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Everything posted by Xplorer4x4

  1. Which ones are the older ones? the white ones? I notice that the white ones mention OES, Was OES phased out of doing SWR? I also found this truck: http://www.code2high.com/LAFD/lafd_swift44.jpg I noticed the body was a tiny bit different. Is this a current style to?
  2. lol never seen one quite like those, I think we use one with a longer bed that can fit a stretcher on it, but it looks nothing like that.
  3. I want to know how to create the event, not how to pass the event.
  4. Since you go through the audio you have, assuming this would be legal, I think it would be awesome if you could use an app like Sony Soundforge, among many others, to cut out clips and release the dispatch parts of the chatter to actually replace the games dispatcher. Obviously this wouldnt be perfect since, for example the tower is #7, your dispatch may say Truck 10, or refer to it as the wrong Lightforce # but it would improve the mod imo.
  5. I may seem like an asshole but I do have a sense of humor
  6. Will there be any suicide jumpers(from windows) on the new map? If so how did you manage to accomplish this because I cant figure it out.
  7. Well she was like 16, in a Honda Accord trying to cross one of the busiest streets in town in the worst ice storm the city has ever seen. Keep in mind she had to cross 3 lanes of traffic, the third lane was a center turn lane, but it hadnt been plowed like the main lanes had. But none the less, she was an idiot and hammered the gas as I was about to make contact with her bumper. Gave her a nice jolt when she came sliding back in to my brush guard.
  8. You missed the sarcasm. I figure the thread starter probably doesnt speak English well and intended it as a suggestion, but didnt state it so I thought I would take the opportunity to make a joke.
  9. I dunno about that, I can go on ebay and order some LEDs from Hong Kong for cheap, and as many LEDs go in to one bar, I would imagine Fed Sig and such get great deals on them.
  10. Yeah it was crazy. There were cars stalled out in the middle of streets for days because people couldnt move them. I learned a valuable lesson, when pushing dumb teenage girls in front wheel drive cars out of the snow, explain to them do not push the gas until I have made contact with your bumper and I have started to actually push your vehichle with my truck. Didnt really hurt my truck but it did dent her bumper a bit. Yeah lol, it sounded like they got him. I know a few cops hit the sticks, and to top it off he was headed out into rural 2 lane highways with little shoulder room usually. Aprently i missed another chase this Saturday. Not sure on all the details but the guy rammed a Sheriff car on purpose. The Sheriff realized the guy was coming for him and wouldnt stop so he moved but the guy swerved just to hit him. He disabled his own car in the process from the sounds of it.
  11. The guy on that blog is an idiot. Funny he even goes as far as to say he defrags his drive once a week. Just because they use the same database doesnt say much when even there paid apps arent that great. Go on a tech forum and see what the experts, or better phrased, experienced users recommend. Nod32,and Kaspersky will undoubtedly be at the top of the list. You dont strike me as network engineer,but none the less, its obvious that defrag will help performance if you understand what it does. Please, AVG free is a joke, unless we are talking free anti viruses. Again, check tech forums and see what people recommend in terms of paid anti virus software. Just looking at Wikipedia alone, Nod32 by far, is the most recommended of all. AVG was by far the worst.
  12. ^It's not a suggestion, he just posted a pic of a motorcycle.
  13. http://www.matousec.com/projects/proactive...nge/results.php Still like bitdefender?
  14. Well like I said this was simply to test out the OC Genies, which is the built in OC system. Im impressed. I couldnt even do a 5% increase on my POS ASUS P5N-D. This is the cooler: http://www.frozencpu.com/products/7542/cpu...g&mv_pc=141 with the Scythe S-FLEX SFF21F fan on it. Temps with out an OC at idle are about 28*C on 2 cores and like 32* on the others.
  15. HDDS dont care about defrags? Unless your running SSDs, thats not ture. defrag hurts SSD but is best run about once a week or so on your main hard drive, and any hard drive for that matter. As for running multiple security suites, i never said run them at the same time, but even then if you know what your doing you can easily run 2 at once. I meant Nod42 as a primary scanner and Malwarebytes as a back up. Avast is good...for a free anti virus, its nothing compared to Nod32,Kaspersky,or even Comodo Anti Virus. Comodo Security Suite is free, and actually the best security software available right now, or atleast a top 3 as things change but Comodo is consistently a top 3 among both paid and freeware anti virus solutions. Nod32 has only given me trouble with one software, DVD Rebuilder Pro/Cinema Craft Encoder SP2 which its doubtful anyone here runs, or very very few at the least. Oh and as for the AMD app, I still dont think there is a need. Maybe on older AMD Dual Cores, but not there current ones, but then again Intel makes a much better chip atm so go figure.
  16. How do you plan to delete it? The technical help section would have gotten just as much help. This is the most visited forum, but that doesnt mean most people here can fix the problem. As for the problem, I assume you downloaded it legit and not from a torrent tracker? My guess is you havent activated it.
  17. You do? BTW, I assume that means you help me when I need help? If so I cant recall such a time.
  18. That was rude? Its a legitimate question. People never run a defrag and wonder why after a year of use there pc runs like crap. Because the datas spread all over the hdd making the hard drive work much harder to find needles in a haystack worth of data. People run a POS antivrius like Norton or Mcaffe and wonder why there pc runs like crap. Well first of all the programs are bloated, and secondly there protection is worthless. I can pretty much guarantee any one running an anti virus like mentioned above, would find many viruses in there PC if they bothered to scan with Malwarebytes or Nod32. Then again with the lack luster security they had they most likley need to resort to something like F-Secure Rescue CD. This is designed to boot up under linux and scan you hard drive so windows doesnt load, preventing viruses from loading at the start of windows and becoming embedded in the OS. Oh and I wouldnt trust the app, unless it was made by AMD, and even the I deal with computer building on a daily basis and never heard any one mention that app.
  19. In terms of benchmarks there is better gaming performance I believe. Nothing worth bragging about, but improvement none the less. I was p!ssed about the WMP toolbar being gone to, as are many people. Theres tutorials on how to switch it back to WMP11 if you really need it. @Billy, btw the reason my frequency was under clocked in CPU-Z is the power saving feature in the Corei7 chips I believe.I was able to push this to just under 4Ghz yesterday with just the built in OC Genie. 3.9 was a bit much but I think it can handle about 3.7 or 3.8 with the OC Genie. I may play around and manually OC it a bit here soon and see what I can get out.
  20. Sound like your moving on up, congrats Mike! I hope it all goes well for you. You sound pretty excited to get started. Hopefully you wont be to busy to keep proving us with outstanding information here at EMP.
  21. The few SUVS we have here are CSI units, aside from one. This isnt a PM but I might be able to host a mirror, but isnt EMP on thee dedicated server now? Shouldnt it be able to handle the traffic now? Im not sure the timer matters. I would think that the Engine, being the smaller truck, would have slightly faster speeds then the tiller, so even if it dispatches a few seconds later, it will still colide regardless.
  22. Do you know how to properly maintain a PC? Virus scans,and defrag for starters?
  23. Thanks for the pics. My bad on the typo I meant I wasnt trying to offend you but your knowledge of LAFD seems rather lacking for being an LAFD FF. And I pull up district maps of my area when I listen to my scanner But we only have about 20 trucks in the city, and most stations only have a pump or a quint so its not hard, and the county stations are split up where its rather easy to look up.
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