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Everything posted by Xplorer4x4

  1. How do i create a mod file like how the LA Mod comes as a .mod file, and msot other major mods do as well?
  2. http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/457/screen04g.jpg I love how the dirt road goes up an over the tunnel. You do some amazing stuff hoopah! Will there be a train wreck by any chance? All the freeplay maps have trains but we never get to actually cut them open. My apoligies for asking about an airport earlier on, I forgot you had mentioned it in the first post.
  3. Green police cars? Where did you see green police cars as they may be helpful for something I am working on.
  4. ^depends. Some people put such things in there dds and others dont.
  5. Not a problem, just fyi, choose rar next time, well depending on what your doing. In this case script files are so small it doesnt matter but rar will compress more then zip if your compressing say a 700mb file. I wish i could be more assistance in the scripting department, but I cant sadly.
  6. Thats really good for paint! I wouldnt dream of accomplishing much in paint.
  7. Click add reply, and just under the text editor, there is a browse button on the left side. click it. Now i dunno if it lets you upload more then one file to a post...so you should get winrar(free at http://www.rarlab.com/download.htm - get the very top link) then you can select multiple files in windows, and right click, and choose "add to" then it will put them all in a single rar file. If you have any problems pm me.
  8. ^I some what agree with newfoundking. However if your interested in a NYC mod, then why not try to lend a hand to the person or persons involved, reducing work load for everyone involved and hopefully speeding up the process. Then perhaps some of the people involved with that will help when its all said and done and hopefully speed things up for your mod as well. Just my 2 cents.
  9. It did seem a bit harsh which is why I sort of fired back. Its all good though. No hard feelings. I think thats kind of a harsh view point because imo if thats the case theres no need for USFS vehicles/USFS Firefighters, CHP vehicles/officers, and alot of other units in the game. CHP is actually state, so there technically 2 levels above city if you get what i mean since the tier goes city->county>state>federal. The HES and Rescue Crane are both county units if memorey serves me right. This isnt a bash on Hoopah and others work its just the logic seems rather flawed seeing how much work Hoopah and others made to put so many county vehichles in the game. To each there own, dont get me wrong on that
  10. For one how many crown vic units do you see that look that good? Secondly, for a touch of home. This is a unit used by one of the county fire stations here. Besides maybe in the future I will reskin the units to match units here, for personal use of course. I know how to use the gradient tool in photoshp to an extent, its just a matter of keeping it proportionate(to an extent) and working around the wheel wells would be a pain. Well if realisim is a factor then you have an LAPD SUV for city calls and a LA County SUV for responing to calls in the outer areas of the map. Now maybe LA is a bit diffrent but thats typically how it work here. The county sheriefs have power in the city(since it is in the county) but typically only run back up calls when there in the city. Sometimes they will also drive by routine traffic stops if there in the area just in case back up is requested. Other wise they mainly respond to call out side of the city limits. Same with State Patrol here. They dont do much in the city. There mainly only found on highways and interstates here. Of course in Cali they refer to State Troopers as Highway Patrol but there function is esentially the same as far as I know. I use photshop 7 but I am just not very tallented in photoshop unlike other here. Where as a crap reskin job done by me would take several hours, some one with real photoshop tallent could get it done in like an hour proabably. Give or take a bit. I am cruious as to how well the rims would actually duplicate into the game? Will i really be able to see any details of them you think? Are the lower profile tires going to be a problem? To be as authentic as possible wouldnt it require editing the model to match the rims and tires? The msot important thing is the pait job but the rims and tires would be nice to..
  11. Oh i thought that was from one of the submods here. But yeah thats what I was asking if some one could remodel the trucks to show some damage. I am not asking for a complete remodel just some alterations to the existing models. I didnt think about the physics, thanks! What about the idea of the crane having to be used? Would I need scripting for that or can i some how manage that with just physics?
  12. Sorry didnt mean to seem that way. Text can some times be deceiving. I am just anxious to release something that people wanted. I just really want to get permission rather then just go throw it on the board with out permission and be a complete asshole and disregard the rules and hoopahs wishes.
  13. Hoopah permission to release these would be appreciated.
  14. If you use the standalone you dont need the the other stuff. When does it crash? Did you have any other sub mods installed before this?
  15. BTW LA is in LA County I would imagine. Not to mention Sheriff are county units mostly, and there is a whole fleet of vehicles. The HES is a LA County vehicle. Forest Fire units are probably under the county jurisdiction, not the city, but I believe they may even be federal. Plus the load screen has the LA County and LA City logos. Thats alot of County references to be that focused on city rather then county and city. Nor do I see how this is mainly about LAPD when there are so many Medical and Fire units avaliable. Plus these arent nescescarily for LA Mod, although I personally plan to use them in the LA Mod. If some one could just do a reskin of the EMS crown vic like this: http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/107/car1.jpg I would really apreciate it as this is a bit complicated due to the rims and the gradient stripe on the middle. Then I can change the lightbars out myself.
  16. Ok I was considering the idea of adding a few wrecks to the map with emergency personnel evolved. After all emergency crews have accidents to. I could use the wrecked cop car from the submod here for a wrecked cop car, but I was in need of a wrecked Ambulance and firetruck as well. I was browsing goole and found this image: http://home.insightbb.com/~infs_hotshots/Red%20Dog/bilde.jpg Perhaps some one could model soemthing similar? Then I can include injuered emergencey personel myself. And for an ambulance maybe something like this: http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/fire/images/200512CP.jpg I was hopping some one could model and paint something similar using the units in the game. I was also wondering if something like the ALS Engine was modified and flipped like in the first pic, would it require scripting to force the TEC Crane or Fire Crane to flip the vehichle over before a tow truck could pick it up?
  17. @Shane, thank you. As I mentioned earlier, I fixed the directional lights for the EMS SUV(if memory serves me right, there working correct lol), all I need to do is provide the e4p file for you correct? That way you can devote your time to other things. Ahh I see, well in that case, sounds good. I may do the same with woods map to get more use of my cranes.None the less kudos for learning to script. I need some more experience in that department. I may consider that. GIMP is free I believe and of course there is good ol paint. Personally I used Adobe Photoshop 7 for the work above. I have used Photoshop CS and CS 2 but prefer the old V7 as I find it a bit easier to acomplish what I need. May give CS3 a shot one day to see where things have come. V7 lacks some featuers if your into making sig type images compared to CS series but I use it only for photo editing. Anyways try gimp. I believe it supports layers like photoshop so it provides the ability to modify things a bit easier then paint. EDIT: Heres a video of the lights in action to show there all updated to red. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Cv8Cwer5hw Everything is done except for the siren script, unit files, and dispatch icons. Am I forgetting anything? They will come tomorrow along with the release of the submod if hoopah will reply with his consent to allow me to release it.
  18. Thats ok. As for the renovation, by all means to each there own, but the crane gets very little use on any of the freeplay maps in my experience. I dont want to hijack your thread shane but since hoopah hasnt given me permission yet I figuered I would post an update here on the request for a reskined EMS SUV like thw white one, I am about 80-85% done. All that left is clean up a few things like the rear roof supports and mirrors, add the commands, and edit the light bar and change the blue lights to red. Oh and a few small alterations like the writing on the windows. To stay consistant, shane, I was curious what font you used?
  19. And be careful because if you decontaminate some one, then walk a contaminated person close them they get infected all over again.
  20. Since I cant see your attachment I am going to assume its not the standard map for EM4/911 nor the standard map for the LA Mod, so in which case, it must be w00ds map I am guessing http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.php?showtopic=4804
  21. Version 1 Version 2 The instructions are about the same as SahenGreen's. Browse into Version 1 or 2 and then follow shanes directions, which are basically copy and paste NOTE: The Directional light is fully functional in both versions. I am working on reskining the LAP SUV into the EMS SUV above. Should be done tomorrow. Just need Hoppahs permision.
  22. There is only one dealer that starts a fire. He is towards the northern part of the map in the center. Make him your first arrest. If you get lucky your game may glitch and you can arrest him the second he throws the grenade and it will nto cause any damage. I got lucky though. If you google emergency 4 tutorials you should find a site with tutorials for all the missions. It will instruct you exactly where to place your units.
  23. Cant say for sure, but I would assume so. I like it. I may work on a reskin like that but doubt I have the skills to do all that. Here is Version 1 with the star of life on it. If needed I can adjust the star a bit and center it a little more. You cant see the roof racks in the model file so its hard to know where to position it so its between the racks while not being up under the light bar as well. Im not sure if i need permission from Shane to release this or not so as soon as he gives the ok I will be happy to post the dds file. Working on a second version with a bit more nontraditional star of life on it. EDIT: Heres a second version Obviously the symbols a bit small to see the details. Heres the original model I used for the second version: http://yfrog.com/0mstaroflifefullj
  24. Help us help you. Be specific as to what you need help with. Chances are it is covered in the forum to some degree. I my self am new to modding so maybe reviewing some of the topics I have started will be of help to you.
  25. If the AMR paramedics wont offer any new featuers why not simply use the prototype for the LAFD EMT? I requested that a few pages back. I am going to attempt it.
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