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Everything posted by Xplorer4x4

  1. Looks pretty much like a simplified EM4. I wonder if another company would be interested in making an EM5 seeing as sixteen tons hadnt done any EM games previous to EM3.
  2. Install patch 2, then rename all 3 freeplay files to dfreeplay and you wont have to switch each time.
  3. They always run red lights unless there is a civilian car between them and the light. Pretty sure Patch 2 resolve the pathing in front of the police station. I forgot I had renamed my files to dfreeplay. I replaced them now and seems as though the traffic is flowing just fine except for when a patrol car gets stuck or people block traffic. That reminds me I had a similar issue with one of my trucks getting stuck there. Yes he already fixed that. Found 2 more small bugs. I had a brush fire next to the rail road tracks. Sent a brush truck in and put it out. Then told it to return to HQ but it couldnt get past the bridge pillars. I had to send it back on a main street before sending it home. Also, this might be unfixable, but some times the police cars dont line up straight with a suspect and one officer ends up shooting there PD cruiser. I dont believe it can be fixed but just throwing it out there.
  4. Xplorer4x4


    lol god? Not hardly. All credit for that tiel has to go to Hoppah and Tim(assuming the NY mod turns out as good as it seems). I gotta agree with GB. It took nearly 8 months for Hoppah to complete the map, not to mention the new scripts. The last thought I can really add, Hoppah, you have 13 pages in one week of people raving about 1.9. I think most of us can only envy what you have accomplished. Amazing, seriously, just amazing. Congrats! Take a hard earned brake!
  5. Ouch, mine was like $50 through NewEgg. I need a new one because my girl friends cousin was drunk and spilled something on the counter and I was cleaning it up and I guess there was alcohol residue on my finer and it ate through the coating on one of the buttons. Initially I thought the price was high but once you get to using it, you love it. In particular I love it for photoshop as I can crank the sensitivity down real quick to paint straight lines really easy, and it comes in handy for gaming. Not so much for me but still handy.
  6. Yes, the HRT is stationed in Quantico, Virginia according to wikipedia, and I saw no mention that there was members stationed around the country, but none the less it says "The HRT also possess the ability "to deploy within four hours, with part or all of its personnel and resources, to any location within the United States or its territories"
  7. The traffic lights are hard coded into the game. Technically, I think this could be cleared up if Hoppah or some one wrote there own script for the traffic lights so they function based off of the newly made script rather then whats hard coded in to the game. This might even open the door for delayed signals to allow time for intersection clearing, programing the length of red,green and yellow lights based on time of day, and other options as well. Hoppah, have you looked at missioninfos.xml. Theres only 20 missions listed. Maybe this is why people are having trouble with the missions disappearing. I think there may need to be a traffic light added to the intersection north west of the one where the yellow truck was stuck. My patrol cars constantly cause traffic jams here during the day. Usually at night time its not a problem, just during the day.
  8. Xplorer4x4


    You got my hopes up!
  9. Woods LA Mod maps have an air port on them. There not a map based strictly on an airport.
  10. Xplorer4x4


    wow i missed that. Thats for the NY Mod?
  11. So as i said in another thread I made a copy of the SWAT Heavy Rescue into a Bomb Squad truck. Now for the unit images of the vehicle, no alterations have been done(yet) to its unit image. Just copied and pasted, but yet the spot in the bottom right where the unit image usually goes is blank. I never had this problem on Windows XP, so i think this is a Win 7, possibly Vista issue. UAC is disabled. Any ideas? EDIT: Stupid me forgot to edit the portraits.xml
  12. And "issues" means nothing. The tiller, at this point, is buggy, and there is no foreseeable fix for the trailer jack knifing and so forth.
  13. For flashly lights try Tony's Lights submod or a Project Reality Lights. Both alter the lights of all the vehicles to nice flashy patterns.
  14. Actually alot of agencies have bought a limited amount of chargers and most of the Impalas are older now and being phased out in favor of the CV. As per your request you would need to find an impala model and get it into v3o format weather that means converting a model or making your own. Then you would need to make a prototype, add lights, traits, physics and so forth.
  15. It should auto save changes to the vehcihles. And if you checked the bxo and it doesnt work, then try editing the unit.xml.
  16. I had a feeling youd say that. Why not have your map replace both the original and deluxe map to avoid this problem? Just a thought. Sit back and relax Hoppah. I think most of the bugs have been found as the topic going in circles now. I have it working on Windows 7 x64 so it should work fine on Vista. Have you bothered to read the FAQ? Been said quite a few times now.
  17. Then you need to invest in a more comfortable mouse and mouse pad. In particular I like the razer copperhead. My hand never hurts after hours of use.
  18. 1) This is hard to answer. This is best suited for Mikesphotos to answer. However, I can say this much. Different departments have different policies. In LA and larger cities, they can usually justify a full time SWAT team who doesnt have to work over a section of the city like a traffic cop usually. Now here on the other hand, my city probably can not justify a full time SWAT team so the officers spend alot of time on traffic duty. Because of this officers typically respond directly to the scene in there marked patrol car and will suit up on scene like this. More times then not the armored vehicle doesnt usually even get called to the scene. I think it depends on how quickly the incident has to be defused, or how exactly the situation has to be handled. In one case the truck was brought in as there was a man with a gun nearly 2 blocks from a elementary school. The SWAT truck was brought in to use as a baricade/protection as seen here 3 & 4) Depends on how close an FBI office is. Usually FBI doesnt get involved unless it is a bank robbery, something to do with the post office, or a government facility like that. I would imagine in most cases, there not to quick because really the FBI isnt so much of a rapid response orginzation like the PD,SD, State Police, and so forth. FBI is more of an investigative organization. Its camo in EM4 as well, and yes, while I cant officially answer for Hoppah, the Army Corps of Engineers are the only ones likley to have such a vehicle.
  19. As long as you define Awayfromstation, yes your right. I would be interested in something like your describing here as well as others are to Im sure to. I have some idea of how to accomplish this so I will PM you about this.
  20. Why did you need a game pad for this game? Everything in the game can be done with the mouse unless you have a lap top.
  21. Well both patches are in the second patch. They are not both in the first patch so download patch 2 and run it to be sure. I noticed this as well so I just copied and pasted the 3 map files to my desktop, renamed them dfreeplay.* and now I dont have to choose to play the original map, and if your good with the editor you can add your own deluxe events. Thanks I noticed this problem but didnt realize what cause the problem. The undercover car was reported days ago. Check the first post. The tiller isnt so much a bug as simply the game itself. Its been said many times the tillers trailer can not contain physics. Otherwise it would catch on objects going around corners and such and end up detached and on the other side of the map. Install the second patch located in the first post. This has already been fixed.
  22. I dont know about a TON of things, but I suppose there may be a few things that needs to be added, not changed.
  23. Charger is here: http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.php?showtopic=7971 but you have to create the prototype and lights for it. As for a "raid jacket" just use the LAPD SWAT...
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