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Everything posted by Xplorer4x4

  1. When you download the file it comes as a zip. Right click and you should see an option to extract. Now it probably created a new folder. Go into the folder and you should see a file named e4pmod or soemthing like that. Double click it. This will bring up the mod installer. The mod installer wil ask you if you want to install. Say yes. You should be good to go. Launch the game and load the mod.
  2. Yes the download center. As for converting, I cant recall exactly, but I believe you hit F2->Floor->Import Floor. You might search for "import map texture" just to be safe.
  3. ^its altered a little bit from tonys light pack I think.
  4. A DOT worker was killed a few miles from my house about 2 weeks ago. Trust me I understand the need for safety precautions. In this case it was a combo of a DUI driver speeding(maybe not dui but if memorey serves me right) and the rear truck in the group wasnt position correctly to where it would absorb the impact and caused a dump truck to roll on to its side crushing the DOT worker.In this example they spend so much time taking precaution seems it puts the workers at a huge risk as there exposed to traffic for about 10 minutes time. If it were me I would want to get it done quickly, safely and move to a safer position then behind the vehicle where if a speeding vehicle doesnt see you its going to be you taking the brunt of the impact rather then your vehicle. If it works for them hey good for them but it seems more unsafe and time consuming then a good lightbar and some flares and traffic cones.
  5. Thought so but just double checking. Thanks!
  6. Click on the dispatcher. There should be an option to enable and disable the extended zoom option. I played this last night and I couldnt figure it out for the most part. Whats with clicking the number buttons to dispatch a unit?
  7. as far as i know, you cant create people animations, only vehicle animations, but I was curious about this as well.
  8. Usually if you cant haul off a vehicle this is exactly why. There is some one trapped inside. Send in a vehicle containing the sheers aka Jaws of Life, and extract the person.
  9. Generally speaking, that tool doesnt have anything to do with the LA Mod?
  10. If you can retype that with out the caps lock I would take the time to read it and offer a hand.
  11. In that post you link to there site. The link on there site in the second post is dead.
  12. Just wanted to make sure I had the correct lightbars identified for these units: Indiana State Police Crown Vics: New White CVs - Federal Signal Arjent S2 or Federal Signal Arjent SL? http://media.wsbt.com/images/Bremen%20ISP%...20collision.jpg New Navy Blue with Orange Markings(YUCK) = Federal Signal Arjent S2 or Federal Signal Arjent SL? http://www.classiccar.com/wordpress/wp-con...isp-cruiser.jpg Older Navy Blue with Gold Markings - Federal Signal JetSolaris? http://media.wsbt.com/images/indiana%20state%20police.jpg Vanderburgh County Sheriff Crown Vic: Phasing out vectors for these, Fed Sig Raydian S2 http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/4494/deputy.jpg Evansville Police Crown Vic and Impala: There in no rush to phase out the CV seeing as they just purchased 6 or 9 new vics in the past week - MX 7000 http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/9771/epdimpala.jpg Im about 99.9% sure those are right but I wanted to check ya know.
  13. http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.php?showtopic=3248 All you had to do was look a few topics up. Its pinned at the topic of this section.
  14. Did you make sure its vehicle class is a helicopter?
  15. They remind me of the three stooges honestly lol. Seriously though that takes for ever and looks a bit over kill taking all the time to do all that. Here your typical MVA would already be halfway done or close to it. And wtf is with the commanding officers walk?
  16. Click downloads in the top left and look for the config file. Next time make a back up
  17. This isnt an LA Mod bug. The game doesnt recognize stop signs(even though there isnt one there). All you can really do is add a stop light. If you want a stop light you can look it up on the forum here. Its pretty easy to do. This isnt really an LA Mod bug I dont believe, but on the accident at the polar ice station, the heavy rescue crane has to go past the boundary to move the objects off of the power switch. This causes you to fail every time. Only the original crane can accomplish the work needed for the mission.
  18. Depends on the format but yes. If I am correct, you can import certain models but you have to reapply the uv mapping once its in v3o. For example 3ds can be directly imported into zmodeler.
  19. I havent looked into it but since the heavy rescue crane is a mid mount why cant this be altered to suit a ladder as long as there is a basket? The only thing I could think of is that it might be hard coded for the FFs to enter the basket from the front of the truck.
  20. You can try removing the mod and the game and reinstall both. Also look in your em4 folder for an error log file, and post that here as it might be useful.
  21. Just keep it in the same topic as before: http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.ph...t&pid=78013 Thanx for the heads up, posts merged.
  22. The gold edition is EM4 Deluxe bundled with EM4 Deluxe. EM4 Deluxe as 3 extra missions and a few fre play events that are not available in 911 FR or EM4 Regular but its not an expansion pack although it does offer new things.
  23. ^it works, you just cant get it to work. Read the directions closley. There are 2 rar/zip files you need to download. Extract them and you have a total of 3 files. They all go in the same directory.
  24. I know it can be rescaled but its not just the scaling the large front end seems more accurate to. I cant completely put my finger on the differences that turn me off. Im not trying to put down the rollback model it just isnt as realistic to me.
  25. I dont think the lightbar is quite acurate, but other then that it looks pretty good. Congrats on your first model. I wish I could but I simply cant get the hang of it.
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