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Everything posted by Xplorer4x4

  1. Survey time: Should hazmat and ALS RA be parked in back of FS2 or move FS2 to allow for each unit to have it's own bay like at FS1?
  2. From the OP "All units of the series, plus some units of the Chicago Fire Department will be present in the mod!"
  3. Exactly, you dont want it on looped, you want it on single. A single animation going down when triggered, and a single animation going up when triggered(or not triggered so to speak). Loop means in a non-stop loop.
  4. Actually, I started this a year or two ago. It was a WIP back when I took hiatus and I been busting ass on it since I returned. So a release might be sooner then you think.
  5. Technically you could use a program like Audacity(I think thats the name, been awhile, basically an audio editing program) to adjust the volume level on these particular sound effects.
  6. I can't say thats the only problem, but those are the first two that come to mind. Check the LA Mod Alterations forum. Theres a pinned topic about the alarm in there.
  7. Psst check your PMs In your case you could make a transition fairly easy for the most part. I prefer Araxis Merge, but you may try Beyond Compare or any similar software thats lets you compare two scripts/docs side by side. From there merge your scripts in to mine. Then place your VOs and if needed add any new commands you made to the prototypes. Not hard just a bit time consuming. Fire Stations: The fire stations are not going to be seeing a lot of extra units parked outside as was the case with the OG 4x4 submod. I have chosen three real life stations as the basis for the project and given the real life apparatus on these stations, I think people will be pretty content with the units already on the map. Plus the usual extra apparatus will be available from off the map! Ideas/Suggestions: Also if people have any suggestions I am open to ideas but this mod is pretty feature packed as it is so it might wait until the next project but the offer is on the table for suggestions and ideas!
  8. And now for some info!!!!!!!! I am not going to release all the details just yet! Little by little! So what can we expect from this project? ALOT!!!!!!!!! New models, new call buttons, some new features based on classic features we all know and love! First, lets start out with some info on the po-lice! 1. A new LAPP Crown Vic was added with a nice pretty LED lightbar. 2. A new LAAP Chevy Tahoe complete with LED lighting package courtesy of the light guru himself CFD! 3. SPAWNING! - Don't you hate how you have to take time to send out PD units to various points of the map? Forget it! 3A. Both LAPP Crown Vics will be spawn at the LAPP station and staffed at the start of the game! 3B. LAAP Crown Vic and Tahoe will will spawn at the LAAP station and staffed at the start of game! 3C. A CHP unit(undecided which one of the three) will spawn on the freeway and be staffed at the start of the game! 3D. All of the above units have specially designated patrol paths. The LAPP wil patrol in and near the port. The LAAP will patrol near the airport(sadly they patrol a bit further out then I would like but I kept them as close as possible to the airport)! 3E. After the units above have spawned, they will automatically start patrolling after a few seconds!
  9. This is a beta release and bugs are expected. Some engines and units serve as place holders for the final models. So things may not be 100% accurate in terms of models at this time. Some units are missing unit images, and such. Some scripts are still being tweaked. That said you should be able to enjoy this with out much issue.The final version will likely be hosted on my dedicated server allowing fast downloads and have very little wait time and nice installer..although technically the mod installer works great, just sucks at compression. Download: Beta 3 https://www.mediafire.com/file/85lsqhiccgma03m/Los_Angeles_Mod_v2.0_4x4_W00ds_Map_v1_BETA_03.rar/file This mod requires Narco's light pack. If you are getting white boxes where the lights should be, it means that the light pack was not installed properly (if at all). It also requires these extra coronas: http://www.filesonthe.net/CVk3M
  10. Have you modified the script at all? If so post it.
  11. lol on a serious note, Hoopah is right when he said start off simple. Rather then going all out from scratch pick a mod and start tweaking that until you really get the hang of it.
  12. Is the WAV file Mono AKA Single channel? As for the lights, when your in the light editing part of the editor, in the bottom right corner you will see three letters R, G, B each with a number beside it. This stands for Red, Green, Blue, respectively. You need to set the number according to the shade of blue you want. I believe soemthing like 10, 10, 100 is going to get you a blueish white light. Where as 10. 10, 200 gives you a much more true blue.
  13. In the game directory there is a file called logfile.txt attach that to a post here. In the mean time try updating your graphics card/chip drivers.
  14. Yeah it does seem to be some sort of coordinate. Something about figuring out the closest unit to send. Its in the Battalion Chief script: http://pastebin.com/7Y3tWz2R
  15. So looking in the battalion chief call script, I see things like this: if(Station1) { v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_GATES, Caller, 5, false); float dx = 1050.f, dy = 0.f, dz = 0.f;What is float dx?
  16. Doors have there own prototypes and model/.v30 files. You need to edit the v3o files for those and then you can find the prototypes for the doors in the Objects section I believe.
  17. Yeah cable management is always the biggest pain imo. If you get some shots of the back of your fan controller maybe I can point you in the right direction, that is if you still want to use it.
  18. Thought this was an interesting watch.
  19. Thanks this might come in handy for me too. Technically there are a few small alterations between w00ds map and this map. Nothing major but one thing that comes to mind is the fire station driveway for FS1.
  20. Right click installer, run as admin. Do not change anything, just keep clicking next. Do no run the map switcher as that is for the original map and Hoppah's LA Mod map.
  21. With out seeing the scripts we would be guessing forever.
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