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Everything posted by Xplorer4x4

  1. I was trying to figure out the same thing.
  2. What are your favorite lightbars?
  3. Xplorer4x4

    Newark Mod

    Good to hear Jab, nothing I hate more then a mod full of square models. It looks so ugly(those tpye of models not your cv). Good job on the CV. Keep practicing jab and you will make great models in no time. Might make the tiers a bit skinner.
  4. Welcome. First off this section here is for MODs, not help with modding. The [EN] Modding & Mod Help is for help. The editor for the game is in the start menu. Start->Programs->Sixteen Tons->Emergency 4->Emergency 4 editor. This editor lets you assign commands, edit lights, parts ot the map and some other stuff. To create your own vehicles requires you to make 3d Models and paint them. This is not easy. You need an app like zmodeler to make the models.
  5. No the op said he was software engineer.
  6. Why dont you look at the benchmarks. You will see that the point I was trying to make(sorry it was late). Take a comparable ATI and NVIDIA card. The ATI benchmarks will fall ever so slightly short of the nvidia card, so much its not going to be noticeable in the real world. The ATI will have a cheaper price and perform almost the same as a comparable NVIDIA card. I have to agree with not going to future proof, but keep in mind he needs something powerful enough to run things on a 27 inch monitor.
  7. Did you bother reading the posts above or searching?
  8. Xplorer4x4


    Yes, it is very very hard to do in EM3 if memorey serves me right. Just switch to EM4 Its better then EM3 in every way.
  9. And since it is part of the game it is likley hard coded into the game. Now being a software engineer, you may be able to reverse the games files to revel the code. I had a program to do it but i forgot what it was now. Anyways if you can do that you can see the code for the traffic light failure and perhaps modify this to suit your needs.
  10. This topic is related to the whole game..NOT MODS. So if you have a question ask in those threads.
  11. So you know what additional means?
  12. ^care to include some details on what makes you say that? Were not mind readers ya know.
  13. So like i said... or get a ATI card for $20-$50 less, that will out perform every GTX2xx card except the 295. Keep in mind though the 48xx series was never designed to compete with the GTX295. The 49xx series is, and is said to be redesigned from the ground up. As far as the i7, I couldnt agree more. Sorry i do stand corrected. I believe I was thinking of the 5870 X2 due out soon.
  14. If you havent edited your config file i doubt its the problem. I would lean towards your PC. More info would be useful to. Like are you playing the original game, or the LA mod(or any mod for that matter). Does it lag all the time or only after playing for awhile.
  15. At a quick glane through the scripts folder i think this is a mission only use. Theres really little need for it in freeplay anyways.
  16. Look in Souldbodys Sub Mods thread. Theres a mod to make the ffs stay in there vehicle.
  17. Download the LA Mod again, and change the ifno file of the one you have, install the new copy and never touch the scripts ever. This way you have a back up and dont rely on others to post the scripts.
  18. There is no GTX 300 but for $360 you could get the best card on the market: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16814102768 It kills the GTX 280 Sure, just make sure you have a PC powerful enough to support it. The 9800 GT in the PC you linked to is bit weak for a 27 inch display imo.
  19. Of course a faster processor will load the game faster and is a contributing factor to better game play. The other factor is a video card. Listing your current PC specs would help decide how to upgrade. For example if you already have a Core 2 Quad(C2Q) Q6600 like mine, you wouldnt really benefit much from upgrading to a higher end C2Q, but you would benefit from a Core i7. However to upgrade you would need new RAM most likely, and a new motherboard for sure. If you have a prebuilt PC like a dell,HP,etc, you wont be able to swap the mobo, ateast not with out making custom mounting brackets and modding the case. Even if you did that, the air flow would likley suck and you could risk burning up your cpu or other parts. When it comes to a video card, well, if your CPU isnt fast enough then its going to create a bottle neck and it will hold back your video card from it full power. If your looking for a video, depending on your budget, a card like my 9800 GTX+ get the job done very well on high settings, but the 9800 GTX+ wont be in my system much longer as I am either getting this card: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16814102801 Which out performs the 260 for about $10 less.
  20. Like Hoppah explained, chances are in real life if some one has a gun, there not going to surrender just because a cop or cops pull there gun on them.
  21. Heres what I see, I posted, jab posted right after me and seems to imply he is replying to me..
  22. Whats alot of money? The la mod doesnt cost a cent so how does it require any money?
  23. Actually its part of the LA Mod. The original game did not have an "armed arrest" function.
  24. With out a dxdiag log and the games log file theres no telling. Post those and make sure to read the Technical Help FAQ in the FAQ forum. Some computer specs would be helpful but I am guessing you dont have a clue how to do that so just post a dxdiag and that will have your system specs in it. And so you know MB(or megs)= megabytes and GB(or gigs) = Gigabytes. The LA Mod is about 220 MB(220,000 bytes roughly) which I am guessing you are referencing as the game is much larger then 220 MB installed. My first suspicion would be you need to update the drivers for your video card. Oh and which game are your running EM4 or 911FR? While the game is actually the same 911FR has patches already applied while EM4 requires a patch(in the download center) to install mods(if memory serves me right) and fix some bugs.
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