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Everything posted by Xplorer4x4

  1. Searching is your friend.
  2. Why use a trainer? I think the only time I managed to run of money was dealing with a riot that grew out of control till there was 20-30 people rioting. I had to purchase 2 SWAT Heavy Rescues, and like 3 Mass Causalities, but in reality its hard to run out of money with out a trainer is my point. Every call? What are you using a K-9 on every police call? Theres your problem. Use the k-9 sometimes, not all the time. Like I said I believe its standard that EMS is dispatched to any call when a K-9 has bit a suspect. So in real life a suspect would have to be treated by EMS "wasting" resources. @Hoppah: I cant seem to drop a diver from either CG helicopter. Whats the command in the editor, and what is the text displayed in the game for the command?
  3. In terms of realism, I think its usually procedure to send EMS in such a case anyways, and using the default settings, its pretty hard to run out of cash to buy another ambulance if needed.
  4. Thanks Mike, thats pretty much what I was getting at to some extent. I dont think you would see CHP blasting through traffic using these type of patterns, but your the expert so please correct me if I am wrong. I would think you would want to be far more visible then that when responding in heavy traffic. Plus I was trying to connect this to the mod. As you know in the mod we dont have the choice of all those patterns. Its code 3 with TA, or the TA. In the case of the TA, its pretty much just the TA in all the light set ups aside from maybe one light on each side of the TA. So this really wouldnt be to accurate in terms of keeping the mod real since we dont have the ability for different patterns.
  5. If your not to worried about a particular order, I wouldnt mind reading up on the foam tenders. Never quite understood there purpose in the mod since I thought it was purley a foam truck, but from something I read around here, that didnt quite sound to to be the case. Keep up the good work Mike. We all appreciate the time you put into this guide. Question: I know you said its difficult to summarize dispatch policy, so perhaps you could answer a specific example? If ALS is needed but an ALS engine is closer then an ALS bus, I assume the ALS Engine would run medical aid until an ALS bus is on scene.
  6. My guess, the BMWs and Benz are newer equipment and will phase out the old beat up trucks over time. For them BMWs and Benz, arent as expensive as they are to us in America as they have to be shipped over seas and such.
  7. See, to me, thats a good thing. Same here, rained all morning and then cleared up in the afternoon. Once it cleared up it was slightly on the chill side, but mostly t-shirt weather aside from the wind gusts.
  8. Well find time! Just kidding but I am anxious none the less
  9. And Paint.net is free and supports DDS as well.
  10. I dont think thats there code 3 pattern, atleast I would hope not. I dont know if theres a term or code for that but I think thats when there working a minor traffic accident, for example, and dont want to be overly flashy/distracting.
  11. Well I meant to change that after your last post but basically I thought i needed that to check for the raft, but obviously not. Im going to try out the standard 2.0 mod to see if that freezes to. Im wondering if its something in my video card drivers causing the freeze. Im using the latest drivers, 9.12. EDIT: Yep LA Mod 2.0 with out any modification freezes up my entire PC, so that ruled out faulty submods. Im going to test out some older drivers for my 4890 and see what happens. EDIT2: Checked my system logs, seems it MIGHT be related to Realtek Audio Drivers. Testing this now.
  12. Wouldnt you be able to swap prototypes and that way you could put a condition in to check if a body has a tarp so that the game knows not to treat victims with tarps on them?
  13. Hmm I dont see how the prototypes could refer to the old boat, I cant find a prototype for the old motorboat in childs, and the main prototype is using the raft model for now to try to work around. Does that code atleast look right?
  14. Im guessing something is blocking traffic north(up) from there. Look for a person or bird or something in the road.
  15. No the handler should get the dog when he exits the car.
  16. I checked the entercar script which refences the swr_boat.e4p files has the dummy. I think im going to be waiting for Hoppah on this. Funny thing is, I actually edited tried to work around itb y changing the model file for the motorboat to the raft. Turns out fine in the editor, but didnt work So i checked the child prototypes but dont see the motorboat listed. I dont think i will need to clone the tiller script because the raft is already referenced as a dummy. Thanks for trying though. If you have more idea feel free to post them.
  17. heyjoojoo, any plans to update this for the deluxe map in 2.0. Its so much more real then the foreign guy who pops up to dispatch.
  18. Xplorer4x4

    xbox or ps3

    You never really said it was either more prevalent or not, : You dont have to repair your Xbox every 3 months, God. Thats only a holdover from the early days of 360 BETA devices that sucked. As for MGS4, or whatever game it was, if it cant fit on a Blu-Ray then it would be impossible to fit on a Dual Layer DVD like that used for the 360. If you want to get angry, go for it. I was simply saying, not starting a flame war, but when your sentences look like: "You do NOT have to frickin pay for CoD online, Jesus. "You dont have to repair your Xbox every 3 months, God. " If it werent for the bolded words it wouldnt sound harsh, but eh way you phrased it, seemed harsh, but text on a screen can come across that way sometimes. It was one post..in a thread of 35. Really though, now that I think about it, if you can afford a PS3, go for it. The only thing your going to lack is the ability to swap batteries in the remote, but hell you can always go buy another controller and keep one charged while the other is in use. That and missing out on 360 exclusives, but if you go 360 you miss PS3 exclusives so your screwed either way.
  19. I envy you, we get one bad snow every few years, and the years between we get some light dustings, maybe just enough to make the country roads slick but not the cit roads.
  20. Well to some extent yes, because the truck is fine, its just the wrong boat on top. Im thinking i either need to script it to add the correct boat as a child on top, or script it in away like the tiller is. Problem is I honestly dont know how I would do either. EDIT: Here is what I came up with: ActorList l25 = Game::GetActors(VO_SWR); for(int i=0; i < l25.GetNumActors(); i++) { Vector Swr = l25.GetActor(0)->GetPosition(); Vehicle m = Game::CreateVehicle(OBJ_SWR, UNNAMED); if (m.HasCommand("DummyMotorboatCheck")) { m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "DummyMotorboat", &m, 0, false); } m.EnableBlueLights(false); m.SetPosition(Swr); m.UpdatePlacement(); m.SetMaxPassengers(4); m.SetSpeed(12.0f); m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false); m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 1.0f); m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false); m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 1.0f); m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 9, false); } But its still putting the old motorboat on there.
  21. No need to reinstall. The mod corrupt message is normal. Just click ok and continue like nothing happened.
  22. Any one had any luck spawning the SWR on the map yet, weather in a bay or a in the parking lot?
  23. Sounds like fun, its 50 and raining down here in eville.
  24. I do, because no one ever had a problem with them until 1.9. Untill 1.9 that same intersection(the one your referring to is towards the middle right side of the map right, south of the bridge?), worked fine. Until 1.9 no one ever had problems with traffic not redirecting. I know Hoppah may not have changes these scripts, but that doesnt mean something else isnt conflicting with the system. Im not sure what that is but none the less it seems most likley something is causing a bug.
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