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Everything posted by Xplorer4x4

  1. Well....fun day here! So about, oh maybe 5:30 or 6 PM, I hear a Federal Q off in the distance getting closer, but I dont hear it blast an intersection so I assumed it was the apt complex down the road, not our apt complex because they wouldnt have to blast an intersection. A few minuets latter I hear air brakes releasing excess air. Look outside red leds flashing all over the place. All the sudden I hear a man yell "EVERYONE OUT" so I run in the hallway and ask the FF "did you just say everyone out?" "No" he responds. Well I know he did because the 3 other people in the apt with me heard it to. I see them go down stairs. Theres 4 apts down there. Well Apt 1 was empty. Husband was at work, his wife, who knows. Guy across the hall is an older male, prolly 40 years of age and very heavy set, but I know he does eat healthy, but my first assumption was heart attack. Nope. So that leaves 2 more apts. Anything can happen but one of the two is occupied by my girlfriends cousin whos dating one of my friends from high school, ages 23-25. I figured it wasnt them or the door would be open and there dog barking. 1 apt left. College guy, never home. Chances of it being him, unlikely. A couple is standing on the landing between floors. The guy says did you see the dumpster fire. I said no...I crouch down a little and see alot of smoke, and after doing a double take, I see the dumpster engulfed in flames. Flames were about 7 feet tall. FD, once they got the truck around to the backside of the building where the dumpster was, the caller gave them the wrong street, put a 1.5 inch supply line on it and knocked it out it a few seconds. It could have gotten ugly though seeing as theres a tree that nearly hangs over the dumpster. Close enough flames could have reached it if it wasnt extinguished in times. The dumpster about 15 feet or less from the building, and the base of the tree is about 4 feet. Things could have gone bad...
  2. Yeah Im looking forward to a source for this myself..
  3. Can we atleast get the original EM4 events scripted and working in game, IF we even can, before we start getting bombarded with suggestions?
  4. Id be happy to help, but I think it would be rather out of my league, but always willing to lend a hand to help further everyones enjoyment of EM4.
  5. PRL is irrelevant to what hes doing.
  6. Thats not really the point though. Im just saying they didnt do TO bad for them selves. Wouldnt that mean they were in about 3-4 place in the season since there were a final four team?
  7. Trolling? Lol because you asked for an opinion and I replied one time and gave my thoughts on the matter? Its probably a safe bet that if your worried about getting a pair of Oakleys, you obsess over name brands to "be cool." Personally, I am past high school, and dont care about name brands. If it looks good it looks good. I dont care if its Tommy Hilfiger,Polo,etc or a $10 shirt. It looks good it looks good. Obviously not. With all the flaming and over reacting what did you expect?
  8. The map looks good but does it actually expand the game in any other way then offering a new map?
  9. Where did you catch anything about copy and paste? You open the files in mspaint, or another app, and repaint them.
  10. As long as the folder name doesnt change(Los Angeles Mod) the Hoppahs installers will work.
  11. Indeed traffic management was HORRIBLE on the second map. The second one had a few problems but wasnt bad in terms of traffic. The main problem on the first map was down by the airport. One path ended in the parking lot and needed to be adjusted so the cars on the path could make it around the parked cars so they could reach the end of the path.
  12. The thread star hasnt bee on since 15th August 2009 - 04:30 PM. I think the projects pretty much good as dead. You seem pretty knowledgeable so I would suggest that you would be best to start from scratch and work some magic on your own, or any one willing to contribute.
  13. What kind of answer did you expect? Anyways,like I said CCleaner is the only trusty worth app for registry cleaning unless you actually know what your doing to clean it out manually. Used CCleaner for about 3 years and never had a problem.
  14. For EM4 you need to install patch 1.3 for the game(not an la mod patch) from the download center.
  15. My mirror is dead to. Obvious it doesnt matter.Next time you plan to release a new version, let me know and I will see if I can host a mirror then.
  16. Just making sure, but did you fix any of the bugs or simply make them compatible?
  17. You just like them cause you from Indianapolis(well close enough:p) Yes, but this was the first year they had Farve on the team, and didnt they pick up one or two other good players this year? Dolts?
  18. Nothing to exciting hear but VERY BUSY mostly along the interstate. We have a slight dusting of snow and they have worked prolly 15 or so slide offs, 2 MVAs and one commercial break in alarm in about 30 minuets or so. @LMAO, "You cant cure stupidity" quoted from an officer or deputy. One deputy was headed to another MVA and said there was 2 more cars off the road. Also some guy drove past an officer/deputy and flung mud all up on his cruiser and hit a guard rail in the process. I believe it may have flipped a few times to. Totals up to about 30 slide offs.
  19. Well reason I ask, the cops made several runs to an apt in my complex the other day. Guy in the apt was drunk, girl wanted in. Had called the cops a few times and the cops were fed up and pretty much told the girl tough luck getting in. She called back later saying the guy was threatening suicide. One cop car/2 officers showed up, AMR never stopped at the scene, just circled the parking lot. They didnt take the guy into custody nor to the hospital. Well it differs a bit here. Call tones go out, trucks dispatched, and when the truck(s) say in route, dispatch gives them any extra details, and then says all further traffic on TAC X, and depending on the department they go to Tac4,5,6,7 and possibly 8, cant recall off hand. At times they do as you say and if they get on scene and find an actual working fire, then they will say switch to TAC X.
  20. Whats not to get, it says 2.0 in the topic. Problem is you wont have the SWR truck available, and some other things as well. You have to manually merge the xml files or use the AUS+SG submod when it becaomes stable.
  21. Well if memory serves me right, I was simply stating what one of Mike's fellow LAFD colleagues has said. And dont forget, until recently if I remember correctly, the Jaws were stored on the HES, but I think they were removed a few months ago from most, if not all HES.
  22. Its exactly the same except Darren spelled Lifeguard wrong on the original and [sAP]Francis was nice enough to fix it for me/us. Im lazy atm but maybe if we ever get a working version of AIS+SD submods, I might take the time to merge them with Rihis submod, permission pending of course, so that this wont effect some one using one or all of those submods.
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