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Everything posted by Xplorer4x4

  1. Have you tried adding new prototypes for the doors? I dunno if its my game or what but when i had prototypes for doors i have to exit the editor and completely reload it and the mod then go to edit childs. It can be a bit time consuming but its not to hard.
  2. $60 to $70 is the most i have ever had to spend. I have a 2004 Ford Ranger Edge. Good idea mikey.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvRGpY2tSx4 Do you like that better, thats based of your first idea. Will try the ambo lights here in a few.
  4. That helps some, the main thing is finding a corona size that fill the entire slot but isnt to big either. So you think i should leave the clears blank? I planned to use them for flood lights but thought i may put clear flashers in there as well. Here is what I came up with so far: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvRGpY2tSx4 Close to what you said, but i may try what you said as well. I think i forgot to change the corona size on the left, but you get the idea.
  5. Here is the lightbar: The clear lights in the middle will serve as flood lights. That part was easy. However I cant seem to figure out a good way to light up the red parts. Could any one suggest what size,flash and so forth I should use?
  6. Make sure its unlocked(i am sure you already know this but just checking ) and then open it with wordpad, or in my case i prefer notepad2. Then you can use the v3o as many times as you want with out any complicated modeling or uv mapping. My fault for not mentioning wordpad and such above, it was late :$
  7. Mind sharing the link to where you found them?
  8. lol i do the same thing every time i try to add a new vehicle. Its about $1.99 here now and a month ago, roughly it was like $1.85. Gas here is in the lower to mid level prices i think.
  9. http://www.filedropper.com/ hosts up to 5 GB.
  10. ^thats EXACTLY my problem. The only time its happened to me was using a wye on a hose connected to the brush truck. I never use it on the actual engines though since it gives 4 hook ups plus the deck gun.
  11. Been there, tried that. No. If you release a mod that are just complete reskins he will not give you permision. Now if you can include some of your own models, then you have a chance. If you can make a 3d model of your station and put it in the map you can use it for personnel use but if your wanting to release that then you would need to talk to hoopah. Questions like these can go in the copyright thread in the top of the LA Mod forum.
  12. If there purpose is purely investigation why would we need a PI van? Its not like we will be doing alot of transports.
  13. Why not make copies of the v3o files then just edit them to point to the new dds. I didnt quite understand what you meant though so i may be wrong. For example in a v3o files you will see something likes this: SRF, Dive_Rescue_6, 0, 0, 0, Dive_Rescue_6.dds, 517, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 Then replace Dive_Rescue_6 with the name of the dds file minus the dds extension and then the name of the dds file with the dds extension as you see above. I have done this on many v3os. You will have to go to edit childs and replace the doors but its a pretty easy process. If this is confusing pm me and I will try to explain better.
  14. Again, im not talking about AMBULANCES, I was referring to the FIRE TRUCKS. Not really sure what specs your referring to. Some models can be made out to an extent by looking at the makers emblem in the dds files, but then again I dont know all the models like Hoopah and alot of people here who work as firefighters and work in the emergency response field. Egine 1 looks like some sort of pierce engine but i was curious of the exact make and model of the engines.
  15. Hmm I see what you guys mean, but anyways thanks for the link. Sorry i didnt search first. I was rushing at the time.
  16. ^the doors are controlled in the edit children menu on the right side. It has options to control the direction and the purpose. That wasnt directed at you. What i was saying is if you change the name of the dds file all you have to do is open the v3o and edit 2 parts. Pretty easy to figure out what to change in there.
  17. What type of real life engines are the ALS and BLS fire trucks based on? Thanks!
  18. Ok so obviously its not hard to have a trailer like those at the fire station but would a boat on a trailer work attached to a truck(like the HES truck) be possible(pictured below)?? Are sea doo water craft capable of being made and operated in the game?
  19. Nice work Bama, I have to say that sheriff car is UGLY! Of course thats not your fault, its just a crappy paint scheme imo.
  20. basic scripting and skinning and can do some things in editor.
  21. Wouldnt it be possible to load the file in zmodeler, so long as its a supported file type, and export as v3o?
  22. I have the same problem with the original script.
  23. Picture is to small to really see much. If your simply changing a vehicles skin then simply replacing the dds file will work fine if memory serves me right. But if your making a new vehicle with a new door but using the same model, then your going to need to add a new e4p for the door itself. Can be odne in the editor. Not sure, it might be but i know for sure its on the nvidia site.
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