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Everything posted by Xplorer4x4

  1. Keep the copy you have. Rename the folder to something like Los Angeles Mod Map 2. Open the e4info file using notepad. Edit the mod name field to Los Angeles Mod Map 2. Now install the LA Mod again. PAY ATTENTION. Do not just keep clicking next none top when running the installer. When you have the option to install the map, do not do it. Now install patch 2 to this copy of the mod. Now you have 2 working copies of the LA Mod with different maps.
  2. Nope, never asked for a percent. Your right, because they never mentioned "want" they said Impossible. I did not suggest anything. So your right may as well get back to topic. There plenty of points that could be disputed but whats the point.
  3. Looking good. On the ESU(second model), it needs some work around the front wheels/wheel wells. The tire looks to big.
  4. I think you are missing the point. You said it your self, it may be harder, but it is not impossible to give a percentage. This was never about posting constant percentages, but weather a percentage was possible or not. However in regards to the constant percentage changes,they never post percentages, so thats not much of a concern. Nor did I suggest constantly updating it.
  5. Do you actually have any skills?
  6. I have scaled models before in zmod and the skin looked just fine. Maybe its because you still use zmod1 alot?
  7. For any one testing the release, Alpha 2 has been posted. You know where to find it. To everyone else, we are doing alhpa testing atm to experiment some things. We should be moving into beta testing some time latter this week or week end.
  8. When the buttons flash like that it means there are to many commands assigned. You have to remove one. As for the MP4, this requires script editing because it is not a stock weapon.
  9. Corses, after almost 3 years of using this forum you would think you could figure out the multi-quote feature and know double posting is against the rules.
  10. Logfile and dxdiag would probably be useful.
  11. I thought the Utica mod died when Emergency Captain got banned?
  12. Assessment Engine is just the opposite..well sorta. LA used to have ALS Engines like you see in the stock LA Mod. However, if memory serves me right, they just did not have as many guys completing paramedic certification so it was getting hard to staff ALS Engines with 2 medics. Budget may have been a factor to but I can't recall for sure. I imagine Billy will be along soon enough to correct me if either of those are wrong. With that said, the ALS Engines became Paramedic Assessment Engines, or Assessment Engines. The only change I am aware of, is instead of 2 Medics, it is just one medic.
  13. Well one station is not manned 24/7 as it is. They unmanned house has an Engine, a Brush truck/fast response medical truck, and one half of the dive rescue equipment. Not to mention this is a Volly department, so I imagine costs are much lower then when you have to pay a full time staff. I dont recall what the charges are off hand, but she has plead guilty. Google Linda Durham for more info if your interested in the charges. Now as for a tax, thats what I said above. At 10,000+ residents, if they implemented something like a $30 tax a year per building/apartment they could easily raise $180K, or more, and from the reception of the public, I can imagine that most would have gladly paid such a small fee to keep the dept open. As I understand it, they did indeed struggle though. A large part of that was the fact they signed a contract for 5 years, I believe, to set there annual budget. Like everyone else, they didn't know gas would hit $4 a gallon. Fuel costs seemed to be a big problem for them.
  14. lol I hope that is not directed at me since it was posted right after me. You already know thats not the case if you look around the forums and keep up with the project. It sounds just as whinny when you go on rants like this. I simply tried to provide some technical insight on why I feel it is not impossible. Funny how my comment seems to go ignored. Maybe I am on to something here. Either way all they have to do is provide an explanation and then every one is satisfied on the issue. Very well said. No one asked for a percentage. Jake, for example, suggested it would make life easier, as I did else where. I simply am trying to establish why it is impossible to provide a percent.
  15. Theres an unmarked doge charger around here in the unmarked units submod.
  16. Rather then working on the mod? It's going to be quite some time from the sounds of it before we see a release. Beyond that, if they are organized it shouldnt take long to give a rough estimate. You act like if they spend 5 min to come up with a rough percentage it is going to delay the project by 6 months. Besides your missing my point. I NEVER asked for a percentage. I simply stated I don't believe it is impossible to come up with a percentage regardless of there system. And if that is the case, then the percentage is off. Simply update it.
  17. Yes you need to go to the edit prototype screen, hit edit traits, and change the material to EmVehichle03. The invincibility is related to the material. Otherwise, download the zip here and place the prototypes in the proper folder. Please note these prototypes are using Hoppah's lights. tiller.zip
  18. Shadylasse, his point is still valid regardless of what system is used to assign commands, and put models in game. It is still the same concept of calculating a percentage no matter if you use your "base" or the EM4 editor. Look at how many models have been put in the game. Look at how many models still have to be put in the game. Divide the total by the number done. Now multiply that by 100 and the first two number create a percentage. Now with the scripts, same thing. How many of the scripts/commands are there total? Now how many are in the game? Then apply the mathematical formula above. I am sure you know how to calculate a percentage, but just detailing why, I do not believe it is impossible to say a percentage.
  19. I was right! So again just guessing, but apply the UV Map to the model BEFORE you scale it, and I assume that would fix it without actually adjusting the skin image file.
  20. If you want to change sirens, say the ambulance siren to be a federal q, then you need to open up lasiren.script.
  21. You know I had thought about applying just that, have an engineer who runs to the pump panel when you hit rapid deploy and maybe have the captain just stand by the passenger side door, but for the game of game play, I am not sure how I feel about sacrificing 2 ffs much less one. Not to mention how others would feel about it.
  22. Yeah usually you see them by wal-mart once a year atleast raising donations. As for money, yeah I know you got it from the site, I read it. Just saying the media has been reporting $110K. There are 3 or 4 other volunteer fire depts in the county. I know for a fact 3 are, not sure about the 4th. One of which is actually a combo department with paid and vollys, and then there is Evansville Fire if they decide to get paid for there work.
  23. I thought maybe it was just me at first, but yeah not that funny. Its worth a chuckle, but not a LMFAO.
  24. I completely understand. It's kind of like scripting a new game, rather then making a script, going in the EM4 editor and adding it. I still don't understand why a percentage isn't possible. I am not bitching; I just dont understand is all. None the less, it's good to finally have some kind of over view to see where things stand.
  25. My guess..the texture is to big. You resized the model but not the skin. Just a guess though.
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