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Everything posted by Xplorer4x4

  1. ^you dont need premium accounts. Just scroll down and look for the button that says "free user."
  2. This may not be completely accurate as to what hes asking for, but maybe it would be possible with the use of a basic model with a light bar added then editing the lights like so making an e4p for each pattern. Of course I assume that Kevin wanted this in a manner that would automatically line up with any light bar regardless of the light bar model and the vehicle. @Kevin, in the mean time, if some one would take on such a task, perhaps you can do what I do. For example I made a CHP Camaro without a light bar. Since this is a slicktop obviously the original lights wouldnt work. I removed all the lights from the model using the editor. Then I edited the black slip top and went to the copy all lights function. Went back, edited the slick top camaro, and used the paste lights button. Now since the light pattern was for a Crown Vic, I had to align the lgiths a bit. For example the light bar in the back window was now hidden because the back of the camaro sits higher then a CV, so I had to move the lights up a bit. To me its moderatley dificult, but probably more time consuming then anything.
  3. Hmm well thats not god is it? Well thanks for a detailed look at that mikey and why it wouldnt be in the better interest of the same to run something like this,
  4. Thank you thats the answer i was looking for. Obviously it was a pumper but wanted to know a make and model. Would any one share pics of other vehicles with these lightbars built in? Now I would hope they have lights embedded in the rear also as it seems like these lights wouldnt be to visible from the rear.
  5. No worries Tex, I edited the path and moved the path the path points(for lack of a better word) so that its ligns up better with the parking spots. As it was it crossed the hood of another parked car just enough to where it would get stuck in a collision. I also moved the paths around the round a bout. The routing as far as staying in the lines is some what sloppy but at least the Lori doesn't get stuck on the turn any more either. Now i have no problems with this map. Yeah i meant make sure you have the version that applies to the game you have, weather that be 911FR, Em4, or EM4Deluxe. Make sure the files are in the right places to. Also check if you downloaded all the files. There are two files to download. You need this file no matter what. http://rapidshare.com/files/157717483/New_...r_v1.2.zip.html Then if you have EM4 Deluxe Download this zip with 2 files inside. http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.ph...ost&id=1228 If you have regular EM4/911FR http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.ph...ost&id=1229
  6. Yeah is there a tutorial? I desperately would like to add some patrol routes on woods map. I could be wrong but to cut to the chase, no i am pretty sure you cant add whole new events, you can only add the new things like this to the game. Now weather the map is hard coded or not, which i dont think it is, doesnt really matter because the files for the game are and this is where the files are for what can be done with in the game. But hoopah has imrpoved the LA Mos miles beyond the game so who knows.
  7. ^great to hear woods! Was sixteen tons or wizard works of any assistance?
  8. ^make sure you download the files specific to your copy of the game.
  9. http://www.smugmug.com/gallery/4177140_hPRFD#362794714_qHcSv The cab looks extrmley familar but cant place it. None the less the built in lightbar looks awesome dont ya think?
  10. ^yes i know all about that but there has to be some code some where that tells the game traffic_1_2_3 means, well in short what you said above. So, in theorey would it be possible to say name stop signs traffic_1_2_3 and create a virtual object to make them function the same as a traffic light?
  11. ^that sucks, but thank you for your reply! Where is the code for traffic lights located? I dont see a script for it in the LA Mod so i assume its a core game file?
  12. ^which is reasonable in real life but alot of work in a game like this. So about stop signs, do they require a virtual object in front of them?
  13. That woudl be the Aditional Vehichles Sub Mod. It doesnt do what i asked for at all. For example look at the pics from the thread: http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.ph...ost&id=1586 You have Port Police car 54 and 55. However both Car 54 and 55 are listed on the dispatch menu.
  14. ^well there exactly the same unit. This just over writes the ones currently in the game. http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/7370/25139901.jpg The onl difference is the number. However if you want USAR 1 and USAR 85(the one in this mod) I suggest renaming the files from Shanes mod like so. usar_squad.dds to usar_squad85.dds and usar_squad_2.dds to usar_squad_85_2.dds then copy and paste usar_squad.V3O from the LA Mod folder, and paste it some where else. Rename it to usar_squad_85.V3O. Edit it with Notepad or Notepad 2(i prefer notepad 2) and then point it to the new dds files. Then in Units\Vehicles\Fire Department you will find 140usarsquad copy and paste this some where else. Once pasted, rename it to 141usarsquad. Now edit the xml file inside and point it to the e4p file. We covered how to make that the other day in the editor. I suggest naming it usar_squad85.e4p and of course dont forget to make epd files for the doors. We didnt cover that part yet i dont believe so pm me if you need help with that. Also in the XML file, <unit id="USAR_SQUAD"> should be on Line 1. Change this to <unit id="USAR_SQUAD_85">. Now we also have to edit things like lasiren.script and the tooltip xml file and so forth. If you need USAR 85 to return to the station you already know the files to edit judging from your script topic else where on the forum. I cant help much with that, but may be able to figure it out based off other parts of shanes scripts. Shane: A suggestion if I may. Utilize something like this http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.php?showtopic=6110 Also another script idea, if I may..how about having AMR use a Return to Base function that makes them return to the Hospital since there not city/county fire EMS.
  15. I dont see them changing since they are fire department ambulances not AMR ambulances. Once the map is released, assuming hoopah doesnt do it himself, then you could add the AMR submod then add AMR ambulances to the hospital. It would take some scripting for them to return to the hospital using the return to base command and things like that.
  16. Ok I was thinking, our police department,much like many others I am sure, use several diffrent colored slick top cars. For example they have a dark blue slick top Imapala, but they also have a Green slick top Imapala, and even a Maroon colored slick top Imapala. Slicktop may not be the proper terms actually as there none marked units, some have the tear drop spot light built in the car, others dont. Same applies for Crown Vics here. They use plain white units and plain gold units, among other colors I am sure I just dont recall them off hand. Now anyways my point is rather then adding a icon in the dispath menu for a red imapala, green impala, and a blue impala, would it be possible to write a script that would randomize the selection proccess so that if you dispatch a slick top imapla you may get a red,blue,or green unit instead of clicking red impala, green imapal, blue impala, and so forth in the dispatch menu? Would some one be willing to attempt such a script if this is possible?
  17. ^in that case maybe look into 7 zip as well. Then again the more compression the longer it takes to compress, but the shorter the transfer time, so really its a trade off either way.
  18. All that did was make a new folder with the default textures,prototypes and so forth.. EDIT: Sorry i missed the part about Mod Installer got it working! Thanks!
  19. I cant say for sure as I havent used gimp in ages but gimp is more powerful so I would atleast give it a try. I mean it is free after all, so if you dont like it, just remove it. No harm done.
  20. No I use Adobe Photoshop 7. Its like a 3 or 4 year old version of Photoshop.You can find it buy searching google for Adobe Photoshop 7. It will run like $70 USD or so. The newer versions, Adobe Photoshop CS4, cost like $600 or $700 USD so dont even consider it. You may find it cheaper through online retail stores but your still going to pay an arm and a leg. Gimp, however, is free and pretty powerful. You can get gimp here: http://www.gimp.org/ As for paint and zooming, there is a magnifying glass. Click it. Then click the are you want to zoom in.
  21. ^you have to help us to help you. What program are you using?
  22. Just leave the inside alone and edit the ooutside. I dunno if its possible to only do one side, but i doubt it or other would only do one side.
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