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  1. For the green vehicle, go to your em4.cfg and go to this line: <var name="e4_doocclusion" value="1" /> Change 1 to 0
  2. Its fairly simple, just need to edit the keys.xml in the specs folder. <keys> <binding key="Mouse0.Button0" action="LeftClick" /> <binding key="Mouse0.Button1" action="RightClick" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.PgUp" action="TiltCamDown" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.PgDown" action="TiltCamUp" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.D" action="Right" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.A" action="Left" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.W" action="Up" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.S" action="Down" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.Home" action="Entry" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.NP+" action="ZoomIn" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.NP-" action="ZoomOut" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.N" action="JumpToSquad" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.Enter" action="CenterCamZ" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.Return" action="CenterCamZ" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.LCtrl" action="ToggleRotate" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.RCtrl" action="ToggleRotate" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.NP0" action="SendHome" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.1" action="SpeedOne" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.2" action="SpeedTwo" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.3" action="SpeedThree" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.NP1" action="GroupOne" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.NP2" action="GroupTwo" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.NP3" action="GroupThree" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.NP4" action="GroupFour" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.NP5" action="GroupFive" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.NP6" action="GroupSix" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.7" action="OnKey7" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.8" action="OnKey8" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.9" action="OnKey9" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.0" action="OnKey0" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.M" action="JumpToIdleSquad" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.Space" action="OnVoice" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.Tab" action="SwitchObjectives" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.F1" action="SwitchBaseFireDept" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.F2" action="SwitchBasePolice" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.F3" action="SwitchBaseAmbulance" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.F4" action="SwitchBaseTHW" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.NP4" action="Kill" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.NP5" action="Burn" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.B" action="ToggleBL" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.P" action="SwitchPause" /> <binding key="Mouse0.Z0+" action="ScrollUp" /> <binding key="Mouse0.Z0-" action="ScrollDown" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.F5" action="SaveGame" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.F9" action="LoadGame" /> <binding key="Keyboard0.T" action="Chat" /></keys>
  3. It has happened to me also, I'm not sure why though. You just have to allow it to still download.
  4. If your referring to the Upper East Side, the updated V2, its still in the works. It just has been postponed obviously until the Brooklyn update is done so that many of the features/new vehicles can be incorporated into it.
  5. From what I know, and managed to look up, the stations ambulances are dispatched from street corners, take patients to the the hospital, and then proceed to back to the street corner or to the station to to restock. From what I get, the FDNY EMS spreads itself out over areas not cover by hospitals that run their own ambulances Ex: St Lukes. That is why when St. Vincent's closed they needed to get a new ems station to support the westside . Couple things I found: The proposed facility replaces the staff and ambulance units that were stationed at St. Vincent’s Hospital, which closed in 2010. EMS operates from the subject site using a strategy known as “dynamic deployment.” The ambulance units leave the facility in a non-emergency response capacity, and travel to pre-designated street corner locations, where they wait for emergency calls. When the ambulance is dispatched from the street corner, they pick up the patient and take them to the hospital. From there, the ambulance will either return to its street corner to wait for another call, or return to the EMS facility, where the workers will restock the ambulance. Eight ambulance units operate from this site, with a total of 21 eight-hour tours. http://archive.citylaw.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/31/cpc/2012/7.16.12/120177PCM.pdf According to FDNY, EMS vehicles typically are dispatched from street corner waiting sites throughout the area they cover, rather than from an EMS location. After delivering a patient to a medical facility they return to the station for cleaning and reprovisioning. It is important to minimize travel time between the station and the waiting sites, and between the area medical facilities and the station, because vehicles are not available for service during these periods. With the closing of St. Vincent’s Hospital, which had provided ambulances as part of the City’s emergency medical response system, in May 2010, all of the EMS stations in Manhattan were located on the eastside. This made the identification of a westside location an acute necessity. http://www.nysvara.org/news/2012/june/120603b.pdf FDNY EMS unit location chart: http://www.uemso.com/pdf/UnitCharts.pdf
  6. There are scattered EMS stations around the city , although they are usually subpar to actual FDNY stations. Majority of ambulances are posted on a street corner and wait around for calls.
  7. Can't agree more with what you've said, even EM4 that I bought way back in the day had a Editor Manuel PDF in English, it wasn't the best but it was a starting point at least. I think this is a bigger factor that people forget with all this, life moves on an the people like Raf, Marius, Dyson that I met on this game as a teenager, we are now 20s, in school, starting careers and life. This is probably the same with many others who have been here for longer. Yea we love the game still but obviously there are more priorities and asking to mod for a game that offers no support to us, is as you said not motivating at all. Although modding EM5 is nice, as a hobby I find enough satisfaction in EM4 to stick with it.
  8. could only wish they would go back to the green and black colors
  9. Well unfortunately Ford has stopped production of the Crown Victoria which is why many departments are buying the Taurus and Explorers, but then what Flnn said about the Fusions. Its all about deals who can meet the specifications and produce it the cheapest, which is why you saw the FDNY buying Ferrara ladders and the new engines by KME. I believe Seagrave owns Arielscope which is why this stick to buying the tower ladders from them.
  10. 22. Creating the radar mapThe following is required:- Screenshot from the Editor- Image processing programThe screenshots are prepared as follows:1. Start Editor2. Load Map3. Hide/Show (left bottom):• Set everything as “Hide” (except F1, F4 and Ceilings)• Switch off the lights (bottom centre) using “Lights Off”4. “Shift” + “Enter” (to set the time as 12 hrs)5. Edit -> “Map Properties” -> Light Texture: Set “Timegradient.tga”, set the“Object Shadow Intensity” as 20 and the “Terrain Shadow Intensity” as 40.Click on OK.6. Open the console (F10 function key), enter “set r_clipfar 99999” andconfirm with the Enter key. Close the console again using F10.7. Press “Pause” to reach the Freeflycam-mode and to bring the camera intocorrect position (far beyond the Map)8. Prepare the screenshot (using the Print key)9. Insert the screenshot in the image processing program10. In the Editor, exit the Freefly-mode again using “Pause”11. Open the console (F10 function key), enter “set r_clipfar 32000” andconfirm with the Enter key. Close the console again using F10.In the image processing program:The screenshot must first be adjusted perspectively from the top exactly as per theboundaries of the floor texture. This is normally done using a “Free transformation”function. The brightness/contrast of the screenshot must also be increased to +20/+20 (these values must be adjusted slightly if necessary). The “Saturation” mustthen be set as –60. The result should more or less appear as follows:Emergency 4 – editor manualpage 44 of 45The texture should be scaled down maximum by dimensions of either 210 Pixel inwidth or 150 Pixel in height (proportions must be adhered to in this case). The“Sharpness” filter is then applied. The working area of the image (with black 0/0/0 asthe background colour) must then be set as 210 x 150 with the anchor at the centre.Black horizontal or vertical stripes emerge at the margins. The working area of theimage should now be increased again to 256 x 256 Pixel with the anchor at the topleft side.The result thus appears as follows:The image is now saved in the DXT1 DDS-format (without Alpha/ without MIPmaps)and is filed in the directory of the relevant E4M-file. The file name should be the sameas the map name. -EM4 editor manuel, page 44
  11. Nice job, fun playing it. Besides the bugs everyone else mentioned, the new mini-map picture and the keys.xml so you can use AWSD keys to move around. Both quick fixes. Edit: Also, it seems like when you put a guy up on the ladder, he sprays water, but is missing the spay command so I can't turn him to spray what I want.
  12. From what I've seen from the pictures, some really nice work
  13. http://forum.emergency-planet.com/topic/18954-nyceru-general-topic/
  14. Damn Mikey, quit your day job and become a professional mind reader. Everything I think about this game is what you just said but I don't have the time to type out, and honestly anyone with a looking at this objectively is going to come to the same conclusion.
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