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Everything posted by Xplorer4x4

  1. Ok thanks for taking the time to explain all that.
  2. Can the begging one go to? Just to clarify on stans post, download the mod, install it, then download patch 3 and install it.
  3. MCERT was right. Few more questions to, all pd related. First, if an officer requests a second run card for the same address, what does that mean? Whats it mean if they say (insert officer name or unit number-224SAM for example) go south? Does it mean approach the incident from the south? Is a CIT Officer pretty much the equivalent of the Negotiator of the LA Mod?
  4. And you havent shown off yet Jab? Shame on you
  5. Thanks! If cops say go car to car does that usually mean to call each other on ther cell phones?
  6. Xplorer4x4


    lol nice stan.. Here I know its illegal to have one in your vehicle with out a certain type of license, but in your home its just fine. Question: Would a scanner like this be just as good or am I probably missing alot? http://www.courierpress.com/crime/
  7. Since the ALS Engines and ALS buses are stationed together usually, how is it decided weather to role just an ALS bus vs a bus and engine? If its a territory that doesnt have ALS Engines and buses together, then whats the deciding factor? What evers closer and/or the extent of the injury(ies)?
  8. Peazip, im sure if you google theres more. You should have no problem using this with shanes mod, but it will not change the lighting on all the units.
  9. The LAX units are nice for a few missions and w00ds first freeplay map since theres an airport present, but i agree, for the most part there useless.
  10. Well I think pretty much all cop cars with a lightbar have takedown and alley lights. Problem is in the LA Mod, is if you put directional lights and any kind of spotlight, they will function at the same time from a light stand point. So if you hit the directional lights, the spot lights will come on to and redirect traffic. Now if you hit the floodlights button both lights will come on but it wont redirect traffic if i recall right. If you want to do this still, you need to open the editor and load the mod. Hit F1 to bring up the prototypes and then click on any cop car in the list. Then click edit, new windows comes up, click edit lights. Now add the light and choose special light from the light type box. And choose radiation and choose the area you want to light up.
  11. Its not asking to much, but I cant see any justifiable reason to add one unless its for Shanes mod because the Hospital serves no function other then to drop off patients. Your ambulances are stored at the firestation and you can spawn personnel for them there. Next commands? As for the patrol car part, I think its some what useful without it for the example in this thread, but no I wasnt planning on having it spawn officers running to there car, atleast not this version. Maybe in the future, supposing Hoppah even lets me release it. Well, I realize that, but, seeing as the station in the mod is LAPD, technically LAPD,LASD, nor CHP would transport prisoners there. No offense or anything, just saying things some times need to be tweaked for the sake of game play.
  12. ^feel free to drop me the installer script and I can take a look at it. http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.ph...s&showcat=5 Try the 1.3 FR or German path there. The read me does contain usefull info. Its not just there for looks ya know. Try hitting the alarm at FS1 if memory serves me right.
  13. well in all fairness, CFD and NFK are the only ones to do lights for the LA Mod in the grand scheme of things. I just did alterations.
  14. If you run in to any problems Im sure a few of us will do out best to help, just let us know.
  15. I sent the changed scripts to some one else, who has no knowledge of scripting, and he had the same problem, but it actually worked itself out after a few days. Dont see how that could happen lol but non the less it hasnt worked itself out for me. Shane I noticed this line was missing, I tried adding that, and had no luck, keep in minx im using the same exact code as in your submod, same VO(altered the VO on the map - otherwise it would not spawn at start up) m.PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 1.4f); but that doesnt fix it.
  16. Few questions here. Regarding the chase command, I see mention of ambulances in there now..whats that about? Also see there was a change to the speeding ticket part. What does this change do? Whats was the change the rapid deployment? From the looks of the script i am guessing on occasion people didnt enter the truck automatically when being undeployed? Last but not least, would any one be so kind as to specify which four intersections were fixed?
  17. Yes, it would have the ability to spawn all types of police officers(LAPD, LAPD SWAT, CHP, LASD, etc).
  18. Would you like to see a control panel placed at the police station to spawn officers, the same way we have a control panel for fir firefighters at the fire stations?
  19. Thanks Shane, but sadly thats not the problem as I expected. I had an EMS Captin staff the ladder the other day just fine with out editing the unit file. None the less I updated the change as you pointed out, and yet the tiller will staff fine, its only the tower that wont staff.
  20. Looks wrong to me. The one in the pic on the vehicle doesnt have the slanted pods on the end. Plus the one on the BC is a strobe bar, not LED i believe.
  21. Load the editor, and change the traits of the unmarked car so the unit type is the same as the regular pd car. Search for "unit type" and you should find some reference in how to do this in the editor if you dont know how. If you have LA Mod1.9 its the new map most likley. Look at the small firestation and see if its a one story building or more. If its one story, then its the new map. If its more then 1 story, its the old map. Use the edit button while your at it. What dizza meant was read/search the topic, see its been reported already, and dont clutter up the thread with more reports of the same thing when were already well aware.
  22. Im going to be nice and simply say Jab and MCERT are 100% correct. It was shot down before and I know Hoppah gets tired of hearing a bunch of children whine because there suggestions arent put in his mod because there either stupid, unrealistic or both, and I do to, Pretty much everything you listed as been deemed not possible(at this time) or unrealistic. We would all love nothing more then a CG chopper to pick people out of the water, but at this time it isnt happening.
  23. No by no means, do I want the real credit here. When you add 120+ lights(ladder) to a rig and I have 5-10 for a TA, I really dont expect the credit. Like I said many times before this was really a private mod, but i decided to release it until some one was able to update PRL, Tony's Light or Both. And in case you didnt see it I changed the first post yesterday to try to sum things up rather then ramble on. If you or NFK either one arent satisfied please let me know what youd like it to say and I will be happy to update the first post anyways you see fit.
  24. http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.ph...p;f=18&id=2 http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.php?showtopic=4811 Well technically, we cant make new person models for the game anyways, so in a way your right, but you could reskin the stretcher team, They wouldnt be big and bulky like they had SWAT gear on but its a start. Then if the maker can model any he can technically model the vest and helmets separate and put them on the model of the stretcher crew.
  25. When you click retry it should tell you a script name and line number. What script and line number does it say. If your units arent showing up it has to be firestationstart most likley.
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