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Everything posted by Xplorer4x4

  1. It will be included in the submod I am working on. Its almsot done on the scripting side. The 2 things I am waiting on right now are models and lights(the lights have to be moved a bit since I used NNICOs Crown Vic rather then the original LA Mod CV). More info here:
  2. Yeah and to make matters worse my stomachs been on hurt mode today and Im out of cigarettes till I walk to the store.
  3. The "flame war" has been over for two days.
  4. You dont. You can go off one or the other but first of all blueprints may not be 100% accurate. Let take LA for example, firstly Pierce custom builds there engines using designs provided by LAFD. So in this case blueprints may not be exactly the same as the standard Pierce Arrow XT(assumption). Now its also possible that the department has made after market customizations. Using LA and Pierce as an example, notice the steel box above the hose bed in this picture? Pierce does not deliver the engines with these boxes. LAFD uses these to store things like sleeping bags and such that may come in handy during times when there working brush fires for days at a time. Now besides that, which is in part speculation, with real photos, it can aid in making the skin of the units more realistic.
  5. You brought a topic up from January 2009 and you cant even post a proper link? Obviously people didnt care so why bump the topic to begin with?
  6. Slept 5 hours, woke up to piss, and couldnt go back to sleep! Dont you hate that?
  7. Mission 11 is in there if you look past the first page, and as for thumbnails you have to click the actual link and go to the description page and click download file.
  8. Didnt we just discuss using google the other day?
  9. Why would you ask for permission when Hoppahs already given everyone permission to do whatever they want with the mod?
  10. Oh wow, dont be such a cry baby. I wasnt being mean just saying to search and read. The info is there. If one search doesnt work, rephrase the search and try again.
  11. Because you need to learn to read. It is available in english.
  12. So its just a reskin mod? I doubt this will get a big following then.
  13. There reskins of NNICOs Crown Vic he released. The light bars and push bumpers were chopped off Hoppahs models by me and applied to NNICOs CV by me. There are new models planned though and 2 of them should be about done. Helljumper said Quint 9 was nearly done last weekend and he said he would do one other model as well. The other model, Engine 51, well I have no idea whats going on with that right now as it's been "almost done" for some time now. Also need to get the lights updated to match the new models. Conroy has started on this and gotten one done already. Slowly but surely everything is coming together.
  14. I hate png, even on a 6mbps connection they take ages to load. Why not use jpg? They load much faster especially for those with slow connections?
  15. Personally I use Photoshop CS5, but used photoshop 7 before that. I hated CS1-4, but 5 is another story! I love it! For v3o and scripts nothing beats Notepad2 imo.
  16. Thanks guy. Surprisingly I was able to get 2 more done today, the K-9 CV which was very quick to do since it just needed the K-9 lettering and unit number changes. Also I was ble to get the LAAP Patrol car nearly complete: Only thing it lacks is text on the rear fender and pin striping down the doors. The only one left to do is the Port Police car on the police side and the EMS Supervisor on the Medical side.
  17. Have you actually gotten permission to use these models? Can you do anything besides reskin?
  18. I suppose the reason for calling the ALS Engine is more back up or more medical man power.
  19. If you dont mind some feedback on the skin for the suv, try lowering the luminescence, if that possible with your editing program. The lights should look like there tucked inside the windows. Is there still a bug with the USCG Truck? If so what is it?
  20. Yep your really on topic with more spam. Talking about maps,changes you made, and now this? How is that related to the reskins that started the topic? How was asking you to post in the right place rude? Btw the words is pantie hose, not panty hoes. Now would you like to prove your self wrong and spam some more or get back to topic?
  21. Who knows for sure, but my guess he just doesnt have a clue what hes doing, or maybe he thinks you have to pay for rapidshare,etc, or well who knows.
  22. or maybe there just keeping things a surprise.
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