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Axxif last won the day on August 1 2016

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  1. Sorry for the late chime-in, but in reference to the mutual aid discussion: In addition to calling resources to scene, Many departments request standby units for coverage of areas, especially if there's large distances between locations. If they pull in all the fire department resources from an hour's diameter from somewhere for an active incident, it wouldn't be a stretch to say they'd wanna get someone else in there for response coverage. Just my 2 cents http://www.emergency-planet.com/uploads/emoticons/default_biggrin.png Also, good idea not giving the Chiefs their own SCBA models! Hopefully it'll help keep them outside at command better than around here lol
  2. I'm such a Northerner, thinking that PD should be Blue/Red along with Fire and EMS (around here vollies have all blues for responding to the station in their POVs; it doesn't give them any special driving permissions, but is there as a courtesy light.) Awesome work!!!
  3. Is... is that a Sutphen I spy? Awesome work so far! This mod is really shaping up to be one I'm looking forward to seeing more of, whether that be through a public release or even just a private video or two of gameplay
  4. I do wanna again point out that most of LV Blvd (as well as the Station that you're talking about) will need whole new models to be utilized correctly You don't necessarily don't have to do it to the extent that some German modifications go to, but can have a character that spawns onscreen which functions like a dispatcher, calling in units from out of map. I can help you with getting that set up if you'd like, once everything is sorted out and you know what units you want/have
  5. Well now, you can have a low number of units that reside on the map yet have the map be a fusion of a larger area. Think of it like playing LA Mod with just station 2, or so forth. Having a lower number of on-map units doesn't necessarily mean you have to make the map 100% realistic to a specific area of Vegas, just that they don't want 30+ units all stationed on the map. Make sense?
  6. I just wanna point out that the majority of the Strip (all the hotels and casinos in the Vegas Metro area) is located in Paradise, which is protected by the Clark County Fire Department, not the LVFR. That being said, it would be interesting to see more of the non-gambling side of the area lol My suggestion is to pick where you want your map to be located/based on, then build it. Once you've got that (with the fire station or two within it), then place the actual staffing of those stations.
  7. Open up the "Specs" folder, and you will see up to ten files whose names start with "fp_params_". Those files are associated with the parameter conditions for the different freeplay versions (Endless and Challenge; single player and multiplayer). Files that end with "_mp" are associated with multiplayer, and the other ones are associated with single player. Open the specific file or files that you wish to change, and look for the following line: "<MaxParkingSpace value="35" />" Change the numbers to be whatever value you wish to have. This file also controls other variables within that specific game mode, such as money and call frequency. Hope this helps!
  8. Have you checked to make sure that your firefighters actually have all the commands necessary to function properly? Could you load your script folder to a rar or zip file and send it to me?
  9. So, I've compared a couple PickUp scripts I've got, and I think I might have found your possible problem. If I may direct your attention to this segment: bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller) { if (!Caller->IsValid()) return false; if (Caller->GetType() == ACTOR_VEHICLE) { Vehicle v(Caller); if (v.GetVehicleType() == VT_FIREFIGHTERS_FMB) { return v.GetFreeTransports() > 0 && (Game::ExistsNormalObjectWithFlagSet(OF_FLOTSAM) || Game::ExistsDrowningPerson()); } else if (v.GetVehicleType() == VT_THW_FGRR_RL) { return !v.IsCarryingAnything() && Game::ExistsNormalObjectWithFlagSet(OF_CARRYABLE_BY_BULLDOZER); } } if (Caller->GetType() == ACTOR_PERSON) { Person p(Caller); if (p.GetArrestedID() != -1) return false; } if (Caller->HasCommand("Dummy1Cone") || Caller->HasCommand("Dummy2Cones")) return true; else if (Caller->HasCommand("Dummy1Flare") || Caller->HasCommand("Dummy2Flares")) return true; else if (Caller->IsCarryingAnything()) return false; else if (Caller->HasCommand("PcmdTrafficConeGet") || Caller->HasCommand("PcmdFlareGet")) return true; else if (Caller->HasCommand("PcmdWye") || Caller->HasCommand("PcmdExtendhose")) return true; else if (Caller->HasCommand("DriveAwayPerson")) return Game::ExistsInstalledJumppad() || Game::ExistsPickableAnimal(); return false; } Make sure that you have the last tidbit in there (the two lines above "return false;"), and ensure that all of the peds that you have which you want to collect the jumppad have the command "DriveAwayPerson". Without this, the script cannot initialize unless you fulfill one of the other variables. Hope this helps!
  10. @Steven Dang that sounds like your FF/EMTs are missing the "PickUp" command. Assuming LA Mod is still at 2.1, you could try adding a snippet of code to the end of the Usejumppad script in order to ensure that you can pick it back up. Something like the last two lines of code here... //****************************************************************************************** // #Version 1.1# // // Changes: - UseJumppad and RemoveEquipment command will be removed. // //****************************************************************************************** const char DUMMY_EQUIPMENT[] = "DummyEquipmentCommands"; object UseJumppad : CommandScript { UseJumppad() { SetValidTargets(ACTOR_OPEN_HOUSE); SetPossibleCallers(ACTOR_PERSON); SetPossibleEquipment(EQUIP_JUMPPAD); SetPossibleExists(CPE_HOUSE_FOR_JUMPPAD); } /*bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller) { if(!Caller->IsValid() || Caller->GetType() != ACTOR_PERSON || Caller->GetEquipment()!=EQUIP_JUMPPAD) return false; return Game::ExistsHouseForJumpad(); }*/ bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int ChildID) { if(!Caller->IsValid() || Caller->GetEquipment()!= EQUIP_JUMPPAD ) return false; if (Caller->GetType() != ACTOR_PERSON) return false; Person p(Caller); if(p.GetEnteredCarID() != -1) return false; if ( Target->GetType() == ACTOR_OPEN_HOUSE ) { OpenHouse house(Target); if ( house.HasJumppadTarget() ) return true; } return false; } void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int ChildID) { OpenHouse house(Target); Vector TargetPos = house.GetJumppadTarget(); Caller->PushActionMove(ACTION_APPEND, TargetPos); Caller->PushActionUseEquipment(ACTION_APPEND, Target, ChildID, 3.f); Caller->PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_EQUIPMENT, Target, 10, false); // go back 300 units Vector BackPos = Caller->GetPosition(); BackPos.x -= TargetPos.x; BackPos.y -= TargetPos.y; BackPos.z -= TargetPos.z; float len = Math::dist(BackPos.x, BackPos.y, BackPos.z, 0, 0, 0); if ( len ) { BackPos.x *= 300/len; BackPos.y *= 300/len; BackPos.z *= 300/len; } BackPos.x += TargetPos.x; BackPos.y += TargetPos.y; BackPos.z += TargetPos.z; Caller->PushActionMove(ACTION_APPEND, BackPos); if(!p.HasCommand("PickUp")) { p.AssignCommand("PickUp"); } } }; In particular: if(!p.HasCommand("PickUp")) { p.AssignCommand("Pickup"); } Edit: I'm not sure whether that is a valid syntax for this usage or if it needs to be formatted around Caller. Lemme know if it works and if not I'll look into it and try it out (particularly when it's not 4:30 in the morning )
  11. Unfortunately, it means your graphics aren't good enough to keep up. If you click on one of your personnel that box also becomes white, right? Source: I get the same error with my work laptop. Double check to make sure that your graphics are up to date first, as there is a potential that the problem could be fixed that way, otherwise your only option would be to upgrade your GPU/PC to something more high end. Although less likely, you could also try reinstalling everything and/or making sure the game folder (and its subfolders) is not set on read-only, but those are much less likely to fix it (as far as I'm aware). Hope this helps!
  12. Axxif


    For some reason I was thinking Brooklyn, not Bronx XD
  13. sorry to ask this are you Axxif from gta sa?

    1. Axxif


      I am. Haven't done much with it for a while, though

    2. Jennifer93


      sorry to ask this you still got the Pittsburg mods as the 4shard links are gone and the other websites do not have them and you know what happened to MU?

    3. Axxif


      Not sureĀ 

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