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Everything posted by Xplorer4x4

  1. So why not PM the author or post in the topic? Alternatively you could read the whole topic and you would see this : http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.ph...ost&p=84527
  2. In real life, yes, but this isnt real life. The fact of the mater is the idea has been discussed a few times before, and its simply impossible to lower some one directly into the water in this game, at this time. The command works fine on land, but at this time no one has been able to figure out a way to make this function. Thats not to say it will never be done. At one time the tiller was considered impossible as was a mid mount crane, but obviously Hoppah was able to find ways around that. Just in case its not clear, and not to be rude, but straight to the point. Its impossible at this time.
  3. ^well alot of times you have to import the 3ds file in 3ds max, and then export it again as 3ds before zmod will pick it up. I have found Zmod 1(which is a free download) does a bit better at imports some times, and then you can save them as a zmod file and open it in zmod 2 then export as v3o.
  4. That would be nice. Also gives a use for the Fire Ships.
  5. &might have a few small changes but it does look pretty similar doesnt it? Speaking of the port will divers and lifeguards have access to the water for drowning victims? They could have fallen off ships ya know I would imagine that was planned months ago. http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/2288/mapbig.jpg Fire stations are in RED. PD station is in Blue, and Hospital is in a white box with a small red cross in it. Hoppah fantastic job. I can only hope to make a map half that good.
  6. Most of the time, probably not, but if AMR is the only patient transport company in the city, like here, then I would think that AMR would be the one to to provide a mass causality unit, and being the third largest city in the state, and the largest city in the southern part of Indiana, I am a bit surprised that I dont believe one exists here. Granted there have been very few cases where one would be needed. The most deadliest event in the history of the city was a tornado a few years ago. 20 people were killed with in a one mile radius, and many more injured. Not to mention the injuries and deaths outside of this small mobile home park. It was the deadliest tornado since 1999 and produced stronger winds then Hurricane Katrina. In a case like that I can only imagine such a unit would have come in handy. Nevermind as mike comes to the rescue as usual, but none the less I thought you were suffering to the Carbon E7. Anyways thanks again for the info Mike. Mike is there any rel advantage over the vintage style ambulances and the box style? I notice one of those pics showed one of the newer Ford E-Series cab and chassis with the vintage style compartment on the box.
  7. Thanks for the info, dont suppose you got any pics of that demo did you? I havent seen any of the new Ford Fire Engines. Does any one know if AMR actually has any mass casuality units, or are these generally handled by city,state, and federal agencies?
  8. ^never thought of it for EMS personnel. I did this for FFs awhile back, but it wrecked havoc on my game.
  9. I think this was covered in the tutorials section, but none the less it has been covered on the forums several times. Try searching the appropriate forum.
  10. After a month of no updates, helljumper and NPD-Traffic have been kind enough to lend a hand. Helljumper has started on one of the primary pumper engines. NPD-Traffic has been kind enough to lend me a Dodge Durango model: The unit is Rescue 8 a 2004 Dodge Durango 4x4. The truck is used as a medical quick-response and Battalion Chief's vehicle. In real life this unit is used to pull Water 2 which is a 2000 Scorpion Rescue Boat. Weather this will be the case in the mod, I cant say. I do have a working script that, I think Wolftep(sp?), made that enabled a vehicle to pull a boat on a trailer and drop it in the water. However the script is not perfect by any means so time will tell. In the mean time be sure to check out the Newark Mod!
  11. I have a model that was made in scetchup pro, converted to 3ds, and when i import it in zmodeler, it shows up fine, but for example the "top" view is actually of the rear of the vehichle. How can I fix this? Do I need to fix it in scetchup,3ds or zmod?
  12. Thats exactly what you did though was start to hijack some one else thread. When you have your own topic I may give you some tips.
  13. ^your not getting the point. I hope so to as it would make it easier on those of us releasing submods, but it may or may not cause problems. I may work at this later to see what I can some up with.
  14. But there are those brain dead people none the less. I saw a girl drive right around a cop blocking both lanes of traffic and almost drove right over a supply line for a fire engine. The cop stoped her and she actually has the stupidity to ask, "can i go this way?" Needles to say she was good for a laugh that night. Well I was planning on elaborating on NFKs post, but if you understood it, then I will just leave it alone and say you know its not possible now. I wish it were as I find the redirect command to be rather stupid if say you have a unit only blocking a portion of the lane as obviously in real life you would turn around just for that. Well not in most cases. Hoppah has already stated this is a planned change for V1.9.
  15. So make your own thread. Dont hijack some one elses and be sure to tell us what you can actually do in the mod?
  16. Thanks for the info mike. I was wondering if Ford trucks are still utilized as engines(type 1 or 2, not brush or squad trucks)? For example the 1983 Ford C8000/E-One Pumper seems to have been quite popular in these parts back in the day. Are these types of engines still made or have Spartan,FMC,etc taken over building there engines completely from scratch these days? How from scratch are these engines made? Does FMC,Spartan,etc purchase, say a Detroit Diesel engine, transmition, drive train,etc and put them in there selves? Also i have noticed some engines labeled as a rescue pumper. What makes these so different then a regular pumper engine? Just more storage room and less pump space?
  17. http://www.almico.com/speedfan.php I would install that and monitor your cpu and gpu temps while in game play. And if you use Windows Sidebar theres a nice extension that plugs right in.
  18. ^thanks Spaloo. Yeah I understand now.
  19. Ah I thought the CCTs looked a bit longer, but i thought it was just the angle you were at or something of that nature. I suppose there not needed as much here. We have three hospitals and there all 3 located with easy aces to the expressway so transport time from one side of town to another wouldnt be more then 15 minuets.
  20. I hate most yellow fire trucks, but to each there own.
  21. You said it your self. It was a movie. Not to seem rude, but do you actually have pics to prove these are based off real LA units, or are you just making these up for fun?
  22. ^just because its clean doesnt mean it cant be an over heating problem. Over heating is the most likely cause at this point with out knowing any more info like specs,dxdiag and log file. You still havent provided the info Hoppah asked for which would be of some use in solving the problem.
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