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Everything posted by Xplorer4x4

  1. Well fepends on the mod you want removed. If its LA Mo 1.8, delete the 1.8 folder. If its Winterbug, delete that folder etc. If you still have problems, run ccleaner. May be a left over registry key causing problems.
  2. ^or maybe there was a vehicle or something removed he liked.
  3. lol Hit and run, officer spotted it. Suspects fled and ditched the car bout half mile down the road. Circled back towards the scene on foot and jumped into the low are of a loading dock. Cop saw it and said it might be them. Sure enough K-9 tracked them down. Both juveniles. Driving a stolen car. Correction it was "unlawful operation." Not sure if it become a full fledged auto theft though. I think one went to Juvie and the other was release to his grandmother who I assume was the legal guardian.
  4. That uses the new droid os doesnt it? How do you like it and give some details. Im anxious to possibly get me droid phone.
  5. Odd all those use the swr_boat.v3o and I still get the old boat on top. EDIT:Decided to replace the prototypes rather then change the model file. Seem to have worked. I think there was something missing that was tucked away that I didnt see. Thanks Hoppah.
  6. Your pretty much right imo Billy, Not to mention the craptatic driver support, atleast on the OEM side. My girls wnic had problems so I went to device manager to remove the driver on her Dell Inspiron. It would search for a driver on the next boot but it would never find a driver. Tried the OEM Driver for the "dell" WNIC which was a re branded Realtek chip if memory serves me right. Neither the OEM driver or the Realtek driver would work. I read this was a widespread issue and found a few bug fixes that has little guarantee of working. Eventually it required a format and clean install using the Dell Recovery Disk.
  7. Actually we have a member, mikesphotos, who has been an LA Fire Fighter for several years now. We have all the insight into LA we need. We dont need some 12 year old kid to provide information we already have access to. Go make a map and quit whining about the current map. If you dont like it dont play it.
  8. http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.php?showtopic=9644
  9. In freeplay there arent any bodies on a second floor that Im aware of, so in that case exclude just the missions where you have to rescue people from the second story. Hoppah, just wondering, what prototype is used for the raft on top of the SWR truck? I cant seem to fix this. I changed the prototype in superstructuers to the SWR Raft but that didnt work and i hate having the old motorboat on top.
  10. Ok first did you rename the vo in the editor? If not put it back to VO_HAZMAT on the first line. Off hand I cant recall, Id have to look at my script but I think SetPosition(Hazmat); need to be changed to HES.
  11. Nah you think? If you havent noticed I do know a thing or two about computers. Ill try to dig the reference on wiki up tomorrow. Cant find it atm. If I m not to lazy Ill drag the monitor out of the closet and see exactly what resolutions it sported. I think it went to 1200, but I dont recall for sure.
  12. Im actually interested in being a hammy as well. Can you give me some idea as to what you had to do, how long it took and does it cost?
  13. 7 does have UAC but its best disabled. Oh really? What bugs do you/did you have in Vista? Nothing major I bet. Dont listen to the vast majority. Vista has actually become a quite stable os.
  14. Indeed it must. Must be based on history not cookies then.
  15. Ok me mod. I suppose we really need to close the thread just because you have an answer. If you havent noticed threads dont usually get locked just because there "solved."
  16. http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.php?showtopic=9732 http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.php?showtopic=9535 http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.php?showtopic=9368 You have atleast one topic on each of the last 3 pages in OT about things where you have no reason to mention China. Commander has none.
  17. Indeed post your scripts. Have you considered putting the tower in Station 2? This way you have an aerial device at both stations and have jaw of life at both stations?
  18. The way I see it, why help when your to lazy to even use a semi descriptive title related to your problem.
  19. What about disabling it just for that mission instead? Anyways glad my idea for a fix worked for the missions! Im a genius!
  20. Your stupid. Just kidding but zmod 2 works fine in win 7 for me. I have version 2.1.1. Build 946. Make sure when you install it, and any other app and game, you right click and choose Run As Administrator.
  21. 331 times. I think some of you need to clear your cookies more often lol.
  22. Like I always say, if it wasnt like reading a short story, maybe people would read it. Theres so much useless shit in there dragging it out. Its almost like a legally binding contract. This is just a forum. No need to be so serious. For example: What the point in saying the rules apply to all the sites when the forums are the only place they have any use. Saying mods,admins and webmasters are staff? Come on its 2+2. Everyone is a guest? Seriously now.. Why dont you quite creating useless topics about "your country" when you dont live in china? Commander whatver his name is doesnt even compare in the least to this guy.
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