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Everything posted by Xplorer4x4

  1. The things i do is send a chp or two into position near a highway, send the LAPD patrol car, Slick top, unmarked(with a few PD and/or SWAT), and both chargers to patrol. and i find this is usually sufficent. Then dispatch SWAT as needed in there truck and bomb squad and such units as needed. I leave SWAT units and Bomb Squad and other PD units that arent needed to much to the PD parking lot(not the parking strip out front. I have LAFD station 1 equipeed with 2 ALS,2 BLS, and 3 ALS ambulances in the bays, plus a BC, EMS sup, brush and HES out side station 1. At station 2 i leave it stock as far as the bays, and have the ems sup and HEs parked out side. Anything else I send in as needed for the most part.
  2. It a rifle but I know what ya mean. These can be a real pain at times. One time I sent the small swat Truck with 3 swat and a sharpshooter, all got killed, sent the Swat bus(forgot the name) full of swat and almost all manager to get killed. This is why i use the pd water tank to take care of him. Granted its not the proper way and it hurts your score perhaps, even requires ALS or BLS ambulance, but it gets the job done.
  3. True, just thought I would suggest it to save you and the team and other the work of people reporting stuff and telling them get the patch. I know this is hardly IPB or vB or soemthing like that but usually bug fixes can be obtained with a whole download or a patch for those who know what there doing and working with vB for years now I am used to a pattern like this so thought it might be good use to apply such a pattern here.
  4. Well thats because one is better then the other. Hows that ASUS card? Never heard people favor ASUS in the video card department. I thought about upgrading to a core i7 here in a month or so but I think I might hold off as I dont really want to upgrade my mobo, and ram just for a new processor when a dedicated OS drive and maybe an upgraded Quad Core will get the job done. I havent priced things yet though so no telling I might go for the i7.
  5. Depends on what unit I have available for fires at the time. Station 1 is staffed with 2 BLS and 2 ALS Engines, plus 3 ALS Ambulances, then the normal set up in the bays. Then a Brush, HES, BC, and EMS Supervisor vehicles out back. 1: One ALS or BLS as primary, then more BLS or ALS Engines as needed. 2: Depends on the extent of the MVA and what units are available. Typically one or two squad cars. Now the actual dept I send varies on which law enforcement unit is closest by. Now if there is a fire, and there happens to be an engine returning to the station close by, I grab it. Otherwise I favor a an ALS Engine as the deck gun will put the fire out by it self if treated in time and that leaves the personnel to treat the injured until an ALS and or BLS ambulance(s) can arrive for further treatment and transport. If extrication is needed, then I have HES at both stations and will dispatch one of them. 3: ALS or BLS as primary again and more ALS or BLS engines as needed. 4: If its just a person with a hand gun I send a SWAT SUV(FBI SUV modified to hold SWAT personnel instead.), try to flash bang if possible and arrest them. Now if its a person with a rifle, I send the water cannon and usually just let that shoot him until he needs medical care.
  6. Nero may not be top of the line but none the less I know guys who pull together professional looking dvds all the time using nothing but Nero.
  7. Is there any particular reason as to why the USFS trucks have pumps on the rear? And second, just wondered if Ford makes any sort of interceptor packages for the Tarus? Occasionally I notice them used as undercover cars like yesterday I saw a navy blue one that was undercover.
  8. Why not just patch the game yourself hoopah so people dont need the patches if there installing for the first time?
  9. thanks for the welcome comment, i just noticed it lol.

  10. Hmm I dunno, could they perhaps be in the first post of the thread? Just a guess.
  11. I think hoopah or mikey kind of touched on that issue before. If memorey serves me right they probably did not use Zmodeler. They either had a plug in for somethings like 3ds or had custom software to do it with.
  12. ^not sure what gives you that idea, but as far as I know, no tracked vehicles simply will not function 100% correct in the game.
  13. You can always check out the demos though, Try Premier and Nero 6,but Ashampoo and Roxio have suites that contain utilities to do such things to.
  14. Depends exactly what your doing. For example if I want a fight from an MMA card the files come in avi containers encoded with xvid. For these I use virtualdubmod to simply cut the fight out and it retains all of the original quality. Now if say you wanted to make a music video out of it, then Premiere may be a good choice, but perhaps a bit complicated so perhaps you could try Nero 6. The last version of Nero 6 was insanely stable and mostly bug free. After V6 was complete they sold the company to Ahead and since then it has gone down hill in terms of stability despite great new features.
  15. Engineer has to go fix it. Sometimes its good to have PD on scene to redirect traffic as traffic cant go through the water stream.
  16. Im not winning just mis-understood. I was simply pointing out some flawed logic in your post, but whatever. Perhaps you should try focusing on the more important topics in the future. As for not being that special, oh but you see I am in terms of the copyright thread. Re-read it if you dont believe me. Anyways lets focus on the mod shall we?
  17. Sorry try patch 3, it has patches 1,2,and 3 and its alot easier to install if you dont know how to put the files in the right place.
  18. Because I started three threads I dont get permission? That actually had nothing to do with it as it was just the rules at the time. None the less there was actually a reason for this. The first thread started off as LA reskins. The second was a rather universal reskin(applies here,LA and plenty more places I am sure), but did it for personnel use. The third of which I needed a separate topic to keep the topic focused on that unit and that unit alone as it was a local reskin and I was setting out to start my mod. The last one I needed some feedback about equipment and such and not just weather people like my reskin. Well at the time reskins werent allowed so what difference would it make? Plus you checked the thread at that. You may not read every topic but you atleast read "My Reskins" as you have posted in there. Furthermore I asked in the copyright thread and you ignored my request. I was the reason you changed it, but I just skimmed over it and dont see anything about LA reskins being bale to be released so long as it gets your approval. Nor did I say I expect you to, just didnt know you suddenly changed your mind. Depending on where the reskins is from I may keep it in an existing topic.
  19. Um, I dont get it. Not to start an argument, but when I reskined the LAPD SUV to match an EMS Supervisor from the LA area you denied me permission, but yet this does get permission. Isnt that kind of a double standard?
  20. Are you running patch 2? I didnt have nay problems with the tower, just the plain. Its a matter of lining up the truck right in most cases.
  21. As far as I know axis go beyond said app and are universally the same.
  22. cant take a semi serious joke eh? I figured you would have made note of it in your build specs.
  23. EXE Installer worked great btw on Vista x86.
  24. Its only 14 hours, it could be done in a single day
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