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Everything posted by Xplorer4x4

  1. Theres alot more to it then that. You need to script the spawn point, the units, the personnel for the units, and which bay they are in. Oh not to mention the BC calls.
  2. Have you started on any of your project for 1.9?
  3. They use them here. Common or not they exist. So script it. Theres a law that you cant rob a gas station, but the one down the street was robbed last night. Just because theres a law doesnt mean anything. I assume you mean a "?" rather the a "!"? How would he possibly know that when 2.0 could be a year away. Seriously stop and think about what your saying.
  4. And regular EM4 as well. Thats why i suggested using the installer like Hoppah did, as it would be quick and easy to write to write the install script for this submod, and automatically install in the proper directory making support much much easier. I have modified mine to work at both firestations and trigger automatically with the alarm, but its a little on the buggy side. Glad you did this though, we've been wanting it for a long time.
  5. Youd be surprised. In evansvile alone we have Ferra,E-One,LTIEM and even one International. The county has American La France,LTI,Freightliners,Chevy,GMC,Mack, and more. Thats not even getting into chief,medical,brush, and other such units.
  6. Wow awesome job. Do you think itd be more useful to be able to right click on a vehicle in the fire station to sound the alarm rather then right clicking to disable the sirens?
  7. Your thinking of a Coast Guard Cutter. What would be the point? Theres barley any water on the map as it is, and the real life boat isnt all that huge: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/comm..._RB-S_25583.jpg
  8. If there were updates, dont you think i would have posted them in the past 2-3 months or however long ago the last update was? As for being compatible, read my sig and you can easily find out.
  9. No offense to the author, but am I the only one who finds this as down right butchering Hoopahs models(with the exception of the HERO Truck and USAR from the first post)?
  10. So you quote his post, so even if he edits his post it would still be posted under your post?
  11. Yeah but thats only if you have a severely injured patient who gets little to no treatment before transport. Im not sure if it applies in freeplay though. Nope just a freeplay event.
  12. I wasnt questioning why they were still there, just how long is typical for them to stay on scene. It was a pretty big fire though, thats for sure: http://www.courierpress.com/news/2009/nov/...le/?partner=RSS http://www.14wfie.com/global/story.asp?s=11465681
  13. How long do they usually keep an engine on scene after a 2 alarm fire? We had a 2 alarm fire with about 10 trucks responding, and most units were packing up around 5 or 6 PM but there was still an engine on scene at about 8 PM tonight with another truck showing up when we left, which i assume was there to relive the ffs and engine on duty.
  14. I imagine it could depending on the computers specs. 6 cars is really plenty for the map imo. This doesnt make it to easy or to hard.
  15. Just because you see a model of something doesnt mean it works.
  16. Gees theres a great way to get help.
  17. Theres a FAQ forum you should look over, but i suggest updating your video card drivers.
  18. The last one is a demo. Its not a real life LAPD car, just painted like one as Pontiac was/is considering marketing these to police departments.
  19. I already have a skin for this. The real unit is slightly diffrent from the Heavy Rescue but pretty close. PM me if you want to use the skin.
  20. I assume you mean in Shane's mod. I already answered this multiple times in that thread. For one there AMR(American Medical Response) Ambulances. Hit the alarm at FS1(maybe FS2) and they will respawn just fine. The thing is it isnt just animations, the officer is actually modeled on to the motorcycle when hes on it(if memory serves me right) so it requires you to actually swap out the models. I suppose it could be possible, but seems like to much work.
  21. There actually larger then the Ford Econolines, and I read an interview awhile back with medics saying there was alot more move to room around so they really like them.
  22. The thing is the motorcycle doesnt function like the vehicles do, so in the end im not really sure if thats even possible. I already have a police station control panel in the works. The topic was closed because people could focus on the topic at hand and started wanting a supervisor. A hospital panel is all but useless except for Shanes mod as the original LA Mod has no ambulances station at the hospital There at the FS, and as we have a FS control panel no point in putting one at the hospital for LAFD RAs.
  23. http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.php?showtopic=5310
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