released script yet but I read in someone's WIP mods they were integrating it into their mod. Good question, I been still trying to figure that out since I started playing. Must be mission only because I have not been able to get it to work on anything in freeplay.
  13. Yeah, I know what you mean. I started a personal mod 2 years ago and then got too busy with work to continue on it. I plan on going back to doing it again but I'm working on GTA IV skins right now. Working on all my local units skins and now I know more about skinning, I'm going back and editing all my old crappy ones I made. So it's pretty much a never ending project for sure.
  14. I'm pretty sure I had Win7 when I used DDS Converter last and it worked fine. Guess I need to try it and make sure. Well, since I'm a slacker, I assume you got this fixed already 5 months later. Once again, I'm a slacker. I'm not 100% sure on this but I think the icons you need to edit for the in menu items and such are in the Units>Vehicles>*Model*. That's the only place I can think of where they would be at. Not sure if those need to be unlocked or not either. It's been so long since I been in the editor but there is a option somewhere to "Center Camera" when your mouse drifts off the grid and it will center the camera back where you started.
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