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Everything posted by Xplorer4x4

  1. I was simply trying to convert it for some one as they wanted to replace your cab with an American La France cab since LA primary uses the ALF cabs now(i think) and, with your permission, they were going to release it as a sub mod.
  2. LA Mod 1.9, and New York Mod may take the lead when it is release. Time will tell..
  3. http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.ph...st&p=104113 http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.ph...st&p=104232 That would have cut the download time.
  4. Well there are already civilian paths in the game I believe, so it would just be a matter of changing the patrol path to follow the foot paths rather then the patrol car paths.
  5. Voodo said he doesnt like the model, well atleast for the Excursion and the F350 models is based on the excursion I would thank. I can see where he is coming from as they could use a bit work to be more accurate, but personally i like them as they are. Understandable If this was the fed mod I could understand but just seems over kill for the LA Mod.
  6. Hoppah already said he will be releasing it in the Additional Units Submod.
  7. Exactly, but laying the paths would take a bit off time.
  8. Never had a problem for me. For the traffic problem I send out 2 motorcycle cops at the start of the game. One to the main intersection where the two 4 lane roads meet and one to the intersection on the west/left side of the map where the yellow truck gets stuck by the rail road tracks. I typically set up the cop to redirect the south bound traffic the whole game and this avoids having to check the intersection every 5 minuets.
  9. I cant seem to open the tiller cabin in zmod. When I do I get this error:
  10. Go to the off topic section here and find the Winterburg mod thread. It explains how to download a small file that will then auto download and auto update the mod. Also explains how to get it in English. As for foot patrols, this should be very simple to do, just a bit time consuming is all.
  11. I didnt notice any better reach factor then the tower truck. My thoughts, its absolutely amazing. Its even more impressing then I expected it to be. One thing I dont really get, is whats the point of being able to disable or enable sirens on units when there in the fire station? Wouldnt it be more useful to change this to a staffing function to enable us to staff one vehicle at a time rather then all? Other then that I have no complaints. The fact you took the time to actually put street signs on the stop lights is awesome. I saw Crenshaw BLVD and Compton Blvd. Traffic flowing under the bridge is awesome. Even the lights on the units are amazing. Normally I like Christmas tree light packs but these really caught my attention as they give off good amount of radiation despite not being super flashy. When it comes to the tiller, judging by the "bugs" like no trailer physics and such, i though I would have no interest in it, but to my surprise I gave it a shot and I love using it. Would it be possible to assign the vcmdredirect command to the trailer so we can redirect traffic behind the rig? I cant thank you enough for the amazing work here Hoppah. I cant emphasize how impressed I really am with 1.9. IMO this should have been 2.0 not 1.9 given the amount of time and hard work put into this, but if this is 1.9 does that mean 2.0 is going to be even more mind blowing?
  12. Because the CG helo has the rappel rescue function which is something air evac doesnt usually do. We already have Port Police and CG doesnt do law enforcement in terms of the laws broken in the game since there isnt a stolen boat event, DUI boater, or anything like that. I dont see why it has to be an argument rather then a civilized debate. The first post says the dolphin helio and rescue boat will be included. Were there more USCG models that Voodo made? I forgot.
  13. Well I think(not sure) the game randomly spawns vehicles along the spawn point. So technically its not possible, if this theory is correct, to simply remove the truck like so. I plan to move the path slightly further into the intersection and see if that will fix it. The biggest traffic problem i have seen aside from the yellow truck, is at the main intersection where the 2 four lane roads meet. The cars in the right lane(if headed south) try to turn left across the right hand lane and thus traffic gets stuck. I also found a bug in the chase command. It only works to some extent on the black undercover car. The car will follow the suspect but the officers will not stop the car and draw there guns on the suspect. I tried it with 2 officers in the car and it still didnt work.
  14. Last time I checked you abandoned this to do Project Reality Light which has its own thread now so its really not even the same mod imo. None the less PRL has its own thread so whats the point in this one being stickied if all your update will be in the PRL thread?
  15. Since this project is dead, would it be possible to have it un-pinned given the forum is a bit cluttered with so many pinned threads.
  16. Why did it require map changes?
  17. The original config file is up for download in the download center.
  18. He was making sure you were aware of the consequences. Due to pathing problems in the map there are already major traffic problems, so why on earth would you want to spend the majority of your time dealing with traffic jams? Things like this apply to any and all maps.
  19. I agree. Its so much quicker and easier to reposition a truck now!
  20. What would be the point in cg ground units?
  21. I dont know about other cities, but you just described half the drivers in the city here. Hell I dont even trust the majority of my friends driving. I have even seen a girl try to drive around a cop blocking the road for a fire truck supply line.
  22. Where did I say it unlocks the file?
  23. For me, i installed it and patched it, and when i try to run it, I got the Mod is corrupt or not compatible error. It loaded and ran fine. Might just have been a bad download but just throwing it out there.
  24. I was just wondering why the tiller has the flood light command but no flood lights? I clicked it and I think it actually remove the trailer from the cab. Maybe I accidental clicked the detach trailer button and didnt realize it as I wasnt able to reproduce. Awesome job on 1.9!
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