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Everything posted by Xplorer4x4

  1. The truck is a peterbuilt, not sure what year or model. I had a question again as well, could some one explain why a FD would go TAC5 and TAC7 and what these mean? The meaning probably differ from place to place I would guess, but if any one has a rough idea. Not one of the responses this was used was a Horse stuck in a fence, the other an MVA with a car being flipped several times and knocked off the road way completely.
  2. Wow google might have actually done IMing right this time. The old google im service was a joke.
  3. ^I can top you there. EPD can be a joke. By motorbike do you mean motorcycle,moped, or dirt bike? Anyways I crashed on my moped once because a driver cut me off and I slammed on my breaks rather then swerve. I landed on the hood and rolled on to the ground. Neither of us were going that fast, but fast enough to get shaken up. We called 911. They asked if it was blocking traffic or any one was seriously hurt. We said no to both. So we waited 2 hours for the cop to show up even though 3 cops drove by while we were waiting. They didnt even bother to send an ambulance, and fire department never ever went on medical runs back then. There was a call for a horse trapped in a fence: 1 County Department Responded from 2 stations: 7 Rescue 5 and 7 Rescue 7 were dispatched from different stations. 1 Sheriff 7 Engine 4 or 7 Engine 1 was sent out for extra man power. MVA on Interstate handled by a separate county department: 6 Engine 1 6 Engine 61 6 Engine 7 1 Sheriff atleast 1 Ambulance atleast(took 20-30 min to respond from what i here and people are NOT happy in the least).
  4. If your referring to the Dodge in the first post, it technically an american made vehicle. I dont think driving school matters, well adding more time in school that is. Its just a matter of people to busy being distracted by cell phones, for the most part, and I dont see that changing because of more driving school time. Unless they crack down VERY hard on teens with cell phones, and adults to, then its not going to matter whats done.
  5. Just do one script at a time and focus on copying what Hoppah has already done and just alter the gate numbers, the number of staff, the turn to vo, and so forth.
  6. Thats is correct but we need to see the whole script in order to really figure anything out.
  7. Well where you have a port...you have boats, and theres certainly a large port on your map, so given your reputation for realism, I would think there was. Evansville River...that was clever..actually we dont have a dedicated SWAT team, and in all the time you spent flaming me you could have looked around my posts and see I often site differences between the Eville Emergency Services and LA or other places. Oh and no im not a teenager, im actually 25 but your posts certainly makes me question your age. Anyways to my point http://www.lapdonline.org/air_support_divi...basic_view/1438 Underwater Dive Unit (UDU) The Underwater Dive Unit (UDU) has the responsibility for: * Investigations of underwater crime scenes in the City of Los Angeles * Search and Recovery of property and related criminal evidence * Recovery of lost or stolen property * Underwater photography and video documentation * Body recoveries * Narcotic or Bomb vessel hull searches * Removal of conditions that pose a threat to life and property, or where City liability exits * Other duties as directed by the appropriate authority So before you call some one an idiot, you might want to do some research and actually know what your talking about before you look like an idiot theparanoid. Now where did i mention the LA River, and Jon, who did, is from Texas. Next time I suggest you be much more careful because I wouldnt want you to make all veterans look like idiots.
  8. And..that has what to do with LA Emergency Services? CTU, for fictional purposes, is a Government based group who deals with stopping terrorism. You dont see Jack pulling people over in an LAPD Patrol Car do you? Or calling for a RA at the scene of an MVA?
  9. And fyi, dds files cant load in photoshop cs4(64 bit), only 32 bit. Maybe one day there will be a fix for this..
  10. Did you download the mod, extract it using winzip or winrar, and then double click the exe file?
  11. Cleaner and Defrag should be the first steps. For defrag i like Vopt and SmartDefrag, and schedule them to run once a day when your sleeping. Also find Malwarebytes, the free version will do fine, and install it, update it, and then run a full scan. Another good one I recentley used was F-Secure Rescue CD. Its built on a linux kernal so windows never gets to load the viruses and can do a more efficient job of cleaning these viruses out then windows based anti viruses, gotta admit I do love linux for that "live" experience, and of course server atmosphere.
  12. Sounds like real life to me. In a recent fire by the time units got there it was to late to get in the structure for very long and had to fight the fire from the outside for about 3-4 hours, maybe longer, but it was 100 year old building so of course that didnt help matters. Oh and personally I think it makes it more fun to have some big fires. What fun is it if every fire can be put it out in 2 mins with one engine?
  13. Dont know how to maintain a windows os eh? As for quint-rescues, well that depends. It up to the department as to what equipment is on board. Every ladder in the cit here is a quint so to speak, but if its stored with an engine, then it is used as a dedicated ladder. If its stored by itself then it functions as a quint.
  14. Or right click on the desktop and go to properties. The game should technically support any resolution. My native res is 1680x1050 which is not officially supported by EM4 but it upscales just fine. Let me guess your running vista? If so you dont want to edit the file directly from with in the program files folder. Copy it to your desktop, edit, save, then paste back to where you got it from.
  15. Well of course things have to be improvised for games sake. Doesnt matter if you do the changes manually. If you use the installer, then check if the stop lights added in patch 3 are present or not. If not then obviously this has to be updated.
  16. lafirestation.script,lafirestationstart.script.latopolicestation.script(or something like that). or maybe he just has a better computer then you. Those of us with high end pcs arent going to notice much difference with 5-50 models compared to some one with a Pentium or Celeron processor.
  17. Im a bit late but great job guys! Keep up the good work!
  18. I swear the motorcycle chase thing has been brought up like 3 times this week already. Not to say Hoppah wont ever add it, but its alot of work, so let it go already.
  19. ^new mapping system? I thought NY Mod was the only one to use this and they havent released there secret...or did I miss something?
  20. lol i cant say i have ver had that but some times for brush fires I cant seem to find the source of the fire as soon as it is dispatched.
  21. Lies! You could make it possible! In all seriousness, they do search ship hulls for bombs and such to, but i suppose that could be included in the terrorist attacks and such.
  22. Im in favor of the random message idea. Maybe it could say stolen car, so the cop lights em up and the stolen car takes off like the current stolen car event running people over and so forth before finally crashing(cut scene maybe) or they finally decide to stop.
  23. First off theres no need for two threads. Secondly, most of this can be covered with searching but I will gice you a quick run down of your questions: 1)What program/how do I build Custom Objects and Vehicles? - Zmodeler - Photoshop to make texcture. 2)How do I apply textures to said Buildings/Vehicles? See 1 3)How do I convert these files and such so that they appear in the game's editor? See 1 4)Obviously, engines and things are going to need objects in them, Pump connections, etc. (Which Are All In The Editor) and are obviously going to need to be available on the engine, so they will need to be linked on to the objects. Is that done in the editor or via scripting? - Both 5)Spawn Points, Vehicle Boundaries, Fires, What The Fires Look Like, How They Spread, When They Spawn, Where They spawn, is that all done in the editor or somewhere in scripting? - Scripting 6)What EXACTLY is done in the editor? Placing building on a map texture. Placing virtual objects linked to scripts. Placing events, etc. 7)What EXACTLY is done in the scripting section? Every single command relies on a script written in C++ which is something you learn in a night. Now as for a team, good luck, but theres tons of people out there right now trying to create a mod that, no offense, like you have no idea what there doing. First you need to learn all these things or atleast some of them, if you want to have any chance at creating a mod. The people who do know how to do these things are already busy with project(s) so sorry to say but your on your own. You can always post on the forums and we can help you to an extent bu in the end you gotta learn to do things on your own(not saying you dont, just we see this all the time, some one starts a mod, realized how hard it is, and it dies off in no time).
  24. You dont seem to comprehend, let me explain it so you can understand. RESCUE operations are not typically handled ny LAPD Underwater Dive Unit/Divers. Never did I say the diver itself was useless, nor did I say weather Hoppah could add it or not did I? Because I dont see that. I could have sworn I simply tried to explain how the procedures operate in LA, so excuse me for bothering to enlighten you, to some extent, on how water rescues are carried out with in LA. I would enlighten you on the purpose of the LAPD Underwater Dive Unit and its members based on research I have done, but meh, I have wasted to much time already explaining this would be "another useless vehicle" at this point.
  25. Get rid of the annoying bold type and Ill come back to read this.
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