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Everything posted by Xplorer4x4

  1. Ok so heres a full list of changes as best as I can recall: Police -Parking moved to rear of LAPD Station. -Parking spots in rear of LASD Station for 3 SWAT Trucks(SWAT SUV,Swat 1 - Lenco Bearcat,SWAT2- Lenco Bear) -Parking spots in rear of LASD Station for SWAT Heavy Rescue and LAPD Bomb Squad based off SWAT Heavy Rescue or ATF NRU -ATF NRU now carries bomb robot and LAPD Bomb Squad Member -LASD Station Added with 3 parking spots for LASD Patrol Car,LASD Van,and LASD Search and Rescue. -CHP Crown Vic might be replaced with the LED Version. Fire --Station 1 -LED ALS Engine added to Station 1 -LED BLS Engine added to Station 1 -Tiller replaced Tower Ladder -EMS Supervisor(Crown Vic) added to Station 1 -Swift Water Rescue Truck added to Station 1 - Truck staffed with 2 Medics and 1 USAR FF who can change in to a dive suit on scene. -Large Rescue Ambulance Added to Station 1 and transformed in to strictly a rescue truck housing jump pad,jaws of life,chainsaw,etc,and will staff 2 Paramedics - Hazmat capabilities in the work. The set up is based on a real life rig from my city. -Heavy Rescue Crane added to Station 1 --Station 2 -Tower Ladder replaced Hazmat Unit -USFS Truck repainted Red and put in service as a new ALS Engine. -LED Brush Truck added. -Battalion Chief added. All fire units are scripted to return to there respective parking place. EMS -LED ALS Ambulance will be the second ambulance in the bay at FS1. -EMS Dodge Charger from LED Submod added to FS2. -Ambulances set to return to base if ambulance bays are full. -ATF NRU Reskined to match LACo Coroner Special Operations unit. I am certain I am forgetting somethings, but that covers the majority of it. Several people made indirect contributions to my mod, and have given permission for a public release of my changes with there work included. Most of the lighting work was done by CFD,NFK, and occram, with a few edits done by me. So a big thank you to all 3 for there lighting work through the years. Thank you to Lushino/Swano for giving permission to use the Unmarked Units Submod. JoseOu for the LED Submod. Last but not least, ShaneGreen; his work was an inspiration for these changes, as well as helping me out along the way with script errors, tips, and so forth. Oh and of course Hoppah who layed the ground work with all that he has done for the LA Mod. Hoppahs permission is the only thing required, besides testing, to proceed with a public release. I have asked a few people to innate the beta testing phases in hopes of getting all bugs worked out and a public release.
  2. So your saying the the cars have to use the prototype name of the original vehicles to be able to be used as civil cars? I will use this once the traits are set properly.
  3. From that far away it looks to be exactly the same, a bunch of squares.
  4. Wow none of your other games pause to load levels or stuff like that? So waiting a minute to load a mod is to much? Oh well your loss.
  5. Suggestion: Not sure exactly what kind of set up FDNY have on there rigs for lighting, but I would imagine atleast one truck has a light mast. Assuming this is true, can you make it so we can rotate h light mast so that we dont have to move the truck to position the lights.
  6. Search crash to desktop.
  7. Maight help, otherwise post the script.
  8. ^Check the tutorials section. Only thing is if yyou edit your files any one you play has to have the EXACT same changes made to there files.
  9. Yes they can. Not sure if they do in freeplay or not, but it might be a matter of waiting to long to handle them before they throw cocktail bombs at you.
  10. You mean it is a i7 920. See: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115202 If you dont like the loading time, dont play it. That Simple. It takes time because the game is more or less loading another game inside the game because the LA Mod takes the gameplay a new level.
  11. Surprised this hasnt been asked yet..I havent got around to testing this yet but is there anything special we need to do to use this for the LA Mod(or any other mod), or is it just a matter of copy and paste to the \Prototypes\Vehicles\07 Civil folder?
  12. Define fully what you mean by not working. Also we cant rub a crystal ball and magically see what changes you made , so help us to help you. We need details like scripts edited, what you added, where you added it, etc. To make changes to the fire station you have to edit lafirestationstart,lafirestation,and latofirestation.
  13. I think 3ds is the only format you can export to that zmod will import. As for sketchup its about $500 for the pro/registered version.
  14. For one theres no i7 9200 For two, be patient. It will take roughly one to two minuets for it to load for the LA Mod. It says this when you install the mod. Same thing applies to all mods. All depends on how advanced the mod is. Some will load in 30 seconds if there isnt much to the mod.
  15. Ok maybe I was wrong on the Arjent lightbar part: http://www.mikesphotos.us/gallery2/v/Action/Events/C-Expo-09/Los+Angeles+County+Sheriff_s+Department+San+Fernando+Valley+Metro-MTA+Crown+Victoria/C-Expo09-LASD-Metro-005.jpg.html LASD Metro with Arjent Heres a LASD Radio Car: http://www.mikesphotos.us/gallery2/v/Action/Events/FSD09-HDC/LASD+Radio+Car/
  16. Any ETA as to when this might get done? Its not a major issue but it helps keep the thread listing a bit more organized because the sticky topics really blend in with regular topics imo. @Moo, 100% dedicated, EMP does not share the server with any other sites except for a test forum, from the sounds of it, and I think you can gather what thats used for Maybe some other test sites and little projects like that.
  17. I assume you mean PRL? Project Reality Lights? Well its been answered a hundred times in the thread but, 1) Please keep questions about mods in the mod thread. 2) You dont need the LED Submod. Its optional. 3) Its simply a matter of copy and paste to install. Go to My Computer->C Drive->Program Files->Sixteen Tons->Mods->LA Mod->Prototypes->Vehicles 4) Now unzip/unrar the PRL file. Open the folder. If you see a folder called prototypes, click it. If it shows a folder called Vehicles inside of it, right click the folder called Vehicles->Paste it to the LA Mod directory. Say yes you want to over write the folder and files, and your done. See, wasnt that easy?
  18. Wasnt aware IPB changed there pricing method. What about separating submods? Is the hack for seperating stick and normal threads out yet, or maybe has it become an on/off option in the latest version?
  19. In regards to the domain cost, it may be the price of all the domains he owns. I think theres like 4 domains pointed to this server. Might be cheaper to switch to vBulletin though. Its like $30 a year for support if you buy an owned license. Moo, this is a really high end server. Havent looked at server prices but if memorey serves me right it runs an i7 920 with 8 GB RAM. I cant recall the rest of the specs but I do know its a rather high end server.
  20. Why not ask in the thread for PRL? Its there for a reason.
  21. Well I think some of the more advanced users like moo,myself and some others, pick and choose, but i think its fair to say the average user uses the whole pack, or nothing at all. Personally, I would like to see them all released at once, but its your call.
  22. Period or for IPB 3.1? Im shocked since usually hacks are ported every which way.
  23. Nother idea, not sure exactly how the IPB Mod forum is set up, Invionize forums isnt it? But at vbulletin.org they use a system where you can mark a mod installed. Then it will show how many people have installed the mod, shows things like weather file edits are required, template edits, and even lets you be notified via email when an update to a mod is posted. Since submods arent posted in the download center, and the download center doesnt have such an option anyways..I think this would be great for submods, and would work great for mods as well, but primarily for submods. You can get an over view of it here: http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=237531 But as your going to view it as a guest, you wont see all the options, but it is a great system and I am sure there is an IPB equivalent. Had another idea besides that, but i forgot it.
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