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Everything posted by Xplorer4x4

  1. Thats not the point, it may be "fine" but it's not about being some kind of error log per say. It's about your system info. Things like what hardware is inside your PC, your drivers(they may be up to date, which COULD be the problem), your OS, screen resolution, and other specs that are useful to those trying to help you with your problem. However, all that info is pretty much useless on it's own with out knowing the error message.
  2. Do you know how to search? Not being sarcastic here, but I think all your questions can be answered if you just do a little research. We are just repeating things that have been repeated as well as documented in tutorials before. Wrong forum btw, this is supposed to be for Released or WIP Mods, not how do I make a mod threads, thats what the Modding and mod help forums is for. Nor should the topic really be Las Vegas mod since the topic is all about how to mod rather then a las vegas mod.
  3. You just said you were using MY map...so which one is it?
  4. Not really sure. a Dxdiag and log file would help(check the announcements in EM4 technical forum) and possibly re-downloading/reinstalling. Its possible something got crouped along the line. Speaking of the map, thinking about it, im kinda surprised the snow texture being so bright hasnt caused lag for people.
  5. It's not something you can learn over night. Now can a simple video or tutorial be made. Theres many aspects to it. Making models, making scripts, making maps, then using the editor to put everything together. You can go to the tutorials forum and read how to make 3d models, but its going to take time to learn how to make basic models, and even longer to make a good looking model. Scripting, well google may be of some assistance in helping you learn C++ which is the programing language used in scripts. To make the type of scripts you see in mods like the LA Mod, or any other mod, will probably require studying for months, but even with a knowledge of C++ you have to learn how it applies in EM4. Then theres mapping. To make a map you need some artistic ability in programs like photoshop,gimp,or paint.net. Tutorials to google will help you learn these programs. I suspect a really dedicated person could make a good map in about a weeks time depending on how much time was devoted to it, and how good they can use the programs I just mentioned. Then there is the editor. The EM4 manual can some what help you here and the tutorials forum along with searching the forums. So to sum it all up, just learning the elements of modding takes time, as it is, not to mention time to apply the skills and develop a mod. However, to be fair, not everyone is a jack of all trades. I can script, I can reskin, I can do editor stuff, but I can not model, or UV Map.
  6. Make sure your not using the deluxe map if you have em4deluxe.
  7. Dyson, why dont you actually name the folder New York Submod so people do not have to over write there LA Mod.
  8. Of course. If you dont select anything how can it know what to copy?
  9. dustwaveblitz, the op has no skills. He was asking some one to make a (sub?)mod for him. This threads been dead for 8 months until the useless bump above your post. Nor does the member seem to have an account anymore, so I really wouldnt expect anything to come of this.
  10. No. You need to enter the YSB folder till see you the folders like scrips,maps,etc, THEN copy and then right click on the 4x4 folder and hit paste.
  11. Why dont you use his read me, see how thats installed then do the same for your files. Keep in mind if you do not have video your going to just see a black box pop up and hear the audio.
  12. Well last time I checked,all of his models came from the 3d wharehouse and he modified them as needed. puppysboy222, you been away awhile so you might want to read up on this:
  13. Looking pretty good USMan, but the green background is really bright. :-/
  14. No your wrong![/sarcasm] It helps if you actually provide some resource to back up this statement. At this time I have not seen a mod accomplish this. However, now that you mention it, I think the NY Mod has accomplished it, but they have not actually showed us that yet. So until the NY Mod is released, it's not possible as far as I know. Even if it is done/been done, there is the question of just how easy it will be to do, and if it would be worth the time to strip out this function from one mod and port it to another.
  15. You are not able to buy units on this mission. They give you all the units you need to complete the mission. They are on the map when the mission starts.
  16. Looks pretty good, but keep in mind, most modelers aim for less then 5,000 polygons per model to ensure that things run smoothly for everyone. E4 was designed for low polygon models, not high polygon models like NFS3 cars. Also keep in mind, if you plan to release this you need to have permission from the original modelers to re-release thee models. I believe your time would be better spent on civilian cars, and using NFS I models as I believe this is where Hoppahs CV model originated.
  17. As for the rapid deployment, I assume it just does not work? Check LARapidDeployment.script You need to add the prototype in there. As for the gate thing, sadly no that probably wont help me, but thanks for the update
  18. Create an application? It's a modification for Emergency 4. Open EM4 and i think the rest should be self explanatory....
  19. http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=187351
  20. Yep thats kinda my point. Hoppah could model and script, MikeyPI is just a model guy. People look at me and think scripter. Its the same thing with sports for example, I cant play basketball or baseball if my life depended on it lol. Football is another story.
  21. Check heyjoojoos dispatcher mod. This can not be done on a per mod basis, if you replace the dispatcher guy, it will replace him in the entire game regardless of what mod you are in.
  22. The pivot has to sit lower. Yo have it sitting even with the truck. It should be sitting lower where the wheels would touch the ground: http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/3108/helpvoorbrwwagen.png Red circle shows where the pivot is. The green + in the red circle shows where it should be.
  23. lol thats not quite true. It all depends who you ask. For me, scripting comes natural. Modeling is another story. To me modeling is impossible.
  24. freeplaybase_d.xml in the LA Mod/specs folders. I believe it is listed in there as <!-- secret service SUV --> well not exactly but you get the idea. Just remove the <!-- and the -->
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